How to Create Desired Lifestyle By Working Online?

See My Strategy That Allows Me Travel Anytime!

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Would You Be Interested in Turning $49 Into 5 Figures Monthly Income?

That's What People Like You And Me Are Earning Using This!

Let Me Tell You a Story! 

Hi and nice to meet you!

I am Julius, and I am 33 Years old. Living in the Netherlands (born in Slovakia).

Firstly, I want to assure you that I am ordinary guy like you, and I am not any "online guru" trying to sell you the latest gimmick.

I love sport, nature, reading, traveling, great movies and great music. I was always a bit of a dreamer and wanted to achieve great things in my life.

My first "BIG SHOT" was: soccer.

After several health issues I didn't manage the big break I was hoping for, so I had to find this J.O.B. (aka Just Over Broke)

Needless to say, I haven't found the job that would fit me to this DAY. (Honestly, I don't think I'll find one ever. Ha-ha).

I was working in the hotel industry for the longest (4 years) and went from greeting guests to manager position.

Even so, I love traveling and therefore working in an International Hotel was fun, I hated that I didn't have my FREEDOM.

You see, when I wanted to be free to meet people I love, or to travel, or just to spend free day, I always had to ask someone. Clearly, I would hear NO oftentimes.

And when I had to work during both New Years Eve, and Christmas Eve on 2019 as 30 years old, I decided: THAT'S ENOUGH.


And since then I did stick to this.

Now, I am some 30 months further from the decision and my LIFE IS MUCH BETTER.

Why? Because, I have:

  • More Time For Me and My Loved Ones
  • Cut Out Meetings, This Means More Freedom and Balanced Life
  • Freedom to Work Wherever & Whenever I Want
  • No BOSS Deciding About My Holidays
  • No Stress Caused by Commuting
  • Income, That Is Increasing Regularly...
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In case you would like to "copy and paste" these lines into your reality, then you are in the right place.


Whatever that means for you!

Do you want to travel the world, spend time with your loved ones or take a "chill" day whenever you wish to?

Then read further, because YOU WILL BE THRILLED!

How to Earn Money Online?

You see, when you know what you want (and what you don't want) THE OPPORTUNITIES WILL FLOW TO YOU NATURALLY.

That's what happened to me.

Please stick with me and I'll show you what I mean.

Even so, there are several ways to create time and financial freedom, I think the easiest way to do it, is online.

But how to earn money online?

Back then, when I started in 2018 I didn't have lot of money to buy expensive courses, licenses, or programs. I almost signed in for franchise fitness school, so happy I didn't in the end.

Going into the debt, without knowing, if there are people who will pay me? I didn't dare to take such a risk.

(As Covid 19 arrived in 2020, I just thanked myself for not taking that decision back then.)

When I was searching for options how to earn money online, I found an ad that showed this "cool dude" on his boat somewhere in paradise island. He said he is earning money while he is traveling. I was amazed.

Later did I learn, that what he (and NOW, ME TOO) was doing is Affiliate Marketing.

I am certain that Affiliate Marketing is the best way HOW TO EARN MONEY ONLINE for people like I was back then: without a huge budget.

After I've seen that ad, I spent some time searching for the best program.

Boy, was I naive, that it will be easy. Long story short, I bumped into some"shiny objects" promising programs (and spent some money eventually) before I found platform that taught me EVERYTHING about how to earn money online.

The number one platform on how to earn money online through Affiliate Marketing is Wealthy Affiliate.

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Affiliate Marketing With Wealthy Affiliate

Affiliate Marketing is, in simple way: SELLING OTHER PEOPLE'S PRODUCTS OR SERVICES.

The best on this business model is that:

  • You Don't Have to Create any Product
  • You Don't Have to Pay Huge Facebook or Instagram Ads Costs
  • You Don't Have to Deal With Customer's Complains
  • You Don't Have to Turn Your Apartment Into Storage Room
  • You Can Work Anywhere & Anytime

But what I love about Affiliate Marketing the most is that while I am earning money, I ALSO DO HELP PEOPLE TO SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS.

