
Founder: Vlad and Stoica
Product Type:
 Video Marketing Tool
Price$47 one-time costs, $47 (every 3 months) PRO, $67 AGENCY
Overall Rating7/10
Recommended: YES 

Are you looking for a way to create engaging videos without having to learn complicated editing software?

Look no further than Videly.

This easy-to-use platform makes it simple to create professional videos with just a few clicks.

In this Videly review, we'll take a look at all the features this powerful tool has to offer. 

So whether you're looking to create marketing videos, product demonstrations, or simply want to add some personality to your blog posts, Videly can be the perfect solution. 

Ready to see what it's all about?

Keep reading!

What is Videly and What Does it do?

Videly is a cloud-based video marketing platform that enables businesses to create and manage video campaigns across multiple channels. 

Videly is a powerful tool that can help businesses promote their products and services.

By creating short, engaging videos, businesses can reach a wider audience. 

Think about product reviews, product description or short tutorial.

The platform provides tools for creating and editing videos, managing distribution, and measuring performance.


It also offers a library of stock footage and music, as well as templates and graphics to help with video creation.

Videly is designed to help businesses increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads.

Videly Features

As written previously, Videly helps businesses to improve their online presence.

The tool does that with a range of tools. 

It can help you regardless of the size of your business. The great benefit OF VIDELY is that it will help you optimise your videos without knowing SEO.

So, your videos can rank easily.  

Some of these features are included in the STANDARD membership, some in PRO or AGENCY.

Later on, I reveal more about that.

Videly software also offers a range of services to help businesses to improve their search engine optimisation (SEO), social media marketing, and email marketing. 

Read further, to see how Videly software works.

How Does Videly Work?

The usage of Videly software is super easy and I found it one of its best advantages, moreover about that later.

For now, let me show you, how you can use the software and how Videly actually works.



Firstly, find a profitable keyword. 

Secondly, optimise your video for SEO. 

Lastly, do the final checks, upload your video and see the rankings sky-rocketing.


I would really like to add something more here, but the way of using it, is really that simple. 

The cost of using Videly

$47 one time or $49/monthly after the "founders" discount is gone. 

Videly Upsells

There are 2 upsells inside Videly.

The first one is well something what you might want use it, regardless of the size of your business. 


Mostly, because of the NICHE ANALYSIS and RANK TRACKER.

Niche analysis is sort of sneak peak inside of yours and competitor's videos. 

Niche Analysis gives you insides into your videos, mostly in terms of SEO. 


Rank Tracker speaks for itself.

It shows the rankings within YouTube, Google and in general it will help you understand if your campaigns are any successful. 


VIDELY PRO will cost you $47 in every 3 MONTHS.

Then there is AGENCY UPSELL.

The costs are one time payment of $67 and I think you can profit from it even if you don't have a digital agency. 

The most useful extra feature compared to PRO and STANDARD is VIDELY VIDEO REPORT. 

This report will show you if your video has to be more optimised for SEO.

I have to say, I was positively surprised with how comprehensive those reports are.  

So, you can get an overview of your description, tags, or title.

Think of keyword density, title length, but also usage of smileys for instance. 


What Are Videly PROS?


Once you are inside of the software, you will find it super easy to use.

Navigation is fairly easy.

As there is no editing needed, it all becomes much easier.

With the help of Artificial Intelligence, Videly makes it super easy to create tags, video description and in the end the whole video production.

Artificial Intelligence Makes Your Life Easier

Mentioned previously, this extra feature offers you comfort and saves you ton of time.

Unlike, just blindly posting your video, you can use this tool to create catching video description, tags and the right keyword density. 

Of course you can do it manually, too. The great advantage of using Videly si though, that it can be done for you, with couple of clicks. 

What Are Videly CONS?

Need of External Help

For instance, the Keyword research tool. It is safe to say, that the search data results you will get inside Videly are somewhat insufficient. 

I understand that the software is more AI driven and therefore, it's more acceptable, but I can also imagine you want to have everything under one.

You don't want to switch back and forth for third party services. 

The best affordable KW I know: Jaaxy, SpyFu, LongTail Pro


It comes to what you really want to invest, but when you are beginner, $20-29$ a month can be extra cost, you want to avoid.

Especially, when the knowledge that will help you rank your videos can be obtained from legitimate courses.

So, I guess, it depends on what you want and what not.

Some Other Videly Reviews 

In general I met with positive reviews from people who used Videly, rarely I  found some negative ones. 

I guess, you'd like to see the both sides before making purchase decision, so here you go.

This guy is pretty positive about it...

While people on weren't that happy. 

One thing I want to mention, I don't really see any PRECISE POINT OF THOSE NEGATIVE REVIEWS and find those less relevant, but that's my can make your own, obviously! 


Videly vs Video Marketing Blaster

If you come to my website regularly, you might saw that recently I reviewed similar product, called Video Marketing Blaster. 

As I saw the design of Videly being similar to VMB, I was super excited to find out WHICH OF THESE TWO IS BETTER.

The result? 

They are both the same.


Wouldn't that see coming. 

But it is truth, you can watch the video below, if you want a proof.

So, Videly is literally kind of upgrade to VMB. With some differences, I am going to show you.

First of all, let me be honest, I like Video Marketing Blaster, you can read my full review here. 

The main differences are 3. 

Firstly, Videly is $20 more expensive.

Secondly, Videly is cloud based, unlike VMB. Simply put, Videly is also for Mac users, while VMB can be used only on windows OS. 

Lastly, VMB has one feature that is missing on the present Videly platform: backlinks tracker.

So if you like VMB, but you couldn't use it because you love Mac, then this is a good news for you. 

Do I recommend Videly?

Without a doubt, video marketing is a must nowadays. 

