John Thornhill Reviews

Have you been scrolling down Google in search of John Thornhill Reviews?

If you search for an online mentor, chances are high, you've come across John Thornhill's Ambassador Program.

John is a digital product creator, who decided to teach his strategy to others. Most importantly, he offers his mentorship to online marketers.

After seeing his webinar, you will PROBABLY KEEP ASKING ONE QUESTION: Can I really have all set up in 27 minutes? Can I earn also $1 362 342?

Well, I will show it to you inside my John Thornhill's Ambassador Program Review.

Shall we start?

Founder: John Thornhill
Product Type:
 Email and Affiliate Marketing Program
Price:$497+ up to $5 000 on Upsells
Overall Rating: 6/10
Recommended:YES and NO 

What is John Thornhill's Ambassador Program?

Comprehensive training program on how to earn money online with email marketing, affiliate marketing, and social marketing.

All of those 3 ways of earning money are LEGIT and could also be very PROFITABLE.

Note: Not to mistake THIS Ambassador with the AMBSDR program.

Who is Ambassador Program For?

Even so, John describes that his Ambassador Program is the best suitable for beginners because it is newbie-friendly, I would disagree.

You see, if I would see his webinar some 3 years ago, at the time that I was starting out, I wouldn't have a clue about 70% of the webinar content.

Therefore, I would say the program is most suitable for people who have some experience in digital marketing already. This way the experienced marketers can broaden their portfolio.

Who is the creator?

When you are doing your research about a product, oftentimes one of the decisive factors, if you will buy it or not, is the program creator.

So, who is John Thornhill?

John started his working career in labor jobs.

After realising he is continuously in debt, he turned his focus on the online world.

Started with selling on E-bay and then moved on to selling e books.

This model was bringing him important success. Since he realised he can do it over and over again, he decided to start teaching others.

Now he is a Top 1% Platinum ClickBank Seller whose digital products have netted him $5+ million in personal profits.

John Thornhill Reviews

He shares a lot of valuable information on his blog, but also creates a lot of info products and digital training mostly on email marketing.

Among others, some of his best selling programs are The Niche Marketing Kit (collection of 60!! products), ClickBank Superstar, and Partnership to Success.

How Does Ambassador Program Work?

1. Attend the Webinar

The webinar is not live, but it will explain everything you need to know.

Especially if you have questions about how it works (see further), what you will be promoting and what you will be earning, as well as how you will drive traffic to the offers.

2. Set Up the Landing Page

Additionally, you will set up a landing page, that is provided by John. This one is a page, where you will drive your traffic. On the page itself, you should be placing John's products.

3. Set Up the Software

In addition to a landing page, you will have access to John's sales funnel.

This will come in form of emails. Precisely, you will get 365 DFY emails, that you can use for your own business.

The last step here would be to obviously connect the landing page to ClickBank and the sales campaign with your Aweber. ( You can use a different autoresponder, but John highly recommends Aweber)

4. Drive Traffic to Your Offers

You will learn how to drive traffic to sell more of John's products and as well as to grow your subscribers' list.

He will teach you FREE strategies, as well as PAID strategies. What I found great is that John discourage you from using SOLO ADS( the worst ads type)

Inside Ambassador

I think you will like how easy-to-follow it is inside Ambassador Program. The parts of the software are explained, also the training and not to forget the leads acquisition. 

What you will have access to when you join the program?

  • Custom Build Webinar Funnel: You'll get access to DFY or custom made templates, that will help you capture leads.
  • 99 Days Emails Sent to Your Subscribers: After you captured leads, and you are becoming to grow your subscribers list, you will want to reach out to them. So, it is great that John prepared for you 99 days email campaigns.
    In other words: you can just customise them and you have your own email campaigns.
  • 100% Commission From Selling John's Standard Products, 50% Commission From Selling John's High Ticket Products: High ticket is anything around $500 onward. I think it is still interesting enough for product like Ambassador to receive $225 commission. Would you agree?
  • Custom Built JV Page: After certain time, you want to hire affiliates to do the heavy lifting for you. Every sale made with help of one of you affiliates will bring you 50% commission.
  • Access to Other's Programs (Where You Can Become Affiliate) and profit from 50% commissions
John Thornhill Reviews


There are some action takers bonuses, that John will provide. He claims first 25 people will have a right to enjoy those. Not sure if it's valid, sometimes people who sign in later on, will also gain access. This is not guaranteed tough.


