Recently a friend of mine asked me: What do you know about

Honestly? I didn't know the platform.

So, 72 hours, and 3 litres of Brazilian coffee later, here I go.

I am writing a review about

If you are like my friend, Paul, I might help you with answers on some following doubting questions:

What is How do I use Most importantly: Is a good system?

Well, if those answers are not giving you enough sleep, then you will love my review.

Founder: Aurélien Amacker
Product Type:
 All-in-one online business platform
Overall Rating9/10
Recommended: YES


  • Price
  • All-in-One Platform
  • Affiliate Marketing FREE and FOREVER 


  • Navigation Can be Confusing
  • Missing Training on Some Parts

What is

Firstly, let me start with some facts. is an all-in-one online marketing business platform, that offers you as a user, solutions replacing other tools.

In other tools, if you will use you might end up without a need for other, 3rd party tools.

The tool is available in 7 languages and it can help you almost with EVERYTHING YOUR (GROWING) BUSINESS NEEDS.

From website and landing page building to email marketing campaigns and membership sites.

You'll be covered by using

Who Is the Creator?

The story of the founder can be very inspirational.

In short, Aurélien Amacker is a french ex-blogger and product creator.

He got mentored (by other French marketers, in fact, it really feels like some kind of music band starting their journey ? when you will be listening to his interview) and started back in 2010.

Firstly he became enormously successful with product launches.

You can listen to this interview, which gives you more clues about what he went through, who he was influenced and what he already had achieved.

I like the fact that he went into the competitive market and made a huge success with products that were already selling, like landing page builders, an email autoresponder, or webinars, rather than TRYING TO INVENT A NEW PRODUCT.

This proves that even in highly competitive niches you can experience a huge success if you can stand out.

For Who is Best For?

There are a lot of different people who can benefit from using the tool, but those who will leverage its features the most are:

  • bloggers
  • e-commerce biz owners
  • email marketers
  • website builders
  • freelancers
  • affiliate marketers
  • small business owners
  • could be I forgot someone, but...

Everyone working online, even as a freelancer helping others or as a business owner, will find it useful inside

How Does Work?

Firstly, create your FREE ACCOUNT.

(If you decide to upgrade to a paid version, you always have to start with a free account)

Secondly, after confirming your email, you have to create your password.

Then finally, you will see your dashboard with the navigation menu.

After hovering on your profile picture, you can click on settings where you will set up all important aspects of your (newly) built online business.

Here, you will want to set up your personalised settings and connections.

For instance setting up your payment getaways for receiving payments (should you run a web shop), adding your own domain (if you have one), or setting up your email for your upcoming email campaigns.

When you click on the bottom help, you will get to the screen with useful information. This section contains sort of training environment, FAQ and also the support.

A) Knowledge Base

The most knowledge-packed part of this support section. When you will dive in, you will find tutorials in the form of blog posts, together with a help of screenshots.

Those tutorials are super helpful.

At the same time, you want to know that those tutorials are concerned about how each section, feature, or tool of the software works, but it doesn't provide actual training on each topic.

In other words, you won't learn how to write a blog post, rather you will learn how to add a piece of text inside of your blog post. 

I hope this does make sense to you. If you want to learn how to write blog post for SEO, then you'd need to get different training, I like this one.

Other recommendation for SEO training: Affiliate Lab

B) Online Training

So, here comes the online training. It is a collection of videos, precisely in total: 8 videos in the length of 45 minutes.

If you would expect comprehensive training on every subject, you will be disappointed.

Therefore, when you will decide to go with, be sure you know email marketing, content marketing, and affiliate marketing, ...or be prepared to learn it somewhere else. is the tool, rather than educational hub.

However, some of the most relevant parts of online business are supported with some extra knowledge-based posts, such as Email marketing or sales funnels building.  

So, you can find, for instance, a section on how to improve the delivery of your emails or how to build deadline funnels.

C) Support

This is the final place where you can get helped.

