Affiliate Lab

When in search for Affiliate Marketing Training Program, you might stumble across Affiliate Lab from Matt Diggity. 

Not sure, how about you, but there are certain situations in life, when I know if something is suited for me or not.

I know from first sight that Affiliate Marketing is my cup of tea.

But to master Affiliate Marketing you need the right program. Unfortunately, it ain't easy to find the right one.

Since 2018, I saw plenty of (BS), and some legit training programs teaching the best method for earning money online.

Where belongs Affiliate Lab? Another ready-to-be-trash-out type of stuff, or legit and valuable training course?

Let's dive in it and I will show you! 

Founder: Matt Diggity & Jay May
Product Type:
 SEO Affiliate Marketing
Price$997 One Time Payment, or 2 instalments each $597
Overall Rating8/10
Recommended: YES


Some reasons why someone would want to join Affiliate Lab are:

  • Comprehensive Training
  • When Google Changes Its Algorithm, Affiliate Lab Updates Its Training
  • Upsells Free
  • Successful Founder


Some reasons, that might want potential buyer kept away:

  • No Refund
  • Missing Tools/Technical Support

Recommended? ? ?

Even so, there is some negativity around Matt Diggity's Affiliate Lab, I would recommend his program.

But, I can understand the negative reviews.

As well as, I do understand that everyone has its own preference. Not only when it comes to affiliate marketing.

Because, honestly do you like ketchup or mayonnaise on your burger? Million people, million testes! 

When it comes to affiliate marketing, I do like SEO.

Affiliate Lab is based around SEO.

Mostly because Matt Diggity is SEO expert.

On the other hand, nothing is perfect, and that's true also for Affiliate Lab.

But let me show it you, step-by-step.

What is Affiliate Lab?

As its name already hints, Affiliate Lab is online course teaching you SEO affiliate marketing. (It contains around 12 hours of content, so be sure you'd have enough time to consume and learn from it ?)

SEO is technique used to drive traffic to your website on free basis.

On the other spectrum of traffic delivery , there are paid ads.

Affiliate Marketing is business model that normally doesn't require huge start-up costs.

Because it is free of product creation, customer service and product stocks.

The model that Affiliate Lab works describes Matt Diggity like this:

Affiliate Lab

Who is Affiliate Lab for?

Beginning and as well, experienced affiliate marketers will leverage on this course.

Matt is so sure about his training course, that he even call out the SEOs that gave up. He is literally giving hand, second change, never perspective or however you want to call it, to those who tried it, but didn't make it at first.

This is really bold claim in my eyes.

The Man Behind Affiliate Lab

Actually there are two men behind Affiliate Lab.

Even so, the one standing in front is Matt Diggity. It won't be wise to overlook the other guy, who is meanwhile the Matt's right hand, as in his own words.

His name is Jay Yap.

For simplicity’s sake, let's stay at Matt's BIO.

His background of electric engineer caused him a nervous breakdown. Out of necessity he jumps into SEO affiliate.

This points to 2 important findings: don't over-work your self and SEO Affiliate is really for everyone (who's willing to work).

However, in the time of this writing Matt is responsible for presence of several companies:

  • Diggity Marketing
  • Lead Spring
  • The Search Initiative
  • Diggity Links

I am assuming, that's enough reason to call this guy trust able, do you agree?

Refer to the video in Flipping Website Masterclass for more info about Matt's journey so far. 

How Much Does Affiliate Lab Cost?

Hereby, I would like to spare line or two on the Affiliate Lab pricing.

You see, it's not in my PROS or CONS intentionally.

Because the view point is relative for everyone.

Affiliate Lab costs: $997 One Time.

Is that a lot?

Let me break it down for you. 

Firstly, it is definitely less than: Six Figure Mentors or Ministry of Freedom

For illustration, the value and knowledge obtained in Affiliate Lab is better than in those programs ⬆️

Furthermore, it teaches mostly FREE traffic solutions, so it should cost you less to run such a website compare to ads.

Unlike programs like: Fast Tracks or 12 Minute Affiliate

It is also one-time fee. So, you pay once and you have access forever. No Billing. No Recurring payments.

