Why is Jasper.ai bad

People ask me Why is Jasper.ai bad? 

I tell them, Jasper.ai is not bad, it's just NEW.

Many will judge it because it's "AI".

I would as well, should I not use it and should I not see the benefits. 

Is it something what can replace YOU? 

Let me show you in review.


Name: Jasper
: https://jasper.ai
r: Keller Williams
: $24 – 500$/month (depending on your choice)
Rating: 9/10

What is Jasper.ai and Can it Replace Copywriters?

Jasper.ai is an artificial intelligence content-creating software. 

It serves as a writing assistant, that can help you when experiencing "writer's block". 

You can use him when writing blog posts, emails, social posts and much more.

Similar: Jarvee

In fact, Jasper.ai even started as Jarvis, but had to change this name, as Star Trek creators had used it first. The name was mentioned in one of the episodes. 

(As not being StarTrek fan, don't ask me which one.)

Even though Jasper is awesome helping tool, it will never replace a human copywriter, blogger or any content creator. 

However, what is important to you, is how Jasper.ai can help you.

So, let me walk you through this, in the following paragraphs. 

If you prefer rather a video review, check it out here. 


How Does Jasper.ai Work?

There are more ways how to use Jasper.ai. 

I will give you insights, into how I am using it. 

Your silence is YES for me, so here you go...

Firstly, click on a DOCUMENT.

Why is Jasper.ai bad

Secondly, you choose FREEFORM.

Why is Jasper.ai bad


Subsequently, click on POWER MODE.

Why is Jasper.ai bad


This will open the templates window on the left side of the screen. 

The reason, why I am using it this way is, the fact that I can write my document from scratch while still being able to choose from the TEMPLATES.

Why is Jasper.ai bad

In addition, I can switch between several templates without leaving my initial document. 

That way, I can write my blog post and use BLOG OUTLINE, BLOG POST START PARAGRAPH, and PARAGRAPH CREATOR, without going back and forth.

Inside Jasper.ai

When you give a Jasper a try, there are 2 modes, you have to choose from. 

Standard mode and Boss mode. 

Apart from the number of words, those two slightly differ in other features. 

For instance, Boss mode has and Standard mode hasn't: ï»¿commands and Google style editor. 

The word numbers being the mainly reason. 

(See pricing for more details)

Anyway, with both modes, you have 50 templates. 

Depending on your project, you can choose BLO POST OUTLINE, FACEBOOK AD or SOCIAL MEDIA POST.

Especially full-time online marketers, would love this super bright variety.

In addition, you can choose Jasper to help you, in any of the 25 different languages.

This is handy for people employing writers in several countries. Also, if you personally, would prefer to write in your mother tongue, that isn't English. 

Some extra features that come with Jasper.ai are Grammarly editor, Plagiarism Checker and SEO Surfer. 

Some of them are being available only to BOSS Mode users. This makes sense, considering the owners created the starter mode for hobbyist, rather than for professionals. 

Lastly, there is a SUPPORT section, where you can access Jasper BootCamp, live Q & A, Facebook Group and email support. 

Jasper Pricing

There are 2 basic subscriptions: STARTER MODE and BOSS MODE.

Why is Jasper.ai bad

STARTER MODE is meant for people who write less blog posts. It starts with 20 000 words and $24/month.

As higher number of words, as more you will pay. 

If you are like me and your average blog post is 2 000 words, then Jasper will help you to create up to 10 blog posts.

BOSS MODE is meant for professionals. 

Whether, you are working on your project or you work as freelancer on Freelancer.com for instance, this will be great fit.

This MODE starts on 50 000 words and costs are $50. You can grow it up to 700 000 words. 

BOSS Mode comes also with some super cool features: 

  • Jasper Commands
  • Grammarly Automatic Text Editor
  • Plagiarism Checker
  • SEO Mode

Unfortunately, those won't be in your bundle, should you choose STARTER.

Is There Jasper.ai Free Trial?

There is a FREE TRIAL inside Jasper.ai. 

You will get 10 000 words credit for 5 days. 

In this period you can see what the software does, how it works, and if it can help you.

So, this is in my eyes, great stuff...

After, the starting period, you can decide if you want to go through, it or not. 

In case, you decide to use Jasper.ai you will continue with the mode you started your free trial with. 

Also, if you have seen enough and you won't like it, you can just cancel it and you won't pay a single cent

What Are Jasper.ai PROS?


Probably, the biggest issue among (starting) ï»¿content creators is not lack of ideas, topics or knowledge. 

Simply, it is lack of TIME. 

So, therefore, an AI software as Jasper.ai can definitely be a huge help. 

When the "jasper coach" talks about that you can write a blog post in 10 minutes with help of Jasper.ai, it isn't just a marketing pitch.

In reality writing the average blog post will take you longer, but it still is a huge time saver. I do write my posts with jasper.ai in time of 2 hours approximately. ï»¿ï»¿ï»¿

Plagiarism Check

The general perception of Artificial Intelligence is that, what is AI generated is automatically robotic and "stolen" from someone else.

Well, here the creators of Jasper.ai did, especially great job. 

The tool is very intuitive, but also it creates unique content. 

If you think the content is not unique, there is plagiarism check inside Jasper.ai to assure you that.

A Lot of Features

Lot of features equal to a lot of field of usage. 

So, you can create blog posts, emails, social posts, meta descriptions, Facebook ad, Google ad, headlines, video scripts...and much more. 