It works purely as the last instance. So, when you couldn't find an answer to your question within the two previous sections, you can submit your ticket.

This one will be subsequently sent to a real customer support agent and you'll be helped.

According to the experience of real users, the help from the agents over here at is quick and relevant.

The majority of (solved) cases where users were struggling were concerned about the migration process.

This can put you at ease, if you already know, that you will be migrating some of your content to

How Can Help You?

Up until you heard, that is an all-in-one platform.

But what exactly does this mean?

I'll explain.

You see, when you run an online business, chances are you do a combination of more things.

As a web shop owner, as well as YouTubber, or web designer, you still would need to build a website, send emails or capture leads. So, therefore this all-in-one platform has you covered.

Let's assume for example that you are an affiliate marketer.

In this case, you'd need a blog for writing your content. You need a website builder to make your site look attractive(adding images, videos, call-to-actions, etc)

At a later stage, you will most likely also need to create sales funnel.

As one of the targets is capturing the leads.

Furthermore, you will want to keep in touch with your leads. The best way to do this is via email.

So, for every step you'd need to create, has a relevant solution for you.

Additionally, for every part of the tool there is dedicated section in the knowledge base. So, that makes it easier for you to concentrate on the business purely. 

Let me give you short insight about some of the examples how you can leverage from


Fundamental part of any online business is a blog.

Inside you can easily write your piece of content inside of an element and place it inside.

At first, it might look intimidating, especially if you are used to simplicity inside WordPress for instance, but again, it is just question of getting to know the system.

Firstly, you want to create your blog.

With your name, domain and URL path(this will serve as permalink as well)

Secondly, you will create blog posts or blog pages.

The procedure is different as in WordPress, where you basically just login in and write. So, you will have blank page as well, but here you will add elements.

When you want to write a text for instance, you will have to add text element.

After that you will write piece of content, as you would in any other editor.

Website Builder

Website building is actually super easy.

As every part of your business starts with a new page, you will have to always start from blank page.

So, editing sales funnel, landing page or even blog post will be the same.

Furthermore, the drag and drop nature of the tool , makes it super easy to build your website within matter of hours.

Creating Sales Funnels

This feature alone is one of the main reasons, people will move from the biggest providers like ClickFunnel or GrooveFunnels into

I think it is also one of the most important parts of your business and it will decide, how successful your business will be, so you really want to leverage on using this tool.

There is help on variety of "funnels" (knowledge base is pretty helpful here), you can do a/b testing of your pop-ups, create squeeze pages or deadline funnels.

With the variety of purposes, see below:

Emails owners know that Email Marketing is super important for your any online business. While some younger marketers will try to make claims like email marketing is dead, numbers never lie. 

According to this study, Social Media Marketing (Facebook in this case) enjoys some 6% open rate (people who will see your message, while Email Marketing enjoys 21% open rate.

In addition to this, it might interest you that in average companies earned $36 for every $1 they spent on their email marketing campaigns. 

Most importantly, you own your list. What isn't the case with social marketing.  

Some tips you will get inside regarding email marketing: how to improve your email deliverability, how to integrate Active Campaign, how to keep your emails open rate high, and similar.

According what I have seen here, the email marketing and sales funnel building are the most covered inside and you will be in good hands once making the switch.

What Are Some PROS?

All-In-One Platform

If you are starting out or if you are an experienced online marketer, you might recognise that in order to successfully and efficiently run your (or client's) business, you need a lot of tools.

Here comes as a great help.

You see, the creators thought about this market loophole and created product that can be the cutting edge.

No more hustling around to get 10 external software. With you can run your blog, email campaigns, and create webinars through one starting point.


At different places inside my review, I am comparing with industry leader, and you can see that in terms of value/price, they are really unbeatable.

Honestly, after introduction, the huge names inside of business might start lowering their prices. Otherwise, they might keep losing clients.

I mean take that, offers you a FREE ACCOUNT, where you can run EVERYTHING you need for a fully functioning online business. 