On the other hand, it is safe to say (or to write), that not everyone has almost $1 000 to spend. (or two times $597 within 60 days)

Also, you need to add the additional costs that are not included in the course price.

Costs for necessities such a keyword tool, web hosting with domain and any optional tools like email auto responder for instance.

Those additional costs could be as low as $100 a month, but could climb higher if you decide to outsource. You will be shown how to do the outsourcing properly within Affiliate Lab training.

Moreover about it later.

So, the price comes to the point, how you see itself. Expensive or not, it is your answer!

I wanted to break that down for you, so you got the whole picture, and when that's done...let me show you, what is inside Affiliate Lab.

Inside Affiliate Lab!

As of my writing the Affiliate Lab training course has one standard module and 9 masterclass as bonuses. It is safe to say, that those bonuses equal in value to the standard module.

Let me show you all of it.

Affiliate Lab

#1 The Affiliate Lab Core Training

This is the course that is the display case from Matt Diggity.

What I like about I is that it goes pretty much in-depth. Also, it is well-structured and organised.

When you'll land there, you'll see what to do step-by-step in order to make "this stuff" happen.

Contrary to Affiliate Lab, this program misses the structure: Location Rebel

Matt breaks down the Affiliate Marketing building process in 5 smaller sections.

Affiliate Lab

A) Niche Selection

The first and foremost.

Before you start creating your awesome website, reaching out vendors for affiliate links or imagining your first sale, you have to choose your niche.

I really like that Matt emphasizes the importance of your choice. Many course creators go through this like: "ow, don't take it too seriously, otherwise you will be stuck".

Or even better: "you can always change it later..."

They might be right.

But do you want to spend 1-2 years working on website in wrong niche? Well, good luck with that. Chances are high you'd end up cursing on SEO.

(Then you still have chance to join Affiliate Lab, if you remember from the beginning.)

In short, niche selection is something you want to spend proper time on. Think about what topic you love or would love write about and be busy pretty much your whole working time.

Now is your time, to think about your passions and let them be your money making machine.

Second important part of this section is niche site vs authority site.

Again this is something, that not every affiliate marketers emphasizes enough, but it is wise to know the difference. Niche site is basically very narrow niche.

Something like, Nike soccer shoes.

Affiliate Lab

Authority site would be, something like, how to be better soccer player.

Affiliate Lab

In the first example, you'd write pretty much about the same topic all the time, in the second case you can cover anything from the best shoes, right eating and sleeping to motivational books.

It's wider, offers more content opportunities, but it will also take longer to rank, aka earning money with such a website.

On the other hand, niche site is going to rank faster.

I hope this make sense.

B) On Site SEO

After you have your niche selected, you will start with creating website.

Affiliate Lab does not come with any web hosting, that means you are encouraged to purchase your domain at 3rd party providers.

Such as BlueHost, Hostinger, or Hostgator for instance.

At this time, you are ready to write your first piece of content. Actually no, first you need to know what you'll be writing about, right?

So, it's about time to get introduced to keyword research.

Affiliate Lab

Furthermore, you will learn content architecture, site architecture and in general what will make you rank fastest. I like that Matt is focusing on quality content.

C) Off Site SEO

Standard offsite SEO is doing some social marketing, and maybe answering Quora questions.

But Matt goes a mile further with explaining backlinks.

Affiliate Lab

There are mixed opinions about backlinks.

But regardless of your preference, big G sees backlinks as one of their attributes for better ranking.

That said, you don't have to proactively build backlinks, but if you would, you would rank faster. So, the fact that Matt spends time on backlinks as an option, is very convenient.

As seen below. 

Affiliate Lab

Again, not what many courses teach nowadays.

#2 The Beginner Lab

Remember when I mentioned that Affiliate Lab is also good for starters? Well, the main module is slightly advanced but that's why there is an option for people who are less advanced or beginners.

Hence, The Beginner Lab.

Step-by-step training on how to create your first website, etc. What is blogging. 

Affiliate Lab

#3 Exclusive Facebook Group

This section speaks for itself. You will get access to members-only Facebook group where you will be able to ask questions if something is not clear to you. 

Helpful community is always a huge advantage. 

According to the claims on their sales webpage, Matt is also present inside. 