Let me show you how this system works and HOW TO EARN MONEY ONLINE WITH IT.

Let's say someone wants to buy running shoes.

Are they many people interested in running nowadays?

Yes, absolutely!

Everyone wants to be healthy. You too, want to look great and in shape! Don't you?

So, when you know someone who wants to get in shape, you can earn commission by recommending the best shoes for your buddy.

The biggest companies like Nike, Adidas or Under Armour have their online affiliate programs.

The way how you will earn money as Affiliate is in the first place to join their affiliate network (FREE of CHARGE). After that you will get your unique AFFILIATE LINK.

Grab it, paste it and earn commission.

If you think about it, it's really win-win situation for everyone here.

You helped the company to make a sale. Also, your friend will be happy, because you helped him/her by recommending something that will help. Lastly, you helped you, because you earned a commission.

Again, do you see that you didn't create the product, you didn't have to ship it or store it?

The Best thing on this that you can get paid, even if you buy the product for your own use.

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Obviously, to refer just to your friend won't be enough to make money on regular basis.

So, you would need to create a website, where people will search for your offers.

Even so this strategy requires some work, inside of Wealthy Affiliate you will learn how to create this website. Additionally, how to attract people interested in your content.

These people will search then for your website without you being actively working on it=> PASSIVE INCOME.

You don't need to know any technical stuff like coding. Also, you won't need to be spending money on ads.

Because you will learn how to drive visitors to your website FOR FREE.

Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate, you will learn how to earn money online with affiliate marketing, mainly using FREE, ORGANIC TRAFFIC.

How to Turn Any Passion into Profit?

Affiliate Marketing works in 4 STEP FORMULA.


It all is that simple.

The best part?


How would it feel, to work on projects you WANT rather, than work on something because you HAVE TO?

Imagine, all the benefits of working from your home (or any location YOU CHOOSE), but without referring to the BOSS.

In other words: imagine working around your PASSION!

Indeed, with Wealthy Affiliate you can create an ONLINE BUSINESS and EARN MONEY ONLINE around YOUR PASSION.

Your passion can BE ANYTHING. (Not necessarily just running). If you love gardening, reading, other sports...for whatever hobby, there are thousands of earning opportunities.

Let me break down that 4-step formula from the beginning!


Let's say you love traveling.

So traveling is your passion, and you CHOOSE THAT TO BE YOUR NICHE.

Undoubtedly, there are people right now interested in traveling.

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Wealthy Affiliate has an amazing website builder that will allow you to choose from 1000's themes.

Additionally, you will create your first website in time less than 1 minute.


So, now when you have chosen your niche and your website is built, you want to find PRODUCTS TO SELL. Those should help solve other people's problems.

There are thousands of products related to traveling on one of the most famous affiliate website: Amazon Associates.

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Amazon is the most popular, but not the only one out there. So, if your niche has just few products to sell, you can head to:

  • Click Bank
  • Commission Junction
  • Share a Sale


You will "navigate", people who are in search for solution to their problems, to your website.

Once inside Wealthy Affiliate, you will learn strategies how to attract the right people to find your solution. As a result of this, you will be able to "expose" your offer to people who are searching for that type of product.

Below is my website displayed on first page of Google (Search Engine).

How easier can it get?

You see, you don't need any technical, coding or advertisement knowledge, because you will learn how to drive those people to your website for FREE.

In simple manner, that high school student can manage how to do it.

There is clearly one step I forgot in this: YOU COLLECT THE COMMISSION ;-) 

Sounds interesting?

When You will join WA, I'll show you how to start Earning Money Online with Affiliate Marketing.

The great news for you is that to start you don't need a huge investment. In fact, you need $49/month. That equals to $1.63/day.

You have also option to try things out COMPLETELY FOR FREE. Wealthy Affiliate has 7 DAYS PREMIUM FREE TRIAL. So, this can give you an idea of how the platform works and make your decision.

What are some results other people have achieved?

