Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer

Welcome to my comparison blog post: Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer.

There Are Plenty of Lies written by affiliates of either programs. 

I tend to WRITE THE FACTS, therefore, I am confident to write, that this post will be TRUTH REVEALING.

However, it's not about me, but it's about you. I am sure, you want to find the best affiliate marketing program. 

You are at the right place. I am going to discuss the training, pricing, and support of each of those, popular courses.

Ready to start?

But before I will start with my Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer comparison, I want to bring your attention to my in-depth reviews of each of them:

Wealthy Affiliate Review

Legendary Marketer Review

What is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is an online business community that provides all the training, tools, and support you need to start and grow your own successful Internet business. 

With a Wealthy Affiliate membership, you get access to a very comprehensive step-by-step training program that covers everything from setting up your website to driving traffic and making sales. 

Live weekly training webinars with experts in Internet marketing, SEO, social media, and more. 
Unlimited support from other members of the Wealthy Affiliate community.

Tools and resources to help you build your website, create content, drive traffic and make sales.

Wealthy Affiliate is the perfect place for anyone who wants to learn how to start and grow their own successful online business. 

With their step-by-step training program, unlimited support from other members of the community, and all the tools and resources you need to succeed, it's never been easier or more affordable to start your own online business.

What is Legendary Marketer?

Legendary Marketer is an online marketing training program created by Dave Sharpe.

It is designed to help entrepreneurs and business owners learn how to market their businesses online, using techniques that have been proven to work.

The program consists of a series of video tutorials, as well as downloadable PDFs and cheats sheets. 

In addition, participants have access to a private Facebook group where they can ask questions and get help from other members of the community.


Before, I dive in the individual parts of the training, I'd like to give you short hint about the training. 

The majority of the training inside Wealthy Affiliate, concerns traffic based on SEO.

In other words, you will be taught FREE, ORGANIC, traffic solutions based on ranking on Google.

If you prefer paid ads, you won't get much of value from WA training.

On the other hand, inside Legendary Marketer, you will be taught mainly paid ads, as traffic strategy. 

So, in case, you prefer not to spend money on ads, you won't get much value from LM either. 

Now, when this is made clear, let's get our hands dirty.

Wealthy Affiliate

Training consists of 3 parts:

1. The Core Step-by-step Training (120 Lessons Divided in 2 Modules)
2. Weekly Live Classes (With Successful Mentor)
3. Users Generated Training

1.Step-by-step training

As said, there are 2 modules, whereas first is Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC)  with 5 modules and 50 lessons and the second is Affiliate Bootcamp with 7 modules and 70 lessons.

Those 2 modules are teaching you how to build your first website, how to drive traffic based on SEO, how to find your niche and how to find products to promote.

Affiliate Bootcamp training is covering also bit from PPC. Ultimately, it will also show you how to promote WA.

Very important to mention is that OEC focuses on building your online business in any niche. 

Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer

2.Live Weekly Classes

As internet and online business are continuously developing, it is vital to have regular updates. 

Rather than updating the core training, the CEO's decided to provide live weekly classes. 

Topics covered in those, PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP included classes, differ, but are relevant.

Think about SEO, social marketing, youtube marketing, email marketing and list creation, lead generation. 

Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer

3.Users Created Training

There are real, successful, and generous people inside WA. Plenty of them are earning 5,6 or 7 figures a month, from their business. 

The best part? They are willing to share some of their tips&tricks. 

Note: Some "super-biased" marketers wrongly assumed that the content within WA is purely from its users. As you can see, it is just small portion and it is relevant.

Legendary Marketer

1. 15 Days Challenge- In this part of the training you will be introduced to sort of introduction to high-ticket affiliate business.

Other High Ticket Course: Andrew James Oasis

Good news is that this challenge will provide you with great value. Additionally, it is super affordable, as it cost just $7.

Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer

2. Legendary Marketer Club- $29/month

There are 8 courses inside of this LM Club.

All of them are super powerful when building your online business.

Think about Social Marketing, Youtube Marketing, Lead Generation, How to track your links, for instance.

The cost for this is also affordable. Only negative part of this is, that you won't be shown how to create your own online business. 

Rather, you will be taught how to promote LM as the only option.

Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer

 3. Traffic University - $247 one time

As previously mentioned, LM teaches you paid ads. method.

Therefore, you will be shown how to drive traffic to your website with some of following methods:

  • Adwords
  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Display Network
  • Instagram Ads
  • Landing Pages
  • Native Ads
  • Youtube Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • 4. Business Blueprints- each $2 500 one time

    The fact that Legendary Marketer isn't purely affiliate marketing platform, offers also additional courses.  