#4 Conversion Optimisation Class 

Another part which many affiliate courses do not cover: how do you keep visitors on your website?

In other words, how do you improve your CRO (conversion optimisation rate)?

Even so, benefits of this are obvious, better bounce rate, longer duration sessions which should lead in higher rankings and higher sales.

Not many people manage to have this in place. Hence, pay attention at this section.

#5 Featured Snippets Masterclass

Legally stealing snippets from your competition is something that can help you get from 10th place on Google to the 1st place. 

You are promised to be exposed to 2 biggest mistakes keeping you restrained from getting the featured snippets right. 

#6 Authority Blueprint 

If you have started with your niche site, in this part of the training, you will learn how you can transform it to authority site.

Also, you will learn how to time management your work tasks, when working on bigger site.  

#7 Website Flipping Masterclass

In this section, you'll be watching real life case studies of how flipping websites work.

For instance 6-figure website flip case study.

If you want to sell your business and create new, which you will eventually sell as well, you'll love this bonus.

Below: the promised video about Matt skills to flip websites (how you could too) and his BIO.

#8 Outreach Masterclass

This section is mostly about how to write emails to blog owners, who might be yours fit when building backlinks. Inside, you'll find what triggers those blogs or website owners.

In short, this Outreach masterclass will learn you: what should you write in such an email.

Affiliate Lab

As you will progress in digital marketing, you'll see that lot of things depend on psychology.

Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Copywriting...just to name few.

#9 Website Recovery Kit

This is highly technical part of your site building and running.

So Matt basically will show you, how to unstuck your website. He shows you time-tested strategies that helped him to get any of the site(s) unstuck.

Also, if Google will release new update, having this done should help you prevent your website from facing any consequences. 

Moreover, after finishing this section, your website should be free of any (eventual) Google penalty.

#10 The Affiliate Email Marketing Masterclass

Email Marketing belongs to Affiliate Marketing, like Bonnie to Clyde, Jay-Z to Beyonce and Martini to James Bond.

Affiliate Lab

You get my point.

Therefore, it is super helpful that Affiliate Lab comes with lessons on this element of the business as well. Part of this training is also how to collect leads, how to get your emails to be delivered, and what to never say inside of email.

What You Will Like About Affiliate Lab?

Comprehensive Course

I did review more than 100 programs, platforms or trainings on how to make money online, but with one exception, I haven't found such a comprehensive training like Affiliate Lab.

Moreover, the structure of the course, is very easy-to-follow.

Also, the framework makes it pretty obvious, what should you do first, what second, and so on.

It covers aspects take are crucial for your affiliate business, but what many courses (intentionally??) leave out.

For instance, featured snippets, CRO, difference between niche and authority site, back linking.

Veteran SEO Behind the Course

After studying Matt Diggity past, I am impressed on how far he already went.

This is a fact, everyone has to admit. Regardless of if you are paid ads fan or SEO fan.

Owning or co-owning multiple companies, flipping websites, creating courses.

Whatever his activity is, it is a success.

Won't you want to learn to affiliate marketing from such a guy?

Off Site SEO

As previously mentioned, Matt is teaching some "stuff" that's missing from majority of courses I had the chance to participate or review.

On the top of this list is probably the OFF SITE SEO. 

You see, he walks the extra mile and shows you the backlinks techniques, social signals, PBN's and similar.

Those techniques will put you huge step in front of your competition. Especially, when you are in competitive niche. Assuming "making money online" is your niche, you already know that's very competitive niche.

So, such a training on advanced offsite SEO techniques, can definitely help you rank faster.

What I like personally, that Matt offers many of those techniques, as optional.

So you are not pushed to go with them, if you feel uncomfortable.

Mainly Free Traffic Methods

There is no get-rich-quick gimmick inside Affiliate Lab. As a proof of that, you will learn how to drive traffic to your website for FREE.

Such a refresher!

Comparing to: Perpetual Income or Commission Hero

Who wants to spend hundreds or thousands $$$ on traffic before even earning single dollar?

When learning Matt's techniques, the majority of your leads will come naturally, through your content built with SEO in mind.

However, there are some extra costs for external tools, but trust me (paid) traffic, is eating up way more of your budget than those tools would.

