Updated on 14th March 2023 

Welcome to my blog post, Should I use Fiverr.com?

Fiverr.com is a place where everyone can create own freelancer account and start writing.

But is it so easy? 

You see, becoming an (online) entrepreneur after 2020 became almost a must, as a Covid-19 pandemic shifted the job market. 

That said, there is a huge competition on sites like Fiverr.com.

At the same time, there is nothing better, like earning money online. 

How to succeed as online freelancer? Read my post.

Name: Fiverr.com 


Price: FREE to join, however 20% of every job you complete goes to the platform

Owners: Micha Kaufman and Shai Wininger

Rank: 2.5 out of 5

Who is this program for?

The platform connects aspiring or experienced entrepreneurs with different backgrounds offering their services, in different areas (SELLERS) and business owners searching for outsourcing their tasks(BUYERS).

If you are a Seller and searching for a platform where you can set up your freelancer account, you will find plenty of helpful tools to accomplish it.

You will have the highest chance to get a “gig” On Fiverr.com if you are talented in some below-mentioned areas.

If you think you are skilled in other areas, which is on-demand, don’t hesitate to check their website, highly skilled professionals are always in need.

Below is an overview of some basic categories you will find people offering or searching.

fiverr.com review

Tools and training

The platform is going to provide you with basic, yet very helpful tools.

They have an informative online video course, called Online Freelancing Essentials: be a successful Fiverr.com seller, you can follow it step-by-step.

This course provides you with details on how the platform works, what you SHOULD have and what you SHOULD NOT have included in your profile.

You will be guided also on how to communicate with your clients in order to get hired later on, as the reviews of your work will be proof of your capability.

Additionally, it will be visible for everyone interested in hiring you.

Further on, the course shares info about setting the Custom Orders, FAQ’s(people may have regarding your services, rates, delivery time), Templates, Project Management, and Marketing.

If you are starting in the digital work field you can appreciate the help provided in relation to the marketing.

The importance of market  yourself equals to the the quality of your services.

Especially when we talk about high-competition niches.

should I use fiverr.com

You have to know how to “sell” yourself. Otherwise, you won’t get gigs. 

Copywriting can help you in that. 

After creating your profile, and filling the all-important information( skills, education, qualification, experiences) you will be able to take courses on developing knowledge in diverse fields.

Most of them are full of information, yet not comprehensive enough in my opinion. 

There are also tests offered and those are related to your skills.

That way I was offered to take part in Basic English or SEO courses.

In short, the TRAINING provided on the platform, will give you basics towards your entrepreneurship.

Especially, how to effectively sell your skills, and will offer you options to improve your knowledge.


The support tool is divided into categories accordingly and it is to be found within the main menu down on the homepage.

It depends if you are a BUYER or SELLER.

It is basically a file of FAQ on the issue you might have.

Topics covered vary from Managing your account or gigs to the Payment or Promoting.

In case you can not find your answer on your problem straight away, you might send a request and this one should be answered within 24-48 hrs.

Honestly, I would expect SHORTER RESPONSE TIME, but out of my experience CS responded faster than that.

I think you might get pretty deep around the entire platform within the SUPPORT section.

Yet I could imagine it being more easy-oriented(sometimes it will take you a lot of effort to find the answer you need).

However, the big problem with support arises when you actually need them. When I read this story, I couldn't believe that Fiverr.com support can be so s**t. 

After that, you really should re-consider if this is platform worth of your time. 

Do you want to get abused by BUYER without protection from Fiverr.com? 

You are better off with: Freelancer.com

Different levels

As a SELLER you have the option to be marked with a badge and divided into different seller groups:

  1. NEW SELLER-As soon as you make an account, you will be at this badge.
  2. LEVEL ONE SELLER- The requirements are you are at least 60 days active on the previous level, earned at least $400 and completed 10 orders minimum
  3. LEVEL TWO SELLER-At least 120 days, earned $2.000 or more, 50 orders completed at least
  4. TOP-RATED SELLER- At least 180 days, earned $20.000 or more, 100 orders completed at least

Those are the basic requirements, next to them you will be reviewed according to your review from clients you worked before.

Obviously, in case, you’ve doen some work.