If you want some additional features, the pricing is still affordable and, in my opinion, no-brainer!

Affiliate Program is For Lifetime and FREE

If you don't know what I mean by statement: Affiliate Program is for a lifetime, let me explain.

First of all, you can join their affiliate marketing, even if you are not a member and for free.

Secondly, the tacking rules will blow your mind.

You see, standard affiliate programs use so-called cookies, to track people who will purchase the service/product via your link. So, you can earn a commission.

While cookies' duration starts at 24 hours period inside Amazon Affiliates and ends usually somewhere around 90 days, when promoting as an affiliate, your links are tracked with a special tracking tool.

This tool is exceptionally "affiliate friendly" because if someone clicks on your link and enters the website, you will earn commission whenever they buy something, forever.

This is also valid when for instance the email marketers will send your contacts promotional emails and they decide to buy.

This is especially useful when people are using different devices.

Normally when people use tablets, phones, or PCs, platforms using standard cookies oftentimes "miss" the connection to you and you will lose the commission.

That's not the case with Once a click, always reward. 

What Are Some CONS?

Missing Training

Even so, the support inside works outstanding, I would welcome some in-depth, comprehensive, and specific training.

Although I know, it could be hard, to see what areas they operate in (sales building, email marketing, blogging,..).

However, when you do have not so much experience with any of the areas, you might feel, it is a bit overwhelming. There are 8 videos, in total 45 minutes long.

Recommendation for comprehensive training: Wealthy Affiliate and Affiliate Lab

Missing Free Migration

You see, when you already have some online "ownership", be that website, membership site, or email list, you are not able to migrate your data unless you switch to PAID membership.

That is not that bad in the end, you just need to be prepared to pay some $$ extra.

Considering what other similar tools are charging, and considering if you start from a scratch, it will be FREE for you, it is still fine.

Just that you are prepared for that, so you won't expect FREE migration while using your startup membership.

Navigation Can Be Pain in The A**

Especially for someone who is beginning the online journey, the navigation could be slightly confusing.

You might be wandering where to start, what to do first, what you need and what not.  

On the other hand, I guess if you are ok to acquire the knowledge elsewhere and you will be using the software fora while, the navigation will become smooth soon. vs ClickFunnels

Click Funnels is platform created by Russell Brunson, Dylan Jones, and Todd Dickerson in 2014.

It was leading funnel builder and up to 2021 it was enjoying the leading role.

But would it be also the same in the future? The present situation shows, most likely not.

Starting with the price.

ClickFunnels comes with $97 STANDARD and $297 PLATINUM memberships.

If you are starting online business, then you won't need the platinum membership. But then again, $97 is the price of the UNLIMITED membership at

Also when it comes to FREE TRIAL, comes better out of this comparison. Simply, because you can choose FOREVER FREE and decide if you want to switch to paid version.

ClickFunnels offers "just" 14 days FREE TRIAL. After that, you need to choose if you want to continue using it (paid) or stop. There is not an option to stay using some kind of FREE version.

What are the same features?

  • Drag and Drop Website Builder
  • Extended Sales Funnels Options

What Are The Differences?

Email MARKETING and Affiliate Marketing.

In Email MARKETING on ClickFunnels you can leverage on

  • Importing Your Contacts
  • Adding Tags For Each Contact For Better Segmentation Regarding Your Your Funnels
  • Setting up Your Email Autoresponder
  • Accessing Email Statistics Like Open Rate, etc.

But these awesome options, you will have to PURCHASE PLATINUM $297/membership.

Contrary to that, when using you'll have access to all above, but already with FREE plan.

Affiliate Marketing on has two amazing features that will put ClickFunnels in some time around 2 centuries ago.

Firstly, you can create your own affiliate program with our FREE plan (with ClickFunnels you need to pay for membership first), and secondly, you can publish and promote your products for free on marketplace. 

So, in nutshell when comparing vs ClickFunnels, there is just only one winner! Pricing

Besides the content of the tool, there is one more feature, that makes it stand out: the pricing.

