
Remixable owner promises you start a REAL BUSINESS with 1000 times increased speed.

Are those bold claims any true? Can you create striving business as product owner? 

So, let's find out, together, in my review if Remixable is seriously going to help you create the "automated" money machine or it is another headache.

As your time is super valuable, let's start right now.

Shall we?
Founder: Chris
Earning Potential2/10
Price$475 or 2x$275 or 6x$97
Overall Rating1/10
Recommended: NO

What is Remixable?

Remixable is platform, that allows you to use existing (high selling) software and other digital tools. After re-branding them, you will be the right owner of the new, re-branded product.

You see, the owner of those products is Chris self. He claims to own those products and is wiling you completely re-use them for your purpose.

To be completely honest, it is not sure if you will be the only owner of the new products or you will be sharing the profit with the owner.

There are some other flaws down the road.

But keep reading and we'll discover all about Remixable just in short moment.

How does Remixable work?

In order to understand how Remixable works, I wrote the 3 steps section below. As mentioned, the main idea behind Remixable is "remixing".

So what you will do, is basically mixing the existing products, software, sales pages from Chris, use it for your own (marketing) purpose, find people interested in buying it and cash out.

It sounds quite simple, isn't it?

On the other hand, you might have doubts about it, because it looks too easy. So let's see how does Remixable work.

1) Choose from over 30 Resell Right Products created by Chris. Your task in the first step would be to re-brand those products. In the simplest form, you will change the logo and design of the software product.

Imagine, McDonald's for instance.


If It would be to find inside Remixable, you could change the M for D in the logo for instance.

With some other mixes you'll have your "new" product.

2) Furthermore, you will choose from 50+ DFY niches-websites with 10 000 words of scripts and hundreds of royalty free images.

The scripts are used on the sales pages. All you have to do, is to fill the empty spaces with your text.

If you don't know what sales page is, you visited one when you clicked on

I agree with information provided in the sales video, the sales pages are important part of any online business. Because they convert your visitors to paying customers.

3) Lastly, you want to send traffic to your websites.

The real difference Remixable claims to offer is that you don't have to search or generate traffic to your websites, but you will get FREE BUYERS TRAFFIC SEND.

Honestly, I am also very curious how this can be achieved.

Unfortunately, the sales video finished just before this was revealed.

Inside Remixable

Inside of Remixable you will find several tools that can help you build and scale your business.

Important to know is that, every action done inside Remixable is leading you to becoming a product owner.

That's something, I did not realise at the beginning, so just mentioning it.


Although Chris claims to be a product owner, there are also opposite opinions, stating leveraging on other people's products sales is requires less effort and creates passive income on long term basis.

I think it depends on your preferences. As an affiliate marketer you have low risks starting out and low starting costs.

Alright below are some tools you can expect when joining in.

  • PushPro Lite - Push Notification List-Builder- Is basically auto responder tool, allowing you collect up to 1000 emails. Email marketing is definitely effective strategy increasing your sales.
  • Popular Websites - The "Eight-Figures" Collection- This tool is what should be the golden base of Remixable. Chris is allowing you "copy" and re-brand his websites. Simply load up the page, click to remix and you can clone and remix the layout, niche copy, design style and more for all these proven sites.

  • Product Ideas Page- Additionally to Popular Websites, you will be shown how to come up with your own great ideas for creating new products.

  • Remixable VIP Training, Coaching & Support- Inside you will find step-by-step training how to start this Remixable business. Also, there is a live chat option and if the owner is not online, his UK base team will be happy to help you.

  • Traffic Hacks - Templates, Training & More- As a product owner you will be encouraged to use help of affiliates to spread the word and help you increase your sales. Chris claims he will show you how yo can get traffic with simply posting affiliate links on particular sites (these are most likely Warrior Plus, JVZoo, and ClickBank).


Money Back Guarantee

Thanks to ClickBank 60 days Money Back Guarantee, you are not risking anything.

Hereby, I would like to remind you, that whatever product you will buy through CB, you will ask (in case you want to return it) ClickBank directly and not the vendor.

That way, your refund would be quickly solved and you'll avoid potential delays from vendor's site. You can see below recent refund from ClickBank.




To me, there are some uncertainties.

First of all, there is no real-life example of the product you will be remixing.

Are those products LEGIT? Do they provide value? How much do they cost (In other words, would it be profitable for you to re-brand them?)

Those are all crucial questions. And answers on those questions are defining business opportunity, right?

