What is Traffic Ivy About

Welcome to my What is Traffic Ivy About review post.

Cindy Donovan's another product.

If you follow her for long enough, you know she always creates great sales pages, promotional videos, and huge marketing campaigns when creating a new product.

But does that mean that the product is of good quality?

A huge bombastic sales campaign equals a BS product.

On the other hand, products of great quality speak for themselves.

But as Cindy is on the marketing scene already 12 years, earns 7 figures regularly, and creates one product each year, she must provide some sort of value, otherwise, she won't survive in the niche.

So, let me show you if Traffic Ivy is any good.

Shall we start?

URL: https://trafficivy.com/
Founder: Cindy Donovan
Product Type:
 Membership Site for Traffic Exchange
Price:$27-$47+ up to $1000 on Upsells
Overall Rating3/10
Recommended: NO


  • Real Users
  • Money-Back Guarantee


  • Questionable Clicks Quality
  • Bucks in Software
  • Fake Reviews
  • Looks Easier Than it is

What is Ivy Traffic Ivy About?

Traffic Ivy is a membership site that serves as a traffic exchange.

Cindy Donovan's similar project was trafficbunnies.com

What is Traffic Ivy About

As mentioned, Cindy Donovan creates something like 1-2 new products per year. You can read more about her product creation on my Cindy Donovan review page.

How to Set Up Ivy Traffic?

Setting up an account inside Traffic Ivy is super easy.

Firstly, you will choose your membership. Secondly, you will watch a short video training guide. Lastly, you will activate the software.

How Does Ivy Traffic Work?

Traffic Ivy works on a pretty straightforward basis.

There are 2 ways how you can get clicks:

  • Paying = Purchasing Credits
  • Sharing/Commenting

You will give and get clicks to your website, or specific blog post.

In practice, it looks like this.

You wrote your blog post, pretty normal stuff right?

In case, you don't want to spend money on advertisements (ads), you will want to rank organically.

While ranking on Google or Bing organically takes usually a long time, such a traffic "booster" that offers Traffic Ivy can indeed speed up the process.

So, when you have written your blog post, you will share it inside of Traffic Ivy community and someone will write your comment. They will do it for two reasons:

1. You will comment under their post as well
2. They will earn credit by commenting

It is good to mention that when you will sign up, you will receive 10 000 credits. Also, for one blog post you will receive between 40-200 credits.

What do I like About Ivy Traffic?

Real Users Using The Program

When you decide to try Traffic Ivy, you will deal with real people and not bots.

Money-Back Guarantee

As part of the ClickBank marketplace, Traffic Ivy offers 30-day money-back guarantee. So, in case you are not happy with it, you can ask for the money directly from CB rather than the product owner.

This works as extra security to protect you from people like Jono Armstrong for instance. Who will tell you stories like: if you ask for your refund, you will take food from Indonesian kids. ( I am not kidding, that really happens. You can check it below). 

What is Traffic Ivy About

What I Don't Like About Ivy Traffic?

Questionable (Clicks) Quality

In general, the idea of exchanging favors here isn't that bad. The problem as I see it is rather that the quality of those clicks (favors) isn't guaranteed.

You see, there isn't a time limit users have to spend on each other's websites.

In other words, someone might just leave your site after he spends something around 3 seconds.

This can hugely damage your click through rate and therefore your rankings.

Looks Easier than it is

This one is connected to the previous problem. Cindy wants you to believe, that getting traffic using this method is super easy. Even so, the strategy itself is a good idea, there is no guarantee it will help your website.

First of all, there is a huge chance you will not make any sale posting on this platform. (it serves purely as "traffic exchange")

Secondly, people who will visit your site might not be interested in your topic and won't, therefore, be relevant.

Fake Reviews

You see Cindy Donovan has some well-known figures of affiliate marketing on their sales page, sharing their experiences with the product.

However, you might dislike Jono Armstrong, for me, it is hard to believe, that he did really use software like Traffic Ivy. His websites have thousands of clicks a day.

So, why he would need those questionable clicks?

It is most certainly a 'quid pro quo' example, where Cindy is doing a service to Jono on some other occasion.

At this stage, Jono recorded his unimaginable experience with Traffic Ivy trying to increase the number of sales. I don't trust a product, that needs fake publicity.

What is Traffic Ivy About


I don't know how about you, but for me whoever tries to sell me "some extras" straight away seconds after I just purchased a product, without even seeing the initial purchase is just sales person, not mentor. 

If you are like me, then you won't like the fact that after purchasing Traffic Ivy, the next step for you will be to purchase an upgrade that in the words of Cindy is not compulsory, but if you will not purchase it, you won't have chance to access all within Traffic Ivy.

So, why she make this offer stating how great the product is, only to hand another upgrade seconds after you bought the first "must-have" offer? 

What is Traffic Ivy About

Honestly, the only reason Cindy (and similar "fake gurus") are playing this upsell play with you before you can even access the product you initial purchased, is in my opinion simple:

The product is of s***y quality

And if you would first see the product, you won't go for any upgrades.

Inside Ivy Traffic

What is Traffic Ivy About

In addition to the 10 000 points, you will receive as starting credit that you will exchange for traffic, there is a gift awaiting you.

This gift is in form of DFY sales funnel.

Again, if you know Cindy, it might not surprise you she is using this sort of work.

Another DFY Cindy's Product: Covert Commissions

Moreover, you will get access to the training.

