Passive Profit Pages

Welcome to my Passive Profit Pages Review.

First of all, I want to assure you, that I am not going to praise the program just in hope to earn $9 commission.

Instead, I am going to reveal the truth.

So, I will provide you with comprehensive, honest and easy-to-read review.

Bill McRea claims that ordinary people like Drew Connors from Chicago can make $6,126 in period of 3 days and that you can too, if you will invest in Passive Profit Pages.

Let me show you if he can live up his promises or if it is another BS claim.

Strategy so widely used by low quality product creators.

Shall we start?

Founder: Bill McRea
Product Type:
 Paid Traffic Affiliate Marketing
Price$17 Front End, up to $2000 with UPSELLS
Overall Rating1/10
Recommended: NO


Money Back Guarantee

Owner is Real Person


Fake Testimonials


Low Value

Done For You

What is Passive Profit Pages?

Passive Profit Pages is paid traffic affiliate marketing platform.

Meaning, you would need to be prepared to pay some extra money after your initial investment.

This is because, Bill McRae, the creator, will show you only solo ads traffic solution as a the only way on how to drive visitors to your site.

How Does Passive Profit Pages Work?

Passive Profit Pages works on very simple basis.

Firstly, you would have to create (if you already have one, you don't have to) an account with ClickBank.

Passive Profit Pages

Secondly, you will choose one of the 5 DFY website templates.

Those are pre-made templates whereas you can choose one of the ready-made websites. Those are coming in random niches. (Health, Wealth and Guitar Playing)  

Passive Profit Pages

Furthermore, you will have to send traffic to those websites.

As recommended traffic method, Bill will show you solo ads method.

Lastly, you will collect your commission.

Pretty straight forward, don't you think?

However, there are might be some obstacles down the road. I am discussing them later in my review. 

How Does Page Builder Work?

The process of page building can be something what scares people. Especially if you are new to the affiliate marketing business.

Therefore, I want to dedicate this space to it.

If you have WordPress blog it is already enough to make your website look appealing for others.

If you want to add it to another level, you might want to use page building platforms like Elementor or my favourite one Thrive Themes. This platform has additional plugins that are super conversion oriented. 

Inside Passive Profit Pages, they have their own software and those pages come rebuild. Even so, it can sound as that the heavy lifting was done here for you, it is actually quite opposite.

Passive Profit Pages


Simply, because you want to build your website from the scratch and not use template that was used thousands of times before, right? The chances of ranking in Google with such a "used" template equals to zero.

You see, building a website and particularly page, can be done in less than one minute.

(I think Bill wants to make you believe it is hard, so he offers "help")

The way, how you'll be building your site using Passive Profit Pages is explains below:

1. Choose the template 

Basic membership has 5 templates, if you decide to purchase upsell, you'll get more.

Passive Profit Pages

2. Give it a Name and Connect Your Site to Sub Domain

Furthermore, you have to choose a name of your website. But, here is the problem. You see, when purchasing the basic membership, you will have to connect it to domain.

Passive Profit Pages

(You can also choose your own domain, that comes with extra money. One thing I don't understand is why Bill asks you to pay almost $200, when domain costs normally no more than $20.)

3. Place Your Links on Your Newly Build Website

In case, you will leave your website as it was delivered to you, it can be a huge problem. Those websites have some pre-written dummy content.

Imagine, 1000 people who signed for Passive Profit Pages will be using the very same website as you.

Then you have no chance of making your business profitable. Simply because your site will be not ranked.

Inside Passive Profit Pages

Firstly, after landing on Passive Profit Pages, you will see video introduction with the story of how Bill started his online journey.

I am not sure if the story is truthful, but that's not the point.

You will be introduced to affiliate marketing according to Bill.

One major problem arises: you will not get "sneak-peek" into the program. 

In other words: you will not see what is inside of PPP until purchased.

(Unlike many trustable online training platforms, like this one for instance, who will gladly show you what you can expect once you choose to pay for it.) 

But, I've got you covered on this. When you purchase the front end product, you'll get access to 5 TEMPLATES.

(In case, you'd like to have more, you need to purchase almost $200 upsell. Moreover, in the section upsells) 

You might see, that each of them represents different NICHE.

Guitar, Affiliate, Health (Acne and Weight Loss) and Home Business.

In addition to these templates, there is a "training section".

I really won't call it real training. In fact, it is collection of videos, that in total last around 10 MINUTES!!!

Additionally, to this video collection, you'll get access to PDF on FREE TRAFFIC.