Your website will be displayed for 99 days on one of John's blogs. This will allow you to receive more traffic and also to get some quality backlinks, as John is authority.


Closely related to first bonus, you will have opportunity to write 12 guest posts on John's blog.

This will fill the same purpose: more traffic and more backlinks.

John Thornhill Reviews



Not sure if this one is valuable, since you will promote John's products anyway. So chances are high those people already have seen the products you will offer. It will be just from different (YOURS) website.


Additionally, he will display your offers to his Facebook and Twitter followers. Even so, he has some 20 000 followers, I would doubt real value here, as those followers know john's work and products already.


Lastly, John will create ad rotator promoting your offers.

Sum up the bonuses, they have purpose to give you more exposure. With purpose to get you more :clicks and page authority.

What Are John Thornhill Reviews?

After researching for some John Thornhill Reviews, I have come across mostly positive reviews.

It is, therefore, an extra value for you to know, that he is a trustable person.

Hereby, the most recent John Thornhill Reviews.

Does Ambassador Convert Well?

One of the most important facts you want to know before buying a training program is, how well it converts?

In other words: Can You Make Money With it?

Let me break down that for you. 

John did inside his Ambassador Program great thing of handing you (almost) ready-made business.

You don't need to do almost anything.

In terms of content creation, product creation and lead capture.

Your task would be to drive a traffic into those offers.

John's training and bonuses inside of Ambassador Program will help you with that as well.

Seeing below how much money John paid to his affiliates and if we consider there is 50% commission on every sale, those numbers are astonishing.

John Thorhill Reviews

Only trap is the fact, that you will be selling John's products, and those were already exposed to people. On the other hand, that's how the affiliate marketing works. 

Also, if the product is of a good quality, people will just keep buying it. 

What is the Ambassador Price?

The standard cost is $497.

You can opt-in for instalments. in that case you'll be paying $97 for a period of 6 months.

Furthermore, there is an UPSELL for $4 997. 

Lastly, you are entitled to a refund within 60 days from the purchase day.

What do I Like About Ambassador?

Legit Creator

OMG, how many times did I review product with fake product creator.


So, knowing that John is legit and also present with his blogs, programs and social channels, it gives an extra reason to work together with him.

Fake Creators Inside of These Programs: Paying Social Media Jobs and Paid online Writing Jobs

Experienced MARKETER

Not only is John legit, but he is also expert marketer. For over more than 15 years already he was creating info and digital products.

He creates regularly new products, in addition he won couple of times PLATINUM AWARD within ClickBank.

Additionally he runs numerous blogs. This is a great way to keep in touch with his audience and also to provide value outside of his programs.

What I don't Like About Ambassador?


There is this UPGRADE or UPSELL, that will cost you $4997. You don't have to buy it, if you don't want to.

I am not the biggest fan of upsells, but I also understand that for some product creators is this way of promoting the high ticket products. 

This upsell is Partnership to Success. Even so, it is valuable upgrade, the price tag is not for everyone.

ClickBank Products

Secondly, you will be selling mostly ClickBank products. If you have any experience with ClickBank, you already know that the quality of such products is not very high.

Moreover, the refund rate for ClickBank products is above the market average, that could make it hard for you to make money on sustainable basis.

Final Verdict on John Thornhill Ambassador Review

I know how important is to read honest review. (As after reading such a honest review in the past, I did safe some $$$)

Unfortunately when you search for John Thornhill Reviews, it is not easy to find unbiased, honest and comprehensive reviews.

Why? People will try to sell you rather than provide valuable information.

So that said, I tried to write 100% honest review with intention to help you make an informed decision if the product is worth of joining or not.

I think John Thornhill Ambassador Program can help you make more money if you are experienced MARKETER. You need to be prepared to sell John's products.

What works as advantage is that plenty of the stuff will be DFY.