No Upsells

Additionally, there is refreshing fact of BEING NOT OFFERED ANY UPSELL.

Lately, 99% of products, courses, or services sold online come with various types of upsells.

Affiliate Lab stands out, with no upsell at all.

Regularly Updated Training

Reason why Affiliate Lab has no upsell, is that the training is regularly updated.

You see, digital marketing is evolving super fast.

That said, not just Google makes it harder and harder to rank, but there are thousands of websites starting every day.

As the technology progresses, numbers of new websites, hence your competition, will increase.

Therefore, it is essential to have the newest "tricks in house" to stay on top of your game.

What Might Restrain You From Joining Affiliate Lab?

No Refund or Trial Period

With regard to its price tag, you would welcome money-back guarantee.

Or trial period, what is in many cases even better, as asking for refund.

Unfortunately, Affiliate Lab doesn't offer neither of them.

Could that be the reason that there are "only" 1300 students inside of the (members only) Facebook Group?

Either way, it would be much more appealing to have sort of, sneak peek or money guarantee included.

Less of Technical Support

Running a website can be sometimes pain in the ass. Especially, if you are newbie.

(To set up a functional website, you don't need more than 1 minute) 

But to solve any issues coming in your up way when you are already producing content is not always easy.

If you are not tech savvy, it could be a nightmare.

Therefore, I am surprised this element isn't included inside Affiliate Lab.

I mean, I see why. Matt Diggity offers Medical Kit to prevent this from happening. In addition, as Affiliate Lab doesn't come with web hosting, it would have probably no sense to offer this type of help.

But still, it is less of a hassle if you'd have web hosting with outstanding support "in-house". 

P.S. If you want to have built-in web hosting included outstanding affiliate training course, you might check THIS PROGRAM up. 

Should You Join Affiliate Lab?

You see, I have covered, in my opinion, very deeply what you can expect when you decide to go for Affiliate Lab. I am not participant of the course, nor do I get any commission, when you will join the course.

I have created this review, because I want to help you make an informed decision when searching for the right training program teaching you affiliate marketing. 

I have found my number #1 recommendation also because of such a review. Wouldn't I read that review, would I be probably short of $20k by now and maybe screwing on Affiliate Marketing?.

As the program I was about to join was: Six Figure Mentors

So, I know how this can be helpful to you.

My recommendation would be:join if you have 1-2k to invest.

The course definitely works.

If you don't have such money to invest, then don't join it.

In the end of my review, I am offering you some cheaper, and same high quality alternatives.

What Are Some Alternatives to Affiliate Lab?

Should you don't go further with Affiliate Lab, but still wish to learn to affiliate marketing, then I have some alternatives for you.

You see, I am not recommending any courses that teaches you paid traffic solutions, as I am not good at that.

Additionally, I always tent to think, that when starting out (online) business, it is wise to keep the costs at low point. Also, when I started my affiliate journey, I was still working and I have't have lot to spend.

One course, that focuses on building authority sites and has in general lot of similar stuff is Authority Hacker. However, the Authority Hacker PRO comes with whooping $2497 and irregular openings.

Another proper affiliate course is Location Rebel.

Great stuff about location Rebel is that it focus also on "bridge business". So, when you start learning, you can start earning with some freelance writing.

Definitely, a great up way to fund your activities until, your main site creates you proper income. 

On the other hand, I don't like the kind of chaotic course structure. Location Rebel comes with $749 price tag.

Last on my list, is Wealthy Affiliate.

I self participated in WA training and I am still member of this awesome community. It comes with $49/month as premium or $0 as starter (limited access, but still: 2 free websites and first 10 lessons of the training).

There are more reasons rather than the price, that I like Wealthy Affiliate the most. Some are:

  • +1.5 Million Users worldwide (that's 1000 times more than Affiliate Lab)
  • CEO 15 Years in Business and available via chat
  • Awesome Community of Like-minded folks available 24/7
  • New Live Class Training Added Weekly!!

Anyway, you can read my in-depth review here.

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About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Hey Julius
    Thanks for this. You have done a lot of work to research The Affiliate Lab.

    I am a massive fan of Matt Diggity, am on his email list, and watch lots of his YouTube videos. He is the real deal. I love that the splits tests everything and is so generous in sharing what he knows, even to people who are not part of his course.