Passive Profit Pages

Honestly, these videos and the PDF are really low value and all what you will be taught is :how to start with ClickBank, how to choose template and/or purchase extra domains (upsell) and how you can re-build the ready-made template.

All-in-one, knowledge that can be found after YouTube or Google search for free.


So, the 3 most important components of every affiliate marketing. This is should be super disappointing for everyone searching for in-depth training.

When the comprehensive training is what you searching for, then you have to have a look on the platform below. 

What do I Like About Passive Profit Pages?

Owner is Real Person

Bill McRae might not be the most successful affiliate marketer, but he is a legit person.

According to his social profiles, he achieved some big success in agricultural business.

Also, he has YouTube and Udemy accounts where he teaches how to start solo ads business.

His YouTube channel has 1.38k subscribers. 

Passive Profit Pages

Money Back Guarantee

As part of the ClickBank network, Passive Profit Pages comes with money back guarantee covered up from CB self.

This is a huge benefit, because it completely doesn't matter how unhappy you might end up after trying the product. You will always see your initial (front end) investment back.

What I Don't Like About Passive Profit Pages?

Fake Testimonials

Even tough Bill McRae is legit person, his marketing skills are questionable. He lowers his credibility by using paid actor to record fake testimonial.

I mean, put it very simple, why would creator of successful and legit online program have to hire actor to shoot this fake video? Be aware that Passive Profit Pages is running up from 2016 already.

You can answer this by yourself. In my eyes, it is a huge red flag and sign that something isn't alright.

Passive Profit Pages


Another tricky tactic used by some marketers is usage of so called upsells.

You see, the biggest problem with upsells is that the product creator creates low value front end product, usually up to $20 to make it more affordable to join such a program.

Just after this, there is the truth revealed, that in order to make the program work, you'd need to invest in that and that, and you that.

In the end, you end up paying for the upsells 10 or 20 times more than front end price.

The worst?

There is no income guarantee. In other words, you can spend $1000-2000 and see nothing in return.

Similar: The Six Figure Mentors

Low Value

As previously stated, it's not coincidence that Bill provides this low value in his front end info product.

You see, it serves as a "hook". So, starters with big dreams and good intentions can get easily trapped into this pay-to-play model.

Please, do not fall for this Bill's game. Trust me, the info he provides is available for much lower price. 


Even so, some people might prefer DFY solutions, I think when it comes to affiliate marketing it is better to stay "unique".

When you will use one of those templates inside Passive profit Pages, there is a huge risk, you will have the very same page as other members.

Yeah, you can customise it according to your own wish. But without proper training on how to write appealing content, you'll be pretty lost.

Not to forget is also the inconvenience that, your website will be sub domain of his domain.That looks very ugly and it is basically Bill's ownership. So, he can easily just kick you out at some point.

Passive Profit Pages Upsells

Previously I wrote that I don't like upsells mostly because the product creator tries to sell you "the real value" later on with usage of those upsells.

Bill does exactly the same.

You see his front end info, ( I would hardly call it a product) serves partly as "hook" for bigger picture.

What I mean by that is that Bill won't tell you everything you need to know about running affiliate business unless you purchase some of his upsells. 

Obviously, Bill will show you the solo ads as the most recommended.

And just by coincidence he (or his business associates) is the guy who you will pay in order to drive this low quality traffic to your site. 

Do you see what's happening here?

You will pay almost $2500 ONE TIME UPSELL FEE, and big part of this will go to Bill (affiliate earnings from Crestani's webinar and solo ads traffic services).

I think that shows that he is dishonest.

Passive Profit Pages

In addition to the shady upsells method, the quality of those upsells is at least questionable. Below the overview of them:

1.HOSTING AND MORE DFY TEMPLATES $197 - I pay for my domain $14.99/year, so I really don't know for what you'll pay more than 10 times of the price.

2. SOLO ADS TRAFFIC $196- This is very low value traffic. In marketing terms it is "cold traffic". In other words, email list owner (in this case Bill) will send those people to your website. But they are completely unaware of this product, what makes it super difficult to make sales. 

3. FACEBOOK COMMUNITY $20- I am part of many Facebook mastermind communities, but none of them asked me to pay a single cent. I don't think, Bill's community is so amazingly great to pay $240 a year. 

More likely, he just want to cash out on newbies, just little more.