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All-in-One Platform In Your Living Room

Alright! I am super exited that you are still with me here and reading.

When you made your decision to give it a try, learning how to earn money online, can be actually quite simple. Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate and its tools you will become affiliate marketing expert within months.

Additionally, Wealthy Affiliate is really all-in-one platform, meaning you will get EVERYTHING you need to run legit affiliate marketing business inside of the platform.

So There is No Need to Spend Money on Expensive Third Party Products.

What Benefits are awaiting you inside Wealthy Affiliate?

  • 1
    Learn The Step-by-Step Affiliate Marketing Strategies And on Your Own Pace.
  • 2
    Choose Your Amazing Theme Out of +1000 Themes Available Within WebSite Builder.
  • 3
    Website Done in 3-Clicks Procedure in Less Than 30 Seconds, no BS
  • 4
    Learn the Latest Trends Within Affiliate Marketing, Social Marketing, Email Marketing...
  • 5
    Find Quick and Easy Content Ideas That Will Set You up Miles Ages Ahead of Your Competition.
  • 6
    Get Instant Help, Inspiration and Support From 24 to 7 Live Community
  • 7
    Get Mentored by Experts in Affiliate Marketing Who Have Been in The Business Over 17 Years.
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See what our customers have to say:

What You Will Get When YOU Join WA Today?

1. Step-by-step Training (Value $997)

Learn the step-by-step affiliate marketing strategies and on your own pace.

Important for getting started. You will be walked through from the beginning to your money producing website.

The teacher in this training is the owner, self successful affiliate marketer who has been in the industry longer than 17 years!

The training includes:

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2. Live Video Classes (Value $297)

Learn the latest trends within Affiliate Marketing, Social Marketing, Email Marketing...

If you won't learn everything from the training, you will get option to join weekly LIVE CLASSES. Jay will be your coach here and he is self, successful affiliate marketer.

You will see his famous (real-life) case studies once you join Wealthy Affiliate

3. Affiliate Platforms Marketplace (Value $99)

Amazon was used in the example above, but there are literally thousands of Affiliate Platforms.

Depending on Your Need. Digital or Physical Product? Service rather than Product? No Problem! Here You'll Find Everything.

4. Keyword Research Tool (Value $399)

Find quick and easy content ideas that will set you up miles ages ahead of your competition.

You remember, when I mentioned the keyword?

At this time there is Jaaxy, coming on to the scene.

Great, keyword research tool, coming with additional functions like SiteRank (tracking your results) and SiteAnalysis( tracking the competition).

With Wealthy Affiliate is Jaaxy FREE for you.

5. Website Builder ( Value $49)

Choose your amazing theme out of +1000 themes available within WebSite Builder.

No need to know any coding. Additionally, You can create and set up your website in less than 30 seconds. It is so easy that a kid can do it.

6. Domain Marketplace (Value $89)

To create a successful affiliate marketing business, you'd need WEBSITE. Domain is something like the address, that people will find you on the world-wide-web map.

After joining Wealthy Affiliate, you don't need to purchase 3rd party domain, because it's completely FREE for you. Included with domains .org you can really build websites that will stand out.

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7. Web Hosting (Value $249)

Hosting is something like a house. Place where your address can be stored for REAL.

Once again, no additional FEES whatsoever. It's completely FREE with Wealthy Affiliate.

8. 24/7 Community and Support (Value $199)

Getting instant help, inspiration and support is obvious here at Wealthy Affiliate.

There are these two amazing extras's: COMMUNITY and SUPPORT. Both are very important in helping you EARN MONEY ONLINE.

Especially, at the beginning.

Community here within Wealthy Affiliate is like having 1.5 million coaches inside at your home, ready to help you and are just message away.

Technical Support is on the other hand, your first aid kit when you have technical issues with whatever part of your business.

No need to worry about hackers anymore. Security Included.

9. Premium Access to Owners (Value $999)

Get mentored by experts in Affiliate Marketing who have been in the business over 17 years.