Such as emails, landing pages and sales funnel.

On the other hand, if you wish to build everything by yourself (and promote your offers) then the Ambassador Program might not be the right solution for you.

How do I Earn Money Online?

I decided to quit my job and start earning money online in 2018.

First and foremost, because I was fed up with others (my BOSS) planning my FREE TIME and secondly, I was fed up with hourly rate.

I mean why I should earn the same amount as my "lazy colleagues", when I am working better?

Maybe you can relate to those issues. Also, your situation maybe completely different, than the result of COVID pandemic, there aren't yet enough job opportunities.

Whatever your story is, chances are, you are searching for opportunities to earn money online.

If you want to hear my whole story, start here. The short version is that since 2019, I am member of platform that tough me everything I need to start earning money online.

Additionally, I am not the only one who is profiting from this platform.

See some real people enjoying real results below:

To sum up what this amazing platform offers for $49 a month:step-by-step affiliate marketing training, 24/7 live community, training classes, web hosting, domain platform, and much more.

Do you want to try it?

About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Hello Julius,
    Thanks for this review of John Thornhills Ambassador program. I definitely like the DFY model, although you end up selling solely John’s and ClickBank products. Although the commissions seem alright,, the products are restrictive, but then John Thornhill is a seasoned marketer.

    What are the opinion of those who have bought and used this program online. They may provide additional perspective on how well the program performed for them.
    Thanks, Ceci

    1. Hi Ceci. Thanks for stopping by with your valuable comment and question. You see, the problem is there are no reviews from people who tried the Ambassador program. Rather, there are reviews of people who are affiliates of that program. Like this one. That is not the best sign in most cases. But it might be just a sign and reality can be different.

  2. John’s training content and the funnel-building process seem legitimate. Still, it will be more fun if members can promote things they love through other affiliate programs instead of only promoting John’s products. I will prefer to learn how affiliate marketing works and build a blog to promote things I love using or find helpful for others. Do you know which platform is suitable for beginners?

    1. Hi Matt. Thanks for your comment. Yes, the best platform for beginners is this one. Indeed, I think that when purchasing John’s Ambassador Program, you will not experience the “fun” of learning new stuff, but rather only copy and sell the programs he once sold in the past. It is not a bad strategy (because the products were successful) but there is a risk of, the business model stopping being profitable at some point (it certainly will). What did his students do then when they didn’t learn the entire strategy? Therefore programs like Affiliate Lab, Wealthy Affiliate or Location Rebel are products that will teach their students not only how to sell a series of products, but how to build a profitable online business. However, students will have the ability to build businesses from scratch also for other people. Then…the sky is the limit here -;)

  3. Thank you for your honest review. I can tell this is unbiased. I’m part of the Wealthy Affiliate training and community and for me the price is right. I could never afford $ 5,000 in training programs. I knew nothing before I started, I still don’t know a whole lot as I’m early in my training but I have confidence because of the whole community and classes offered.

    1. Hi Stephanie. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment. The high price tag (almost $5k) is for the upgrade, Partnership to Success, so it is not compulsory. You can join the Ambassador Program for $497 one time or 12 installments for $49 each. But if considering that the program I joined in 2019, cost also $49/month and has an all-in-one package together with education, the Ambassador Price Tag is still super high. Honestly, people joining Ambassador Program will not really learn the stuff, and will most likely copy and paste what John sold in the past. Not sure if that business model can be profitable enough.

  4. Hey Julius,
    I too have explored John Thornhills Ambassador Program. I believe as well that you need to be an experienced marketer to tackle the information he gives you. I like your review on him and his product as it is honest and straight up!

    Write on!

    1. Hey Maylynn. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment. I am happy that you liked my review. I am always keen on providing honest reviews, so people can make a well-informed decision prior to any purchase. As you spotted, JOhn Thornhill’s Ambassador is for intermediate affiliates. On the other hand, Wealthy Affiliate is a platform suitable for beginners. It comes with 7 DAYS PREMIUM FREE TRIAL and also with a COMPLETELY FREE MEMBERSHIP. I think it is worth trying. I hope this reply helped you. Feel free to come back for more information.

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