But this training contains just 13 minutes of training!!!

What is Traffic Ivy About

Want to get best training on affiliate marketing?

Traffic Ivy Upsells

I mentioned already that usage of so-called upsells, is a very sneaky marketing tactic.

Preferably used by cheap marketers.

You see, there are two issues with upsells.

Firstly, any product owner who wants to help his students/clients/customers should include as many features as possible into one packet and not spread it in upsells, just to earn extra $$$

Secondly, many upsells are useless.

The only purpose they have is to drain your pocket.

I mean take Traffic Ivy for instance. While the first and second upsell is something you might say has value, number 4 is completely useless.

It's like throwing 2 hundred bucks out of the window.

What is Traffic Ivy About

Some other Upsells Heavens: Browse and Bank and Perpetual Income 365

Traffic Ivy PRO GOLD $27/month or $197 one time 

Traffic Ivy PRO PLATINUM $47 or $397 one time 

5 DFY Landing Pages $97 one time 

Viral Traffic Generation Agency $197 one time 

Is Cindy Donovan Legit or SCAM?

Recently, I wrote a review about Cindy Donovan.

I mean, if one person is responsible for the creation of one new product every single year, this person will sparkle attention almost automatically.

After digging inside her history, working ethic, and real readers reviews, I must conclude that Cindy Donovan is not a SCAM.

She does create REAL products.

On the other hand, it is fair to say, that her methods of marketing are at least sneaky. Some might even say dishonest.

You see Cindy follows the pattern of Jono Armstrong's product creation strategy.

If you are not familiar with it, let me explain.

They both create a product, preferably with some DFY elements, so it will attract people to this feature. They want to leverage the simplicity of the system.

You will often hear phrases like: earn money with 3 clicks, set up your ready-made page and skyrocket your sales, and similar.

Almost every such product will cost very little.

However, that is just front end price. When you will purchase it, there is upsell festival coming in.

Similar: Six Figure Mentors

Furthermore, these product owners will ask you for your email address during the selling process.

This is the starting point when they will bombard you not only with their, oftentimes similar (low-quality) products but also with offers from their business associates.

Therefore, it doesn't surprise me that Jono Armstrong has "submitted his review" of Traffic Ivy.

If you are paying attention, you might see the pattern.

The worst thing?

Products are often not high quality, the only person who will make money in this case, you guessed it right: the product owner.

Can Cindy Donovan Help You Make Money Online?

I mentioned that already previously: Cindy Donovan creates every year one new product.

While this might be a good thing on one side (she is productive), it might also be a very disturbing thing (low-quality products).

You see, she shows as social proof supporting the high-quality of Traffic Ivy by fake reviews.

Additionally, she states she sold last year alone products in a total value of $1 000 000 as another social proof. In this case, proof of her skills.

But this can also easily mean from the 1 million she sold, 50% could have been refunded. Another $250k was spent on ads, and $150 was spent on payments for other people, like copywriters, etc.

Of course, the numbers could be different, but you get the picture.

I am not saying Cindy Donovan isn't skill full.

On the other side, I won't believe her statements. 

Not in the way she tries to put it.

What bothers me most though is when I listen to her interviews.

From those, I always got the feeling she cares more about another sale than helping her students.

Lastly, when checking JVZoo stats, I was amazed about how low a score she received when it comes to trust ability. This platform is the one where she enjoyed the most success.

What is Traffic Ivy About

On the other hand, I know for sure other people who might help you earn money online honestly.

Should You Recommend Ivy Traffic to Your Mum?

You see TAO owner I like the suggestion from TAO's creator Philip Borrowman: recommend a product just in case you would recommend it to your parents.

I think the reason he wrote that is, that many marketers would recommend a product, often of not sufficient quality, just in the hope to earn a commission.

So, is Traffic Ivy worth spending time, money, and energy?

Strictly said: NO.

I know there is this 30-day money-back guarantee and you don't risk anything, but why try something that will die after a year or two?

What is Better Choice Than Traffic Ivy?

Even so, Cindy Donovan is not a SCAM and her products can show you one piece of a puzzle, there is much more to know before you can really earn money online on a consistent basis.

First of all, it is safe to say that if you would rely on Cindy's advice only you'd need either:

  1. External Services/Training
  2. Relatively Huge Investment

But what if there would be another solution?

Let me show you.

If you want to hear my whole story, start here. The short version is that since 2019, I am member of platform that tough me everything I need to start earning money online.

Additionally, I am not the only one who is profiting from this platform.

See some real people enjoying real results below:

To sum up what this amazing platform offers for $49 a month:step-by-step affiliate marketing training, 24/7 live community, training classes, web hosting, domain platform, and much more.

Do you want to try it?

About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Hi Julius,
    I must say that I didn’t know about this Traffic Ivy product, but I have heard of Cindy Donavan. I know she is constantly creating products that use fake reviews, and fake checks. When you showed JVZoo, that pretty much says it all. Most of their products are not worth the money. And they all seem to have at least 4 or 5 upsells. Thank you for keeping us informed of these lousy products, and helping us keep our money!

    1. Hi Chas,

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience with us. I am super happy that you basically just proved what I was stating in my review. She is all bunch of BS. Her reviews are fake and all the “inspirational persona” she tries to create is just a sham. Because she really doesn’t care about if her students would make money. She cares just only about her pocket. She creates product after product and says the newest one is the only one you ever need. It’s ridiculous.

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