Is there any better way to learn the skill of earning money online as "looking over their shoulders"?

10. Members Generated Training (Value $119)

Next to the main training inside WA, there is section where the most successful guys created an extra training. In fact, when you get skilled in some specific area, you might create such a training yourself.

Isn't that great to hear that people within WA do really help each other?

If you like getting help and helping others, you will love this feature.


The price you would need to pay is just $49/month.

Do You see why this is such a NO BRAINER?

Now, It's Your Turn.

You have also option to try things out COMPLETELY FOR FREE. Wealthy Affiliate has 7 DAYS PREMIUM FREE TRIAL. So, this can give you an idea of how the platform works and make your decision.

My Bonuses For Action Takers

1. E-book with 8 Strategies to Turbo-Boost Your Affiliate Marketing Business and Helping You Earn Money Online Faster

2. My 1 on 1 Personal Coaching+Mentoring You Inside of The Platform

3. 59% Off From Your First Monthly Premium Membership Price

4. Special Discount on Wealthy Affiliate Premium After Your First Year

See What Ordinary People Have Done So Far

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How much can I earn?

As YOU already saw from the examples within WA, the incomes really differ. It will depend on the NICHE you are in. On the products or services you will promote. Also, it (largely) depends on your TIME and DETERMINATION. That's why, you wouldn't see 2 people with the same results. But that's everywhere, right? Sportsmen, bakers, or consultants starting at the very same time and in very same city, would have different results! Affiliate Marketing is no exception.

Do I have to promote just WA?

Definitely not. You saw, that one part of your membership is Affiliate Platform Marketplace. There are hundreds of other affiliate opportunities. Simple Google search will show you another thousands affiliate programs to join. Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how you can turn these opportunities into INCOME. You are FREE to choose any Niche and therefore any product you will promote. WA being one of the options, but not the only one.

How much TIME do I need to spend?

Again, it differs. As, I understand you would start with this as a side project (what is completely fine), you will decide how much time you will invest. I know, that YOU might need to work next to your affiliate marketing business, and that's not a problem. Those who can dedicate more time to it, would most likely see the results quicker, as those who on the other hand would have less time left. But that makes sense I guess, right?

Is Wealthy Affiliate SCAM?

I already showed you enough proof that WA is REAL and LEGIT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, so it is definitely not a scam. I know you might have this question (as internet is full of SCAMS), but you can be sure and safe, that Wealthy Affiliate is community of REAL people, with REAL results and is made for REAL opportunities. Along the way, you will come across some SCAMS (in Affiliate Marketing quite common thing), but WA is different.

What If I Will Feel Stuck?

That's one of the biggest "unfair advantage" comparing to its competitors. Once, Inside Wealthy Affiliate you will be never left alone. Whatever question, concern or uncertainty you might have, there is this amazing 24/7 Live Community that will help you get over it. Additionally you will have ME as your "success mentor". Last but not least, you can reach out to the owners, who are active inside as well. To sum it up, if you are able to put up some hard work, success is inevitable.

Can I TRY Wealthy Affiliate For Free? 

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate offers 7-DAYS PREMIUM FREE TRIAL. You can use PREMIUM for one week completely FREE. Ideal way for you to try things out, before making any financial commitment. This is another great feature and it just shows how genuine the people behind the platform are. This no "string attached" offer is pretty unique among other Affiliate Marketing training platform. In fact, I don't know any that offers such an option.

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. You can try WA Premium Membership with 7- DAY FREE TRIAL. Don't like it? You can keep using FREE MEMBERSHIP with limited tools FOREVER. 

Start Your Free, No Risk, 7-Day PREMIUM Trial!

"You Can Create Your Desired Lifestyle  Through Consistent Action on Regular Basis. With The Right Training, Tools And Mentorship.”

P.S.: Your Happiness, Success and Wealth is Within a Click Away. Are You Ready To Create New Future For Your And Your Family? Don't Forget, People Who Are Able to Take a Action, Are Those Who Will Achieve Success In The End. 

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