Paid Online Writing Jobs Review

Welcome to my Paid Online Writing Jobs Review.

Maybe you search for the most legit website where you can write articles and get paid. Writing online can be indeed very lucrative and also fun. 

But as with everything that sounds too good to be true, there are vicious people with their low quality platforms! 

So, If you want to know if Paid Online Writing Jobs Online is legit you did land on perfect place.

Because I'll answer all the questions you might have.

Additionally,I'll show you my alternative, that is in my opinion the only one platform you'll ever need, if you want to earn money online with writing.

Shall we start? 

Founder: Unknown
Earning Potential1/10
Overall Rating1/10
Recommended: NO

What is Paid Online Working Jobs?

POWJ is platform claiming, you can get paid writing online. It offers you option to get paid writing reviews ,blog posts for other people, or proofreading articles.

If that sounds intriguing, read further. 

How does it work?

After you fill in your name and email address on their landing page, you will get to another page.

Here you'll read how writing online is HOT right now.

While all other industries experience the biggest unemployment rate in the history .

(This is partially true because of the great resignation)

Anyway, the way how POWJ operates looks super easy. 

See it below:

Paid Online Writing Jobs Review

But...there are serious questions that should you be asking. 

1.Why do you need to pay to gain access ?

2. What is the Fast Track  Job training and is it any good ?

3. What are the jobs offered in their database ?

Unfortunately, answers on those questions, are first RED FLAGS, that should ring your alarm bell! 

See those answers I found after I went deep :

1.Because it is most likely SCAM?

2. It is not real Training, just bunch of PDF (with content, available free on Google) 

3.There are no jobs offered by the platform, rather jobs on Fiver, UpWork, etc.

Inside POWJ

You see, their landing page looks like intriguing offer. 

If I didn't review similar products , I would also see that as relevant and super easy way to get paid.

They express urgency  through various ways. For instance with simple  banner that they are hiring in your area ,wherever you are. 
(I was in Spain, during writing this review and see what I saw on the page ):

Paid Online Writing Jobs Review

Even so, it is very strange they do "hire" when all they do is just provide you third party job offers.

Those are additional Red Flags that should warn you! 

It is not that nitty gritty! 

Once you give them your email address, in order to get access to the VIP section, you'll be informed about below:

Paid Online Writing Jobs Review

I can imagine, that reading this can spark interest in many of you, but here comes the biggest disappointment from all! 

Because once you decide to take the Fast Track Job Training , you are exposed to low quality PDF, with content easily find for free by simple online search. 

That said, there is no real Training inside POWJ. 

Moreover as said earlier ,there is no real job database, as claimed by their owner(s) 

Paid Online Writing Jobs Review

What I like about POWJ?

Money Back Guarantee

Indeed, the money back guarantee is the tone and only thing I liked. 

You see this platform is offered in ClickBank and this market place offers automatically no questions asked, 60 days money back guarantee. 

What I don't like about POWJ? 

Paying For Free Content

All what you will get once you pay $27 is the low quality, general information on how to become entrepreneur on, UpWork, etc. 

Moreover, you don't have to pay for that information at all as it is available FREE ON INTERNET.

So why would you pay?

It does not offer you any training on how to become content writer, social media manager, or proofreader. It does not have even own job database. 

Uknkown Creator(s)

Similarly to Paying Social Media Jobs and Write Apps Review, this program has also creator, whose name is nowhere to be found. 

To me the reason for that is obvious. 

Lack of transparency equals lack of quality. 

That way the creator(s) could stay hidden and avoid any complaints. 

Moreover they can create more shady products and try to lure more newbies to sign in. 
Hence my review, to protect you.

Unreal Income Claims 

Paid Online Writing Jobs Review

You see, once inside, you'll see the you can earn $30 an hour as starting content writer.
From my experience,I'll know that's impossible.

First of all, and before even starting applying, you'll need to show some relevant experience that you're capable of the work. That make sense I hope, because no one will pay you if they don't know you can deliver what they need. 

Secondly, those 30 bucks you can earn from one blog post that is +1500 words and it will take you 6-8 hours (including research)

Is Paid Online Writing Jobs legit?

No REAL TRAINING (just bunch low quality of PDF) no REAL JOBS inside and no real owner are signs for me that this program is not legit and I don't recommend you to sign up for it.

You see, if you search for site on which you can write for free an earn money, you should search elsewhere. 

Paid Online Writing Jobs Review

Where to go After Reading my Paid Online Writing Jobs Online Review?

As I mentioned at the beginning of my Paid Online Writing Jobs Review, I will also show you the way how to earn money by writing online.

Because indeed, it is a great way of earning money online it offers freedom (I do write this review in the beach caffe in Canary Island), plus a lot more flexibility as all you need is your laptop and internet connection.

But unlike gurus proclaiming get rich quick scheme , have to earn you it will take you time.

You'll need to learn the skill first. 

You see I reviewed more than 100 online programs. Some bad and some good.

The number one for me is this platform.

The platform speaks for being legit through success stories of members. Do you agree? 
Below are just some stories people I do follow inside of the community:

I wrote this review, because I want to safe you money (by avoiding bad investment). Because enough is enough. 

Programs like Paid Online Writing Jobs are SCAMS. 

Moreover I wanted to show you, the REAL and LEGIT WAY, how you can earn money online writing. I hope i accomplished that and you liked my review. 

If you have any questions, please leave them below. 


About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Hi there we have found your review of POWJ’s Pain Online Writing Jobs. This touched base on all the right parts such as being unrealistic wages. The best recommendation that Julius has offered and showed us different avenues to take on making money online.
    We are glad that we come to this website and read smooth valuable content.


    1. Hi there, guys. Thanks, a lot for your comment. Paid Online Writing Jobs is indeed not enough to get paid online and therefore it is not worth it of paying any money for it.

  2. Hi Julius!

    Thank you so much for this post about Paid Online Writing Jobs! Really nice to see posts that really help people, not just promoting a product. I think you saved money from many people. And more, you showed the way to actually make money. I really appreciate it!! Cheers!

  3. Hi Julius,
    This review is really timely because a friend has been looking into witing jobs online. You provided us with a comprehensive review of Paid Online Writing Jobs which is one of the three she has been considering.

    It seems a small investment – $27 – Right? But at what time-wasting cost? There are just too many red flags! From there being no known human face of the program creator, no real training, and unrealistic income claims, it is unlikely that my friend will be signing up for this program and we will continue with her search as writing online is her passion.


    1. Hi there, Ceci! I am happy that I could help your friend. Too bad, this program is not fit. Although, it is not easy to find right platform for writing online, there are some great places she might start., OpWork, or Freelancer are sites where she can be writing content for others and earn money on freelance basis. If she wants to start writing for her and earn money with her own business i would recommend Wealthy Affiliate as starting point. I hope this could help your friend.

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