Additionally, if you will watch their sales video here, and YouTube video below, the voice of the guy called Chris is different. Not only he is not sharing his identity, but he is as well lying about his identity.

Marketing Claims

I understand that in order to make more sales, people are trying different strategies. While I am not so naive, that to "just" own an EXCEPTIONAL PRODUCT or SERVICE is enough to make living.

There has to be some marketing.

I found Chris went a bit too far. His usage of (fake) scarcity is pushy.

Some of his claims:

  • you'll be learning and getting traffic!!! from 6-figures marketers
  • he claims he put 100k in development

Lack of Social Proof

Not sure what about you, but I do like have some sort of social proof before pulling out my pocket, if you know what I mean.

It is wise thing to do when booking hotels, visiting restaurants or purchasing computer. So it's definitely recommended doing when purchasing digital products.

Remixable offers almost NO REVIEWS.

Additionally, the creator of Remixable is known to us just as this Chris guy.

In my opinion, this is too little social proof for to pay for a product or service.


Apart from the above mentioned, I found the price quite high.

Definitely, when seeing the value of the program.

You see, there are uncovered topics. For instance, Chris doesn't explain how exactly you will get this "free buying ready traffic".

Moreover, there is lacking information on examples of products you will be "remixing". That' something you'd prefer to know.

My Remixable Review Final Summary

Although, it might look as super easy and fun way to "remix" your way to success with Remixable, THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT FLAWS.

I mentioned most of them. In addition to those, there might be others as well. Some of the biggest worries, I have are :

  • Unknown author
  • Blurry product selection
  • High price

From my experience, I do like to have some social proofs before committing myself and before spending any money.

You did the same, when you searched for reviews on Remixable.

So the missing social proof is maybe the biggest RED FLAG for me.

To sum up it all, I would NOT RECOMMEND joining the Remixable program (even with the great money back guarantee).

On the other hand, I don't want to say you can't earn money with it.

There is just no PROOF you can and therefore I would stay away from it.

My Alternative for Earning Money Online

When I wrote, there is no proof that you can earn money with Remixable, I followed this training.

The social proof of people earning real money with it are astonishing. What do you think?

You see, the way how I earn money online is Affiliate Marketing. Unlike Remixable, you will not "re-brand" other people's products and then sell it as yours.

But you will directly sell those other people's products and during that, earning commission from the sale.

And how much could you earn by doing it?

Well it depends, obviously, but if you decide to sell digital goods, the commission is usually up to 50%.

In comparison, if you would sell on Amazon (physical products mostly) you would get some 3-5%. What can be still interesting if the item cost over $1k.

I wrote several posts related to affiliate marketing.

For instance, places where you will find the best affiliate platforms for beginners in 2021.

Additionally, this post is about how to start your affiliate marketing business from scratch.

About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Hi Julius,
    Thank you for bringing Remixable to my attention with your review. I don’t like products that are endorsed or created by authors with fake identities, and have a few red flags. I think the idea of remixing products that someone else produced is kind of scammy to me.
    And the cost at $475, is just too much for me to take a chance on even with the 60 day guarantee. This guy could close up shop in 60 days! No thanks, I will keep my money. Thanks for the warning on this product!

    1. You are welcome Chas and you are indeed right, that the guy could close up the shop in 60 days. Even though Click Bank is bullet proof guarantee, when someone uses fake identity, who knows what tricks may he posses. Therefore, avoiding and no risking seems to be indeed better solution.

  2. Hi Julius,

    I know it’s easy to mix Chris’s products to create one of your own, but it doesn’t mean you can make any sales from this. If you consider the lack of social proof, bold claims about the earning potentials, and different voices of Chris, you will get more skeptical after digging deep. He doesn’t reveal the FREE buyer traffic, so I will steer clear of Remixable and find another platform to make money online. Your recommendation seems like a better solution, and I would love to try it ASAP. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing,

  3. Thanks for sharing this. Anytime something is re-branded, I can’t help but think it’s not a good idea. People online are getting more and more savvy. Gone are the days of “get rich quick” from internet marketing. Also you said you’re not sure if the person who buys this will be the only owner of the new products or if we’ll be sharing profits with the owner. Personally, I’d like to own 100% profits. I think affiliate marketing is the best way to go. People need to buy things online and it’s not going anywhere anytime time soon. Great post.

    1. Hi there! Thank you for your comment. I like the idea of product licensing. But in that case everything (like who gets which revenue) has to be discussed before hand. In the case of Remixable, I don’t have the feeling of transparency. At least it lacks a clear explanation how does it work.

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