    Those can be vital part of your online business. 

    Every blueprint is covering other topic. 

    Even the the info is definitely valuable, I am not sure if the price tag is suitable. It might be a bit overpriced. But what is pricey for one, doesn't have to be for the other. 

    Therefore, I leave this on you to decide. 

    Affiliate Marketing Blueprint with Steph Perez

    Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer

    Digital Products with Mark Harbert

    Coaching and Consulting with David Sharpe

    Events and Masterminds with David Sharpe

    Extra events:

    Note: I have to warn you some of these events are super expensive.It is safe to say, you can find similar value for much less. 

    The DFY Brand Builder is where you get to fly out to Legendary Marketer Headquarters in Florida and they’ll build your personal brand presence. 

    This event costs $10,000.

    The Legendary Marketer Mastermind is a mastermind live event with other Legendary Marketer members to be able to go through lead generation and traffic strategies. The cost for this event is $8,000.

    The Legendary Entrepreneur Mastermind covers strategies to increase wealth and productivity.  This event costs $12,000.

    Lastly, the Legendary Leadership Group is a personal group that costs $30,000.


    Wealthy Affiliate 

    As with its training, also WA support has 3 pillars. 

    Firstly there is this Community.

    Secondly, there is Tech Support. 

    Lastly, there is 1-on-1 Message Coaching.

    Unlike majority of affiliate courses, Wealthy Affiliate does not offer a Facebook Group as the support group. 

    Contrary to that they offer, their own Community & Chat feature. 

    Coming from the FACT, that there are +2.5 million users worldwide, it is working out well.

    Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer

    Secondly, there is Tech Support.

    Page loading slowly, page down, plugin not working, domain issues, whatever issue you will experience, these guys have your back. 

    Their response is guaranteed within 24 hours.  

    Lastly, there is 1-on-1 Message Coaching.

    Outside of the chat feature, you can send message to everyone who is member of WA. Unlike in MLM, this isn't about your "sponsor".

    You can really message and get mentorship from every single person, even CEO's. Obviously, you will be someone's else referral and her/his reply to you should be on their priority list. 

    Legendary Marketer

    David Sharpe and his team went here the more common way. 

    So, some of their "support channel" are Facebook Communities. There are 3 in total and counting around 80 000 people. That is solid number.

    Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer

    It proves the business has some base and people are actually present and helpful. However, the number is significantly lower than WA community.

    Secondly, you will be assigned and receive regular calls from your Business plan advisor.

    Even so, this sound very sophisticated, it is a person who should review your plans, and offer strategies to achieve them.

    Lastly, there is an Email contact and phone number, where you can have, your  standard message answered. 


    Wealthy Affiliate

    There are again (surprisingly?) 3 memberships inside Wealthy Affiliate.

    Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer

    Unlike Legendary Marketer, WA offers a FOREVER FREE membership. It has limited access to the OEC training (2 lessons), it comes with siterubix.com domain, and it has limited chat features. 

    So, it is hampered, but good news is, that it's for free.

    Second membership is PREMIUM, with costs $47 a month. When purchased yearly, it costs just $25 a month.

    Third membership is PREMIUM PLUS. With costs $99 a month (82$ a month, when purchased yearly) it is the most expensive membership inside Wealthy Affiliate.

    Legendary Marketer

    I wrote majority of the costs for LM along the way. 

    For the clarity sake, I will put them down once again for ya. 

    Your clever eye will spot, the costs are quite significant. 

    When you want to go "all-in" it will cost you around $75 000. These costs exclude monthly ads costs.

    Copywriting Playbook Ebook $1

    Affiliate Marketing Ebook $1.99 (included in 15 Days Challenge)

    15 DAY Challenge $7

    Traffic University $247

    4 Blueprints $10 000 ($2 500 each)

    DFY Brand Builder $10 000

    LM Mastermind $8 000

    Legendary Entrepreneur Mastermind $12 000

    Legendary Leadership Group $30 000

    In total 75 000$

    Similar High Ticket Course: The Six Figures Mentors


    Wealthy Affiliate

    The creators of WA are Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim. 

    They have started the company back in 2005 and they started their business as part of their friendship, built yet during their college years.

    Both are digital marketing experts. 

    While Kyle is more of the content, copy, and PPC guy.

    Carson is responsible for the design, and the technical part of the program.

    Even so, they both are responsible for different areas of the business, what will interest you is, that both of them are reachable daily via private message or inside of the chat

    Legendary Marketer

    The creator of Legendary Marketer is Dave Sharpe. 

    Even so, he is working on his reputation, by starting his podcast, creating video tutorials and some affordable e-books, he was co-owning one of the most shady MLM in the history of all shadiness.