What Are Jasper.ai CONS?


You see, if you are full-time content creator, blogger, or social marketer, most likely, there are some sort of monthly payments to be paid. 

Especially if you are solo-preneur at the beginning of your journey, you prefer to keep the costs as low as possible. 

So, in that sense, I can imagine that $50 (BOSS Mode monthly costs) is not something you'd easily pay.

On the other hand, it can save you a lot of time, and that can create more posts, and that should in the end create you and your website, higher incomes. 

So, it comes to the point, of finding a balance, I guess...

It is Artificial Intelligence Software

With that said, it lacks your personality...

If you have built some audience already, those people started to read you, or buy from you, because there was something about your writing that sparkled their interest and eventually opened their wallets. 

So, there is no guarantee they will be equally enthusiastic, when they'll read your content with the helping hand of your new assistant. 

On the other hand, you can still mingle your touch into any stuff Jasper.ia creates.

That's not only vital, but also recommended by the way, Should you decide to give it Jasper.ai a try... 

Is Jasper.ai Legit?

Jasper.ai is a legit platform. 

After purchasing standard or boss mode, you can use the platform to its full potential. 

That's always a good sign in the online marketing industry.

Would I Recommend Jasper.ai?

I would recommend using Jasper.ai as help during writing content for your or your client's blog posts. 

Not only for the blog posts though but also for email marketing campaigns, social posts, and META descriptions...

I want to give extra attention to the word HELP. Jasper.ai is meant to be your help, but not your REPLACEMENT. 

So, when you will use this tool, use it, and enjoy it...but don't forget to bring your personal input.

What Is Jasper.ai Alternative?

The best alternative to Jasper.ai isn't another AI software, however good it can be...

The best alternative is YOU.

Your own writing.

However great, helpful, and "plagiarism-free" ï»¿the software might be, your personal touch is always the one, that will make the difference. 

If you want to earn money with writing, the best chances to be successful are when you will be unique. Especially, if you aim to earn money as a copywriter.te

I hope, you liked my Jasper.ai review and if someone will ask you Why is Jasper.ai bad? You will provide answer...

To your success,


About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Honestly, when I first heard about Jasper.ai, I found it laughable and did not think it was a useful tool. Since then, I have seen more and more of these content creation ai tools being made available.

    Although, I have not personally used Jasper.ai – I’ve tried out another ai tool and I can confirm that these tools are very helpful with a big BUT. As you rightly pointed out they cannot replace you and your logical thinking! They simply serve as a guide, to get your creative juices flowing!.

    It is a pity that features of the Boss mode like Jasper Commands, Grammarly auto editor, plagiarism checker and Seo mode are unavailable in the Free trial mode

    1. Hi Ceci. Definitely! I won’t recommend Jasper.ai as the writer’s replacement, but as a writer’s assistant. Yeah, it would be great if the BOSS mode features would have been included in the cheaper mode. Especially the JASPER COMMAND. I am happy you have tried and liked AI-helping software. THAT SHOWS THEY CAN WORK. Cheers

  2. Hi Julius, There are a few good tools out there that use AI. I think Conversiobot is one that I’ve personally been looking at recently but actually Jasper.Ai I would be curious to try. The Plagiarism checker probably is what I think sounds appealing to me and of course time is important. If you can use this tool to help with the little things like Social Media posts, meta descriptions, emails, and other related things I think it could be worth a go. The price seems a bit off-putting to me but then I am a firm believer in not knocking something until you’ve tried it. This is surely no different.

    1. Hey Alex. I haven’t used Conversiobot. What it seems to me is that this software is more of a chatbot than a content creator. As I mentioned in the reply to Tom’s comment, I think the price range can be seen from 2 views. If your site delivers regularly steady income, the monthly costs if Jasper.ai won’t be so high. On the other side owners of sites bringing no money at all, would see this as a time waste. Therefore, the FREE TRIAL is a great way to see if this will work out or not.

  3. Hi Julius,

    This is such an interesting article on Jasper.ai.

    I have heard people say that it is not a great software to use for content. But, I have not used it yet and I understand when you say it is not bad, it is just new.

    The price range of $24 – 500$ is very broad compared to the other software out there. But, again, I have not tried it so I will find out why that is when I have a deeper look into it.

    Thank you for sharing this article and I will take on board your advice when I investigate Jasper.ai further.

    Keep up the great work.

    All the best,


    1. Hey Tom. I get this two-folded look on Jasper.ai. It might be expensive, especially if the website where jasper.ai will be used doesn’t provide any income. On the other hand, for websites that make +1000$, the investment is seen as low. There are plenty of ways where Jasper.ai can help. At the same time, those are limited and for instance, I won’t recommend it for product reviews.

  4. Hi Julius,

    Thanks for introducing us to the excellent writing tool. I believe Jasper AI will help online marketers to create quality content faster than ever. The best part is that they offer a free trial for those interested, which gives people a deeper understanding of how powerful it is when writing articles. Love your sharing and keep up the good work. 🙂


    1. Hi Matt. Indeed, Jasper.ai is great support for busy SEO writers. The best way it can help is for how-to articles or tutorials blog posts. Less suitable it is for product reviews. Even so, it is a great help, you shouldn’t forget to use it as an assistant and not as your replacement. As people will sense, it is robot writing instead of yours. Let me know if you will try Jasper.ai. Cheers

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