Hi Everyone. In my today’s post, I am going to review Global Domains International (GDI). A program that guarantees you high income with 10 minutes of work per day.

Is that statement bold or just scammy?

Let me reveal it to you in my review.



Founders: Michael Starr & Alan Ezeir

URL: www.website.ws/gditraffic

Training and Support: 1

Price: 10$/ month, additional 40$/month premium packages

Ranking Together: 1.5 out of 5

For who is this program for?

This program is for people who would like to work in the MLM scheme. MLM scheme is working mainly as a recurring marketing.

As MLM you are earning referring commission out of people under you or/and their network.

Although the people promoting GDI, would tell you that you don’t have to bother people you know, in reality, you have to start on Facebook and there I suppose you would need to start first in-network you already have, right?

Plus, I know barely an MLM scheme company where you don’t have to bother people out of your circle.

To be completely honest with you, I already did work in MLM company, and the experience was the same. In order to be successful, I had to offer the products to my friends or family. Not always the best combination, right?

I am happy, this experience was just about 3 months in my case.

But if you don’t mind asking people you know, to join your business, then this program can be right for you.

==> Click here if you would like to discover the program, which helps me create my online business

Program breakdown

This is a little bit complicated and not very truthful statement out of their website.

Despite the fact I never heart of any Affiliate marketing 2.0, there are just small signs of affiliate marketing business.

In fact, this program is MLM( multi-level marketing) more than anything else.

What you will get after signing in, is access to the web builder platform. From there you will be expected to create your “own” website, which you will be customising and sharing with others, (mostly on Facebook) and after some time you will be starting earning thousands of dollars.

The “own” website is under quotation marks because, while it is your website, you are not really creating your very own content, rather just copying and pasting the pre-done templated.

Sounds scammy? Well, you are not far from there.

While people who work for or with GDI, can overwhelm you with statements like this:


1.Low fees

That’s correct. Paying $10/month is a really low fee. For this, you will get access to their 7-day training course. Plus things mentioned below:

the 7-day training course is basically your full membership (later charged $10) what you can use for free.


1.MLM scheme

As you could see here, this scheme is very tricky. Not it allows just a small number of people in this scheme to be earning huge money, it is in some forms illegal.

On top of that, you will be expected to offer your product to your social circle first. Think about your friends, family, or colleagues.

Some people just can not cope with that. If you are like me and like to separate your professional and private levels at some level, you won’t like that.

2.Low earning potential

If someone will buy the product from you, then your earnings are $1.

You see it correctly. You are collecting incomes out of your 5 lines referrals. For better understanding see the picture below:

The very bad thing about this scheme is, that you or better say your incomes are highly dependant on people under you, here layer 1,2,3…Right?

One of the biggest advantages of being self-employed is your freedom to earn whatever your skills, persistence, and passion is allowing you.

But yours and not someone’s else, right?

There are $100 bonus and a $5000 bonus paid once, if you achieve 5 referrals/week or 1000 referrals/month. To be honest these numbers( at least the second one) is very hard to achieve. And in my opinion you won’t get there with 10 minutes per day/ working probably NEVER!

BBB complaints

This one is quite serious. Although the complaints are just a few, it is always very bad for the business if you are mentioned on this website. To be honest, I am surprised that the complaints are not in a higher amount.

That’s coming probably from fact, that this company is already a long time on the market and that this scheme is still not officially illegal.

Website layout

When you enter their website, you will be quite shocked that in the year 2020, there is an aspiring business using such an old fashioned look.

Even more, if this particular business, is working in the online field. I mean, it is hard to get oriented there at least. 

And if you like a business, plan to attract visitors to your online product, you want to show others that you are an expert, isn’t it? How you can claim to be an expert if your website looks like it was made 20 years ago?

What is also very strange to me, is their .ws domain name. They are claiming it is highly popular and it is raising, I have personally never seen such a website.

Did you?

Is GDI legit or SCAM?

This platform is not a SCAM, because you will not lose your money. However, it is an MLM, very similar to pyramid scheme.

Therefore I would not recommend this program.

If you would like to know how to earn money online, there are many other and better options.