In one specific paragraph, I show a more detailed comparison of some other competitor. So, you will get a better understanding of how great this pricing is.

What I love about is that they give you the option to sign up for free and try the things first at a lower scale and if you like it, then scale it at a bigger range.

I love this TRY FOR FREE approach much more than cheap front-end price and then countless, useless and expensive UPSELLS.

Some Upsells Heavens: The Six Figure Mentors or Ministry of Freedom

Is a Good System?

If it is not obvious from my previous lines, then I will make it clear here, YES: is a good system.

You see, everyone who is working in some kind of online business (directly owning or for someone else) needs the tools inside

As a bigger the business, as more tools, it would need.

So, why not switch for already?

You'd need the tools anyway.

What Other People Are Saying About It?

Even so, sometimes honest reviews can be hard to find because affiliates want to make money selling the product or diminishing it in order to sell their preference, when it comes to REAL USERS, you can be safe that those reviews are LEGIT and HONEST.

Therefore, you might be pleased to see review score is EXCELLENT.

As well as on another trustable platform,, it earned EXCELLENT rating.

What people do like most about (and what isn't far from what I have put as PROS) are the fact that it is all-in-one platform and the option to choose for a free plan.

Do I recommend

So guys, finally, we've got that! 

First of all, I WANT TO THANK YOU, if you got so far, as I know it was really long reading ?

Now, the most important question: Is recommended?

Honestly, when I first came across, I was very skeptical.

I thought: OMG, just another tool promoting the easy way to success.

Push-a-button and become rich schemes if you will.

But after further research, I MUST SAY THAT I WOULD RECOMMEND THIS PLATFORM 100%.

You see, if you are starting online entrepreneur, small business or even experienced marketer (not afraid of change), you WILL DEFINITELY benefit from using it.

I did highlight the biggest advantages has compared to (at this moment) most popular funnel building software, ClickFunnels.

For me, it is a no-brainer!

I am happy I did this review. Hopefully, I could have helped you to make informed decision.

One person I will make happy for sure, my friend Paul! Now, I will be equal partner to talk about and let's see where the conversation will take us...




  • All-in-One Platform
  • Price
  • Affiliate Marketing is FREE And Forever


  • Missing Training
  • Navigation Can Be Confusing
About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Your review on system io has lots of great functions, the platform seems to have a good system. It seems to be a great alternative/replacement for ClickFunnels.
    The great part about io is it is FREE forever and this help with cost of things.
    Thanks for the review and honest opinion, always trusted.


    1. Hey guys. Indeed, the FREMIUM is FOREVER FREE. There are some limits, for instance, if you want to migrate your existing contacts from your email list, you need to have the paid version. But to have the option to try things out first before making any commitment is really great. I think, that when you want to start from blank, the FREE version will serve you until you get your first paying customer. Afterward, you want to scale it up and therefore the monthly fee won’t bother you so much. Also considering the fact the most expensive option at has the same price tag as the cheapest option at ClickFunnels says. a lot. FOR ME REALLY A NO-BRAINER!

  2. seems like an all-in-one tool for building an online business, and I love that you can try it for free. You can even join its affiliate program when you are still a free member, which sounds like a good opportunity for all online marketers, me included.

    Although it lacks training on some critical parts of running an online business, I am sure serious people will find free resources online to learn what it takes. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hey Matt. Exactly, it is a great product and it offers plenty of PROS. I think that its functionality, content, and price are what make people step out from ClickFunnels and join Honestly, this trend will be much more obvious in the coming months/years. If will continue in the progress they are in now. I love the fact, that it is free to try as well.

  3. Hey Julius thanks for your review of this platform. I have recently been comparing the options for this type of tool, which is how I found your site, and your information provided me with some clarity about that I had not found elsewhere so well done.

    1. Hey James. I am super happy that I could have helped you with my review. Hopefully, it provided you with enough info and you will be able to make an informed decision if is something worth joining. Cheers

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