Passive Profit Pages

4. JOHN CRESTANI'S WEBINAR $997- I have made review of Super Affiliate System form John Crestani. If you ask me, his program is nothing particularly special. Definitely not worth of such a money. Additionally, you can enter the program without needing Passive Profit Pages. So again why is this upsell here?

Do I Recommend Passive Profit Pages?

Unfortunately, I don't recommend Passive Profit Pages. 

The biggest reasons are that in my eyes Bill McRea does dishonest affiliate marketing. He will offer cheap front end product just to get people inside. 

At this time he will offer his over-priced upsells and ask you to pay $2500. There is no way that those upsells are worth of such a money. 

In addition to this, he will recommend you solo ads traffic, and while falling for this way, you will full Bill's pocket, but you self won't earn nothing.

Final Thoughts

Bill is apparently John Crestani's student.

(If you don't know him yet, this guy is paying hugely for his PR campaigns and is promoting the "rich" lifestyle with Lamborghini and throwing dollar notes inside of his ads).

Passive Profit Pages

Although Big Cars and fancy lifestyle is not my cup of coffee, it is interesting to see how the students follow their master.

The same happens with Branson Tay, who is happily trying to copy Jono Armstrong.

Even so, I think that there is nothing wrong with following people who are in your niche and are successful. (At the beginning of your career, it is almost necessary)

The problem is when the person is obviously dishonest.

You see, Bill follows Crestani's robotic approach with paid traffic as the main option on how to drive visitors to your site.

He won't show you that writing for SEO is much cheaper, sustainable and in the end more profitable.

One of the reasons might be, that when you will use SOLO ADS, he will suggest you pay him for these services.

Passive Profit Pages

To sum it up, Bill offers very low value front end product, expensive upsells and seems to be dishonest by faking the testimonials.

Therefore, I would advise you to stay away from PASSIVE PROFIT PAGES.

Do You Want Know How do I Earn Money Online?

You see, there are two ways in which you can start and later run your affiliate marketing business.

First way is paid. You have to pay as you go.

Purchasing traffic, extra templates and extra services like ClickFunnels for instance. 

This business model reminds me a vicious spiral.

Because once you stop pump in money inside of it, it will die.

This way is how also how Passive Profit Pages operates.

Second way is sustainable and can bring you long term success.

How it would feel if you can run your online business (almost for free) and have guaranteed income for years to come?

Not just some income, but 5,6 or 7 figures.

There are only two requirements: FOLLOW THE TRAINING and TAKE CONSISTENT ACTION.

You see, the way how this HONEST AFFILIATE MARKETING WORKS is completely opposite to kind of Passive Profit Pages. 

You will provide value by helping to solve other people's problems. This you will do by content creation. Additionally, you will write for SEO in mind, that means the traffic to your website will naturally flow and grow. 

The best part?

It'll be completely FREE. 

See below what real people are achieving: 

  • 6.2k in passive income from 21 Year Old College Dropout
  • Single Mum, Earned over 100k in 4 Years Passive Income
  • What about this guy? $1 million over 10 years in passive Income
  • If it sounds appealing to you, then you can join me below.

    STARTER membership is for FREE and PREMIUM costs just $49 a month.

    About the Author

    Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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    1. Hi Julius,

      The initial cost to join Passive Profit Pages might seem low, but the latter upsells push me away from it. It looks pretty simple building a done-for-you website and driving traffic to it. However, the hardest part is the traffic.

      For beginners, paid traffic is never a good option since it takes trials and errors before seeing your first sales, which doesn’t guarantee your ROI. I don’t recommend this to newbies, and your recommendation is a better approach.


    2. Oh dear! I’m so glad I found your review before buying this one.
      The red flags just kept getting redder there more I read your article.
      Jon Crestani’s student, well that is where the ethics and sell any product to make money comes from. I’ve seen a few similar – DFY “profit pages” that are all the same, so the eternal problem is how to get traffic to buy the offering. But then the offering is worthless so who would buy it and how could anyone sell it to them.
      Upsells to $2,500 that is just profiteering, people won’t make money with this “easy money, push button profits” lies.
      Seriously folks, pass on this one like I am going, and consider building your own real online business.
      Keep helping people Julius, great work.,

      1. Thanks a lot, John for stopping by and appreciating my work. I hope that it helps people, especially those new to business stay away from products like these. I know it might look tempting on the cover, but as you see it through, the chance of making this successful business is close to zero. Affiliate Marketing is a legit business, but once when done honestly. Wealthy Affiliate and Affiliate Lab are two programs suitable for starters.

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