    Empower Network. 

    (Recently the second co-owner is relaunching the software, in that occasion I wrote my "warning" review to help you stay put and not fall for his fake promises) 

    Not sure, how involved Dave Sharpe has been in EN, but one thing is FACT, EMPOWER NETWORK was scamming people around the globe.

    Nowadays, Dave Sharpe fully concentrate on his baby, Legendary Marketer.

    Pros & Cons

    Wealthy Affiliate


    • FREE Membership
    • Affordable PREMIUM memberships (the least expensive is $25 and the most expensive is just $82)
    • Great Community of +2.5 million users worldwide
    • Step-by-step training ideal for beginners
    • Live weekly classes
    • All expenses paid trip to Las Vegas for super affiliates (300 sales a year)
    • 7 DAYS Free PREMIUM Trial


    • Some training needs update
    • SEO traffic tactics are for free, but needs time to see the effect

    Legendary Marketer


    • Value in the 15 Days Challenge is huge 
    • Affordable E-books
    • Costs of Legendary Marketer Club are affordable
    • 30 Days Money Guarantee on Legendary Club (this guarantee isn't valid for any of the upsell)


    • Way to Expensive ($75 000 if going all-in is 200 years of Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership paid yearly
    • Upsells
    • Closed program, you are taught to promote Legendary Marketer, and not create your own business
    • Paid Traffic Requires Extra Investment on a Monthly Basis
    • "Guru" and MLM vibes present
    • No Free Trial 

    Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer-Final Verdict

    I wanted to bring you honest, unbiased and fact-based comparison. I hope that inside of mine Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer, you could have find what you needed  to make an informed decision.

    To re-cup some of the most important facts together with my final verdict, please stay a minute longer and read it below.

    Legendary Marketer is obviously an expensive course, focusing on high-ticket affiliate. Its main purpose is to teach you how to promote LM only.

    The main traffic strategy taught inside of the course is paid ads. 

    The training is valuable, but it isn't comprehensive enough, when considering the costs. 

    On the bright side, you are entitled to 30 days money-back guarantee (Legendary Club, excluded Upsells)

    Therefore, LM is recommended to people who are willing to spend money beforehand and who are also willing to lose money during the proces. 

    There is not such a thing as born ad expert, so you will lose money.

    At the beginning for sure, and the other days, depends on your ability to learn.

    Wealthy Affiliate offers step-by-step training, a huge community (with access to the owners) and it comes with much more affordable costs.

    The best part is that the traffic training inside WA, is mostly about SEO, meaning, you won't spend extra money during the process.

    Therefore, if you don't want spend a lot of money before hand and during running of your business, WEALTHY AFFILIATE is recommended for you.

    Let me know, in case you have some questions in the comment section.

    To your success,


    About the Author

    Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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    1. When I started reading this post, I thought that Legendary Marketer was affordable, at 29 per month, but then I saw the other costs when you’re going full in. 75,000??? Are you kidding me? Why would I spend that on a course? Living in the country I live in, with 75,000 I’m nicely set up, so I would not spend it on a course ever, at all. Wealthy Affiliate sounds much better, and they offer a free membership. I like that you can start things for free to see whether they are a fit.

      1. Yes, the costs are ridiculously high. Many people are lured into this program with the idea of making millions. David Sharpe tries to lower the entry costs to make it look affordable. Of course, you don’t have to pay that amount of money as the high est amounts are for extra masterminds and branding. However, it is safe to say those masterminds and events are definitely not worth that money. Wealthy Affiliate is undoubtedly a better fit for people with a lower starting budget.

    2. Hi Julius,
      Great comparative article. It is usually difficult making a comparison such as this because of the need to flip back and forth between both products, but you have been able to provide a thorough overview for each which makes it easier.

      The fundamentals made a clear winner for me. Paid ads training offered by Legendary Marketers and their all-in price of $75K is too much of a stretch!

      On the other hand, Wealthy Affiliate would allow me to try out the platform free for a week following which I could then upgrade to one of two other reasonably priced packages is great.

      Plus training appears more intensive in WA and it is not geared toward paid ads! WA is certainly more attractive than the LM!

      1. Hi Ceci. Those costs are crazy, aren’t they? David Sharpe is great at selling, but not that great at showing the most affordable way to start and run an online business. I am not saying it is bad program, but it’s way to expensive. Again with WA yearly PREMIUM you can use Wealthy Affiliate for 200 years and you won’t pay $75k. There is even a Black Friday deal coming in 2 days’ time, which offers some insane discounts. Worth checking. Cheers

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