Even if you don't intent to be "full-time youtuber", you should consider using video as marketing tool. That's the time when Videly enters the scene. 

Videly is undoubtedly helpful tool. 

It makes your life easier, because it ranks. 

You can profit from power of SEO, without even knowing it. The software works with AI support, and this makes the essential automatised.

What you need to be prepared are costs. 

To be precise, Videly will cost you $302 in first year (when using with both upgrades) and $235 in years thereafter. 

If you are ok with those costs, you can use Videly.

The software delivers. 

In other words: when using Videly, you can expect your videos being ranked on YouTube and/or on Google.

What is Videly? My Final Verdict

As you could read, Videly is legitimate software that is literally upgrade to Video Master Blaster. 

With the (well-needed) upgrade to MacOS. 

It is safe to say that videos can make difference in today's marketing. Therefore, it is super important that your videos will rank.

Videly can help you to achieve that. 

There is another way to achieve your videos "owning" the rankings. 

Learning the skill by yourself.

As all what Videly does is using SEO and there are courses that will teach you this. Advantage of this strategy is, that you will know the task and therefore can do it over and over by yourself, without recurring costs. 

On the other hand, you have to "sit down" and learn. 

If you go with latter, I would suggest you to try Simple Traffic Blueprint.

This video curse will cost you one time $49, but this is definitely worth it. 

Alternative of Earning Money Online in 2022?

Previously, I mentioned the importance of using video in your marketing activities.

Even so, using videos will help you rank and therefore, it will hopefully increase your leads and sales, you shouldn't forget another important part of many online businesses: written content.

Unlike videos, you don't have to talk and show your face.

This is great way for people whose English isn't that great, because it isn't their mother tongue for instance. 

Also, shy people will rather write than show their face, in my opinion.  

So, that way you can start your blog and reach out your audience with content marketing. 

The best part? 

You can use both strategies together, blogging with video marketing, will make you unstoppable. 

In case, you want to learn blogging, content marketing and in other words the ways how to earn money online with writing, I have a great news for you. 

There is a community that has step-by-step training.

Additionally, once inside, you can profit from 52 live training classes on EVERY TOPIC within online marketing (PREMIUM), 24/7 community of 2.5 million like-minded marketers, 24/7 support, comprehensive keyword tool, websites, domain marketplace, and much more.

What you'll love the most, is the fact, that you can TRY IT FOR FREE (and stay FREE MEMBER FOREVER, IF YOU WANT). 

Later on, you can switch to PREMIUM, that cost $49/month or $299/year. 

So, I want to congratulate with finishing of My Videly Software review.

I hope you found it useful, and making decision if to buy it or not is easier for you.

I also showed you some other ways of marketing your online activities or how to earn money online in different ways. 

If you liked my post, please do share it further. Helping others with creating passive online income is my mission and with your help more people will read this article. 



About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. There are so many great ways to engage your audience with videos, we used videly software and doodle as well. Videly seems to be a good software or platform to use to make your business stand out.
    We did end up getting the best on of all time with a lifetime subscription for $67.00.
    We do also like the next best way to make money and making a living with WA. In this article you explain to the fullest and did lots of research to make us understand videly software review.


    1. Hey guys. I am super happy to encounter someone who tried the software (feel free to let us know what your experiences are with it). It can really boost engagement with your audience. it also looks like you joined during a great period, as you got this amazing lifetime offer. All the best for your journey. Cheers

  2. This is a great article on how we can use Videly software to rank better in the future as video marketing continues to grow. It’s not too expensive at $49 it’s almost for everyone’s budget I’m seriously going to review Videly in detail and I’m sure this article will be useful to many people in the future. Thank you and keep up the good work 🙂

    1. Hey Zvezdan! Indeed, video is definitely the future of marketing, and therefore, it is just wise to start using it (ig you haven’t yet). I have to say, I want to get better at that too, and therefore software like Videly, VMB or TAO should be considered. I agree with you that the price tag is more than ok. Cheers

  3. Ranking on YouTube is absolutely important. I just wonder if a monthly cost membership is really needed if you know basic SEO. And what’s with every program’s price tag out there ending in a 7?? lol. Nice honest review. Thanks for this!

    1. Hey Eric. Thanks for your comment. If you ask me, I would say Videly can be still used even if you know SEO. Of course, if you learned video marketing skills elsewhere, you don’t have to have this software. The thing I like about it is that you have a great overview of the all statistics inside the software. Also, YouTube (although Google‘s small brother)has still some specifications and keyword usage, meta description, and other ranking criteria slightly different and therefore it might be essential to have a “niche” tool. On the other hand, if you know SEO well, and you can create (SEO optimized) videos you are good to go without Videly. Great question. The prices ending $7 are also a big curiosity for me too -;) Cheers

  4. Hey Julius, great review of the Vidley Software. I had not heard of it before so very enlightening indeed. I have been thinking about adding a video component to our affiliate marketing efforts so the timing is perfect. Your review is very detailed providing me enough information to continue to learn more about it with possibly using it in the near future.

  5. Hi Julius!

    I didn’t hear about Videly till now. Probably because I’m not applying video marketing strategies to that extent, yet. I will definitely consider it as a tool to use when I start my own YouTube channel. Thank you for the recommendation.

    1. Hey there! If you don’t start your YouTube yet, you should definitely consider it. Your blog post will have higher visibility and easier reach if you implement video strategies. Some people don’t like videos, because they don’t want to show their faces or because they are shy about how they speak. There are also courses. There are also courses helping with that, for instance, Taking Action Online will show you how to create videos without using your faces. Additionally, there is plenty of software, that will help you transfer your voice into transcription software, which will sound professional. So, in my opinion, the creation of videos was never as easy as it now. Considering effect, it can have, it can really be a huge traffic booster.

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