I wrote my Scriptdio review in order to help you decide if this program promising to skyrocket your sales has the potential to help you.

I want to congratulate you because you took the time to do your research before buying some products. 

In the digital world, that is always a wise thing to do. 

…Or is it just another HYPE?

As there are plenty of reviews written, from the guys who just copied and pasted the original sale copy from the Scriptdio sales page, I decided to write my unbiased Scriptdio review. 

So here you go!

Name: Scriptdio 
Andrew Darius
Earning Potential:
Rating: 5/10

What is it?

Cloud-based sales script software, helping you optimize your sales. They use pre-made templates, so you would have to just fill in the details of the product or service you wish to promote and they do the rest.

Scriptdio review

Who is it for? 

An online business owner, having a solid base of followers, who doesn’t want to be bothered by writing the sales letters. 

Additionally, I can write for who is it not, and that would be for starters. As you would not have an idea how to use these letters. 

When is it a good time to use it? 

In case you have a product or service to offer. This is of high quality, you have followers and you don’t want to write any sales-related stuff whatsoever. 

Why use Scriptdio?

It can definitely save you some time. 

But, just if you know how to use the sales letters, therefore you would put them at the right time, in the right place and amount. Other than that it can be worthless.

How to use Scriptdio? 

After purchasing, you’ll have access to Done For You templates. 

Secondly, you will choose a framework describing best your present needs. You can choose how you want to layout your offer. You can drag and drop them around until you find the right ”click”. 

There are 12 steps of choosing the framework before the sales offer is ready. 

Scriptdio review

Then you are going to download it as a PDF and that document is ready to be used on your website. 

What do I like about Scriptdio?

Done For You 

When you are busy serving your audience, it can be quite challenging to find a time to write a great OFFERS, that convert. 

In addition, not everyone is just born with that talent. To be writing captivating and engaging sales offers. 

So, in that case, DFY templates can save you a lot of time and nerves -:)

Scriptdio review

At the same time, I have to say, that you should spend some time understanding what these ”amazing templates” stand for.

You should have a clue, what are you inserting in front of your audience, right?

Otherwise, soon there might be no audience at all…

Easy To Use 

As mentioned earlier, all you would have to do after getting your login details is to choose the desired template, fill in details like product name, price, and what is it about…

…and you are ready to collect money!

No, it’s not that easy, but the content of the SALES LETTER will be done for you and therefore you are all set.

Money-Back Guarantee

Always nice to have a backup in your mind, when you are making a purchase of whatsoever product. 

Undoubtedly, when purchasing Digital Product. 

Scriptdio offers a 30 Money-Back guarantee.

To be completely honest with you, I am not sure if that is applicable for all of the upsell costs( Yes, there are some) or just the initial $37. If you want to be 100%, I would recommend you to double-check that, before you are going to buy. 

What do I don’t like about Scriptdio? 


I don’t like when I don’t know how much the entire product is going to cost!

If you are like me, then you would feel that the owners try to kind of hide something in front of me. 

But unlike the wizard performance, the surprise coming out would be…paying more money. 

Scriptdio review

I mean one thing, decisive for a long-term relationship is transparency. And one thing killing it is to hide all costs!

Rigid Usage

You see, Scriptdio claims that you can use the software in any niche, you are in. 

That is just partially true. 

Scriptdio review

The frameworks are all pre-set-up. Often times with the wording, that is just not possible to use for particular services or products.  

For instance, imagine that your website is about camping, but this software’s wording is set for selling digital products. You would have to re-edit pretty much almost everything in the framework. 

Honestly, it can be pretty time-consuming if you would have to edit every frame exactly to your wish.  

You will Not Know How to write it by yourself

Certainly, that doesn’t have to be an issue, if you are completely ok with having some extra money ready for COPYWRITERS. 

Because these templates will be available unless you pay. 

What happens if you want to change the service? What would happen if the templates become outdated? 