    If I wasn’t a W.A. member I may well have signed up for his course (or The Authority System by the Authority Hacker guys).



    1. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your experience Jean. Knowing that Matt Diggity provides value on his YouTube channel and to people who aren’t members of his program, is great news. It shows that he really cares about people. Let’s hope more and more program owners like him are out there. Cheers

  2. I like your Ketchup and mayonnaise analogy. There will always be a different teaching style and way of showing that appeals to different audiences. Affiliate Lab is something I may definitely look into someday. I am not be super familiar with Matt Diggity but he does show up on my YouTube Feed a lot. Problem is that the Authority Hacker guys and the Income School guys always win over the majority of my Affiliate Marketing attention.

    Speaking of which, I did notice you mentioned the Authority Hacker guys as an alternative. That’s a course that I want to take someday, but like you, I am currently an Affiliate Marketer and I also have the same opinion that $2400 something dollars is a bit too much for a course. I am willing to bet that it’s worth it, however. I listen to their podcast episodes and YouTube videos often and they are very informative. I do believe the Authority Hacker folks are very intelligent and I am willing to bet their course would give me an entire library of new ideas and ways to get traffic.

    I do pay for and use Wealthy Affiliate and I love the platform. My personal opinion is that the training is okay. It does its job but I wish that the core training went more in-depth with more expert levels of training. It puts the pillars down to hold up the house, but it doesn’t exactly go into detail with building the roof, know what I mean? I feel that they excel in their WordPress hosting and Keyword Research software, however.

    Technically I can’t complain too much about the training because even if Wealthy Affiliate was sold as a website builder and keyword research software alone, that’s enough to get me to buy. I have hosted websites with Site ground before and..terrible experience, couldn’t even access my blog half the time because they would shut my site down to maintenance. Never have problems whatsoever with WA’s hosting.

    1. Hi David. Thanks for sharing your opinion and your experience about Authority Hacker. Indeed $2.4k is not what everyone can afford to spend on an affiliate course. Even though, the guys behind it are very qualified. It is great to hear that they also as Matt Diggity have their YouTube channel where they provide valuable information. I agree with you that the core training at Wealthy Affiliate is more general (they even created it with beginners in mind), but on the other hand there are weekly live classes available for premium members, and those are suited for those who search for expert classes. they do dive into the detail a lot.

  3. Hi Julius,

    Thanks a lot for showing us what Affiliate Lab looks like from the inside. I am sure people interested in this training will get everything they want by reading it to the end. I am interested in backlinks since Matt mentioned that it’s quicker to rank on the #1 position of Google if we can get 35k backlinks, which is a whole new world to me. It’s pitiful that Matt doesn’t provide a free trial so that I can leverage it to know more.


    1. Hey Matt. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment. Also with sharing your review with our readers, knowing your work, I am sure they will leverage from it. Indeed, free trial would be awesome.

  4. You have provided a wholesome review and I agree with your viewpoint. As I read your post I found Affiliate Lab quite good, especially the person behind the course is quite experienced and knows what he is teaching. The fact that it is one-time investment, I feel it is worth it…although if you are newbie & just starting out and do not have a $1000 to invest then probably you may want to check something else that fits your budget. Otherwise, thanks so much for comprehensive review, it was quite informative.

  5. Hi Julius, thanks for this in-depth review of Affiliate Lab. It’s so refreshing to find a course that’s not overhyped, promising unrealistic expectations. It sounds really well designed, covering every topic in depth. Niche selection is vital and it’s good to see Matt going into great detail. The only downside is the price. At $1,000 most beginners would find this too expensive. Also, there would be other expenses to consider such as hosting and email auto responders. Wealthy Affiliate is a better option as it’s lower in price with everything included.

    1. Hi Kathy, thanks for your comment. Indeed, the costs are high, I agree. With Wealthy Affiliate, there is a chance to “quit” anytime (although it is not advisable, but everyone can do it). With Affiliate Lab, it is also possible, only the $1000 will be not returned. (Not only) That’s why it is more convenient, especially for beginners, to pay $49/month and to have an option to stop anytime one decides.

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