I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate, that’s pure affiliate platform, where you are going to be taught all of you need to be successful online. This program is providing you, with amazing WebSupport, Web design, and Training. Besides that, you have direct access to the CEO of the company.

Pretty cool, isn’t it?

Check here, how I started my journey.

if you decide to join, I am going to be your personal mentor on the journey towards REAL online success.

I hope, I could give you a bit deeper insight view what GLOBAL DOMAINS INTERNATIONAL is all about. Please note, this is my personal opinion, based on my experiences.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.

Your friend


About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. I am wowed, I must say I think there is lot to get out of this if one could really invest his/her time as you would never know where the gold is untill you start digging and I think this is a very rough ground but with the desired input I think something good can come out of it…thanks a lot for sharing this awesome article I hope it helps others.

  2. Wow, I had not heard of this one before, but am glad to know the facts first. It seems like a total sham (aka: MLM) where you make money by pulling others in to make money by selling it to others. Yes, that is MLM. You are selling the sales, not an actual product.

    I agree with you that the “ws” domain seems pretty strange, too. Although other domains are rising up in popularity, the “.com” is still the gold standard. 

    It does seem like this might be a way for a few people (who run the site) to make money off of people who want to invest in their own business in affiliate marketing. There are much better programs out there, including Wealthy Affiliate that you mentioned.

    Thanks for bringing light to this scheme.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment. The MLM world is not official SCAM, because it works, but it is not a good scheme, on earning online indeed. I am glad you found WA, it is the best platform available. 

  3. Promising high earnings for only ten minutes work per day already sounds very suspicious. If this was true, wouldn’t everyone be leaving their jobs and do this? It is a very unrealistic claim. I am not in favor of MLM business models, I think that the ones who earn the most money in MLMs are probably the owners or the ones who are the highest in the business hierarchy. The only good thing I find is that it is cheap, $10 dollars per month is not much at all, but the earning potential is low … I would not sign up for this.

    Thank you for this review!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Christine. Indeed it is an unrealistic claim and those get rich quick schemed are rarely working. I think it is important that people are aware of those wrong claims and try to stay away from it. I will be happy if more people will discover it and protect their time and money.

  4. It’s obvious that a true understanding of the Network Marketing industry is lacking here. Network Marketing is what I like to call, “The Peoples Business”. I believe that Network Marketing is in a paradigm shift, like the franchise industry was in the 50’s and 60’s. Thank God the FTC didn’t outlaw franchises, and they did try, because franchise businesses back then weren’t understood. They were thought to be “Illegal Pyramid Schemes”, just like Network Marketing businesses are today. Today millions and millions of people are employed by franchises all over the world, and in the short future, millions and millions of people will be owning their own businesses through Network Marketing businesses that will be run from the safety and comfort of their homes. Thanks to the covid pandemic and the many changes to the job situation of today, shortly you will see an explosion of people owning their own businesses through the opportunity of network marketing and people will look back and say, I can’t believe we thought network marketing to be a pyramid scheme. What is a pyramid scheme, is social security. You’re forced to pay into it all your working life and when you go to collect on it, your only going to get about a third of what you paid into it, if you live long enough to collect on it. Plus they say, it will be bankrupt around 2035. Now that’s a pyramid scheme and your talking about network marketing. I think more research is needed here and the future will soon unfold the truth. Thanks for the review anyways.

    1. Hey Joseph. Thank you very much for your comment. I agree with you that the job market and economics are changing rapidly. What we called security 20 years ago, it is not anymore now. Like government security or job security. While jobs are shifting more and more online(also due to the covid pandemic, not just because of it though) I don’t think that Network Marketing is or will be the number one earning option here. It could have been 10-20 years ago, but not now. In the present era the more profitable, enjoyable and less annoying are affiliate marketing, e-commerce and drop shipping. Mostly due to the fact, that you don’t really need to recruit others. However, I am not saying that MLM is not working. The problem is, that it works just for small percentage of people and the huge majority is left outside (oftentimes with huge debts, because they need to make their compulsory monthly purchases) With affiliate marketing you don’t purchase anything up front, therefore you are not going to get into debt for instance.

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