They will check if you finished your orders on time, etc.

The benefits per level differ, but as higher you are on the latter, as more benefits you are enjoying.

The main benefit of being ranked higher is that your gigs are going to be more visible to potential buyers.

The system motivates to become highest in the ranking, however if you are only part-timer on Fiverr.com, you might experience difficulties in order to get spotted by buyers.

You can also start own writing business without LEVELS. 

Apart from THOSE SELLERS LEVELS , there is a FIVERR PRO option.

This option is the most essential, as without it it is quite hard to get spotted by BUYERS, especially if you are just starting out.

If you would like more info about a PRO and how to apply, you can read it here.

It is basically an advanced level of your account, where you are supposed to show some experiences already, ideally with some well-known brands, or to show, that you are highly skilled.



  • Bright variety skills you can choose from to add to your gig/portfolio (SEO, content/blog writing, voice over, web design, …)
  • Online Essential Course helping you get around at the beginning, also with marketing yourself
  • Affiliate Marketing Program


  • Distractive Course and Not In-Depth Training( many short videos, instead of one longer, over-paid courses with deeper knowledge)
  • Fake Reviews From BUYERS
  • 20% of your earnings go-to company
  • High Competition in Order to Get Gigs
  • Customer Service is Tolerating Abusive Behaviour From BUYERS


As mentioned already in the header of my post, it is completely free to join and make your freelancer account on Fiverr.com.

However, after every job completion, there is 20% cut that goes to the platform.

You have to think about it by yourself if that is fair for you or not.

Let’s have a look at some examples.

If you are a SELLER and you are aiming to earn by promoting your services, this example can give you an idea of what you are going to be earning.

Imagine you are a Content Writer and you specialise in blog posts.

You do charge $20( Average price of people charging here for writing a blog post).

Now, you are starter so you can work on Fiverr.com just next to your main job( or school), which will allow you to make 3 blog posts/week.

3x $20= $60 week, 20% off=> $48 week your earnings

12 x20$=$240 month, 20% off=> $192 month your earnings

Imagine the same rates by 6 posts per week.

6 x20$= 1$20 week, 20% off=> $96 week your earnings

24 x20$=$480 week, 20% off=> $384 month your earnings

If you are a BUYER, you will be paying $2 for orders worth up to $40.

Above $40 you will be paying back to the platform 5% of the price of the order.

Should I Use Fiverr.com?-Summary

In my Fiverr.com review, I tried to cover the most important parts of their offer, so I can safe your time doing your research. 

As a resume, I have to say that the platform is a good solution for those who are searching for the place where they can set up their freelancer account.

So, if you want to know IF FIVERR.COM IS LEGIT?

The answer is: YES!

If you are searching for a place where you can sell your talent and if your talent is mainly in the digital marketing, this place can help you to boost your career.

Let’s say you are starting to blog on your own, and while you are getting to earn money from your own blog( we all know it takes some time) you can search for a gig here on Fiverr.com and you might get paid as of 5-25$ per article.

The same is valid if you are Web designer, 3D Product animator, Translator, Illustrator, Social Marketer, Musician, and many more, More categories you can find directly on their website here.

On the other side, there are serious down parts. 

Firstly, the possible earnings are low. 

Secondly, there is super huge competition. 

Lastly and most importantly, some BUYERS can apparently cross BOUNDARIES and you are not going to be protected. 

So, therefore, the answer on "Should I use Fiverr.com?" will be NO!!!

You see, if you would like to get deeper knowledge, in copywriting, blogging or content marketing, you'll find courses on Fiverr.com, but with significantly higher price.

Then, you will be better off with training that's better quality and is much cheaper.

Should you really go and give a try to Fiverr.com be bear in mind the vicious circle you will be in.

You need to have experiences to get hired and you need to be hired first to build relevant experiences. 

Similar: Freelancer.com or Upwork.com.

The way how to solve this could be to start your own blog first, to show your work.

If you would like to join the community where you will get personalised support of technical experts together with a like-minded group of people, click below and discover how you can start your online entrepreneurship from scratch without any experiences and before starting capital.

That was my Fiverr.com review.

I hope I could give you some ideas about what you can expect from the platform.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

To Your Success,


About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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