Philip Borrowman Review

Welcome to my Philip Borrowman Review blog post.

In today's online marketing there are more scammers as honest mentors.

"Gurus" of the online world will promise you expensive cars, holidays, and piles of cash with the push of a button. 

After spending more than 3 years in the game, I can assure you, there isn't such a thing as easy and instant money.

The good news is: You can become a millionaire with your online marketing business!

The keywords are dedication and the right mentorship.  

Let me show you if Philip Borrowman is your guy. 

Why Philip Borrowman Review?

You see, you might be asking, why I want to bring to your attention this guy. 

Simply, because there is so much trash out there, when there is something or someone worth mentioning, we shall do it. 

Philip Borrowman is exactly that: worth mentioning. 

Let me show you why, later on.

Among the lines of fake scammers, it isn't easy to stand out.

Also, Philip has created training courses, and if you are clever about your money, you want to know if, he as a creator can be trusted, right?

So, without further ado, let us start!

Who is Philip Borrowman?

Philip Borrowman is a once-upon-a-time baker. 

Since then he change several professions and jobs until finally, he decided to switch.

Being tired of working for someone else, he decided to dive into digital marketing. Considering he helped thousands of people, it was a smart choice. 

What Has Philip Borrowman Created?

There are 2 programs Philip has created so far. 

I wrote an in-depth review of both of them:

Taking Action Online 

Simple Traffic Blueprint 

Apart from these 2 courses, he is also the creator of This is a product reviews website, where Philip shows you products that are worth purchasing and also those that are crap. 

Basically, it is a similar website as mine

How Does Philip Borrowman Earn Money?

As mentioned previously, he has 2 courses out there and product reviews website. 

These ways can be very profitable if done properly. 

I am super glad, Philip has done it properly...his courses are comprehensive, helpful, and super relevant! 

In case you want to hear the specified answer, the ways how Philip Borrowman earns money, it. is:

Affiliate Marketing and Video Marketing. 

Is Philip Borrowman a SCAM?

Philip Borrowman is NOT A SCAM by far. Quite the contrary, he is the furthest away as one can possibly be, from scamming people. 

In fact, on his website, he is reviewing products he PERSONALLY TRIED.

Also, if you would go through his courses, cheat sheets, or PDFs, you will sense his personal and caring approach. 

Unlike Cindy Donovan, another digital marketing "expert". 

Her approach is more like a: give me your money and I don't want to see you anymore. 

Philip Borrowman Review 2.0

If you head over to you will see an outstanding 4.9 score.

Philip Borrowman Review

The reasons many have chosen for giving such a high number, are actually very similar to those I have written about.

Participant of his TAO described Philip as honest, sincere, and a helping affiliate mentor!

Philip Borrowman Review

Philip Borrowman Review

Is Philip Borrowman a Guru?

Again, Philip is the biggest opposition to an online "guru" as one can probably be. 

You won't hear anything about his cars, expensive trips, or his income claims. 

Methods that are so favorite among the present, so-called "gurus"

"Gurus" of The Today: John Crestani, Branson Tay, or Jono Armstrong

Why you don't want to be guided by a guru? 

You see, the chances are, those people DON'T GENUINELY CARE ABOUT YOU. 

All they care about is the money. 

Philip Borrowman Review


I am not saying, that their programs or courses aren't working, but they are likely going to work for a short period of time.

Only for you to realise, that you need the newest "guru's product". 

That's why Branson Tay has created more than 10 products in one single year. You can guess, how will the quality of such gimmicks...

Do I recommend Philip Borrowman as Your Mentor?


You see, I reviewed more than 160 courses, programs, and platforms. 

In the majority, they were crap. So, their creators...

With 100% honesty, I can say Philip Borrowman is different. He really CARES ABOUT YOU.

Most importantly, he ALSO KNOWS. 

Philip Borrowman is the real deal and unlike marketers hunting for your money, he will teach you how to earn money online. 