You would have to hire a new copywriter, which can be costly. Because you wouldn’t know how to do it by yourself…

I am not saying you have to become a master in sales-related writings…but I think, it can be helpful( oftentimes cheaper as well) to know how to write simple PPC or simple engaging Email, right? 

Unsure of the creators? 

Andrew Darius is the creator of similar products online such as SWING crypto bot(which doesn’t exist anymore), Speedlir(doesn’t exist anymore) Explaindio, Speechdio. Unfortunately, there is not enough info available on Andrew Carius. 

Scriptdio review

This is literally the only mentioning of the vendor of Scriptdio related to his product. As the product has no(yet?) official website!

It is at least to say, very strange, that the owner of the product has no own website, but is selling the product via other people’s website. 

Scriptdio review

As well, his youtube channel is without any content. 

That is no good sign again.  

No Training

Yep! There are tutorial videos once you log in, but there is missing training on how to implement the script. 

So, if you are an aspiring digital, affiliate, or social marketer, it can be tough to get the idea of how to use those scripts. 

Because then, even the best product becomes useless, if you don’t know how to use it. 

Do I recommend Scriptdio?

I wrote my Scriptdio review because I want YOU to make the most relevant decision for your growth. 

To sum up, I think there is value inside of the Scriptdio. If you are owning a blog or another website with a huge follower baseline, it can save you time. You don’t have to spend hours thinking about the SALES OFFERS. 

In case, you have an audience already, you can give it a try, in the worst case you can use the money-back guarantee.

However, if you just starting out, I wouldn’t recommend the software.

Certainly, it can become much more overwhelming. Because you would need to understand first how to write for people. How to create content that is helpful, engaging, and captivating. 

As an addition, you can try to sell some valuable product or services, not the other way around. 

Because that would make you SCAM and people will sense that very quickly. 






  • Easy To Use
  • Done For You Templates
  • Time Saving
  • Money-Back Guarantee


  • Upsells
  • Rigid Usage
  • Not Learning The Skill
  • Missing Info About The Creator
  • No Training
About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Hi,
    Thanks for a really helpful analysis of Scriptdio offering. For me, one thing I always place a high priority on is being able to access the owner or creator of a product. So when I read that there’s not much information about the creator of this product, it doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence. Sure it could be helpful for some but I’d rather go for a product where I can follow and watch some of the training that the owner have made.

    Thank you again – really insightful review.


    1. Hi Femi. Thank you for stopping by. Indeed, when someone creates a product you expect him to stand out behind it, correct?
      I know that is at least to say, showing the transparency. Being hidden in the bushes and not reachable for clients is not really good marketing.

  2. Thanks for such a great review. Nothing infuriates me more than finding a system and not find out until later about all of the upsells involved. I’m also very appreciative that you identified that this isn’t for beginners and I think you just saved me hundreds of dollars! Your recommendation actually sounds like it would be perfect for me. It sounds like I get everything mentioned without any unexpected upsales. I’ll be checking it out. Thanks again!

    1. Hi Jamie. Thank you for leaving your comment. It is always a pleasure to hear when my review actually helps someone to prevent the loss of money. You can ask yourself why the heck the upsells? Just tell me at the beginning what is the price, so I can decide with the knowing the whole story. Otherwise, it is really just shady and it is leaving any good impression from the product you can have, unnoticed.

  3. Honestly, I’ve dealt with similar products in the past and my experiences weren’t that great.

    I don’t feel like such a script can be precise enough to provoke an emotion as a paid copywriter can. At the end of the day, if the sales letter you’re buying it for is that important, it won’t be a problem for you to hire an expert writer from some of the top freelance sites like UpWork or Freelance.

    Then again, this is my personal opinion, and please bare in mind that I haven’t even used Scriptdio.

    1. Hey there. Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us. I am sure that anyone reading your insights will profit from this advice. Your personal experience is just proving that the system is really ”unperfect” and that it does pay off to learn the skill by self.

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