In short, if you search for honest, legit, and easy-to-follow training on affiliate marketing, Philip's courses are to-go places.

Other recommended programs: Wealthy Affiliate, Affiliate Lab, and Location Rebel

How Do I Earn Money Online?

Similarly to Philip, I do earn money as well with the help of Affiliate Marketing. 

Additionally, I do use video marketing to help me get visitors to my blogs. 

You see, the ultimate choices you have to make are what to promote, and how to drive traffic (visitors) to your offers.

When it comes to products to promote, I wouldn't recommend joining ClickBank, Warrior+, or JVZoo.

Those platforms offer mostly the products SO-CALLED "GURUS". 

On the other hand, what I would recommend is to type:

your niche+ affiliate program in Google.

You will get the most relevant results. 

In terms of traffic, you can choose to go for FREE ORGANIC WAY, with writing for SEO.

The option is to use paid ads. As there is higher financial input and also a risk, I prefer SEO. 

The platform that taught me this, and also Philip, is called Wealthy Affiliate.  I wrote an in-depth review of Wealthy Affiliate below:

Wealthy Affiliate

In short, WA is great because it has a caring community (2.5 million users), step-by-step training on all aspects of a successful online business, and all tools needed in starting and running your website. (keyword research tools, domains, hosting,..)

In case, you want to try it, you can profit from 7 DAYS FREE TRIAL by clicking below.

That's all for today my friends.

I hope, you like my Philip Barrowman review. 

If you have questions, comments, or experiences to share with us, please leave them below in the comment section.

To your success, 


About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. It is super annoying to see A LOT OF these guys selling the same products and promising you results with little or no effort. Sometimes choosing one or two can seem to be a daunting task. I’m curious too, should I recognize the legit ones among these guys? From your review, you highly recommend Phillip Borrowman. Does it mean that people who have joined Clickbank, warrior plus, and JVZoo, won’t get as much value?

    1. The thing is, the products on Clickbank, JVZoo, and Warrior+ are crap in the majority of cases. They don’t teach you in-depth skills. Philip’s courses as well as Wealthy Affiliate, for instance, are teaching you in-depth skills for a LIFETIME. If you learn those skills, you can market them later on for your own business or you can offer your services to help someone else. By that you can work any time, anywhere and for the RATE YOU DEFINE!

  2. Julius, I must say, I really do like your Philip Borrowman review! I read a lot of your reviews and they are very thorough and objective, so your rating this guy so highly means that he must be good! The reviews from TrustPilot also confirm this.

    It is so refreshing to find someone who is honest and sincerely wanting to help others in the online digital marketing space. I am going to learn a bit more about his TAO course by reading your previous review article – which saves me having to do the research myself! (:-). That way, I can decide whether or not to take the course.

    Thanks for the review,


    1. Hi Ceci. I am super happy I could give you some heads up about Phili and his programs. Taking Action Online is one of them and Simple Traffic Blueprint is the second one. Both are legit and can work well together, as one of them is oriented toward video marketing and the other toward affiliate marketing. 100% agree with you , that it is refreshing to find someone who is really caring about his students.

  3. Hey Julius,

    This is such an exciting and inspirational article for me.

    I am not a baker but I love learning about new things from people who have nothing to do with my industry. But, their methods will totally work in the same way for me. Philip seems like a cool guy. Making the switch of industries, as he did, is never an easy task.

    I am growing a leadership development business and selling books, courses, and eventually coaching. So, I will look at Philip Borrowman and see if he works for me. I will let you know how I get on.

    Thank you for sharing and keep up the great work.

    All the best,


    1. Hey Tom. The fact that Philip was doing a lot of different jobs prior to his online coaching, gives an interesting point. I think it proves one thing for sure: EVERYONE CAN START SUCCESSFUL ONLINE BUSINESS. Additionally, Phili is just a super caring guy, so I am sure you will be super happy with his guidance.Also, let me know if should you go for one fo his programs.I would like to hear from you after you will try his things out. Cheers

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