is super affiliate system a scam

Hi and welcome to my blog post Is the Super Affiliate System a Scam. (SAS)

This post meant to be a review of the SAS. 

It is going to dive deep to check if this course is a SCAM or if it can teach you how to become a super affiliate. 

Furthermore, I hope I could create an honest review of the course. As it can be confusing to get oriented and to find a product worth investing your hard money.

(I am not here to discuss John Crestani’s outfit, behavior, or his past, I think there are enough haters who are doing it) 

Name: Super Affiliate System 
: John Crestani
Earning Potential
: 7/10
:  $997
Rating: 7/10

What is Super Affiliate System (SAS)? 

SAS is an Affiliate training course. 

With its main focus on PAID ADVERTISING created by John Crestani. 

John Crestani is the creator of other products such as the Internet Jetset, for instance.  

For who is SAS? 

The course creator is recommending this course for beginners in paid traffic sources.

So, if you would rely on that SAS is suitable for anyone who has not collected any experience in paid advertisement yet, but is willing to set up his business in that niche or wants to bring his existing business to the next level.

How does SAS work? 

Now there is the fun part, right? 

You want to know what you can expect inside John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System, otherwise, you won’t be here. 

Am I right?

The main features

The program is divided into 6 modules( each module is to be finished in 1 week) 

As already mentioned, the main focus of the course is paid advertisement. 

So the parts of the course comply with it definitely. 

Inside of SAS, you will find 

  • YouTube Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Ads


Let me break it down for you

So, after you paid and logged in, you will be welcomed with the training, consisting out of 6 modules/6 weeks. 

Module 1- System Set up. That means you will be more or less shown what affiliate marketing is and what you should expect from the system. 

Plus he is going through some of his goal settings tactics, psychological mindset training, and similar to make sure you are ready to step in. 

Module 2 – Google Ads. As the name reveals it, you will be learning how to set up paid google ad campaign. 

The relevancy of the information is quite high( John will show you display ads or tracking set up), however, you have to be prepared for further research on that topic if you want to get a full grasp of it. 

Think about, keyword rotation, negative keywords, ad distribution, and similar relatively basic settings. 

Module 3 – YouTube Ads

YouTube marketing is something that’s booming right now. So it’s definitely worth possessing the knowledge about how it works.

The question here is if you want to be the annoying guy disturbing other people’s videos, while you can still start for free. 

The first 3 modules were relatively educational and for someone who never heard about those particular subjects, it would be bringing new knowledge. 

Clearly, that is not the case with the 3 remaining modules. 

{This also the part the most critique is coming for, and I have to say that I understand it}

Let me show you what I mean…

Module 4 – Facebook Ads + Copywriting (Pure Basics) 

Here you would expect some great training on how these two {super} important and profitable parts can help you sky-rocket your business( if done correctly)

But instead, you will see Brian Pfieffer and Ronnie Sandlin{ ex-students of John Crestani}, talking for a total of 25 minutes!!! videos how Facebook ads and Copywriting works. 

Anyone understanding the business knows that this time is maybe good for an introduction to one of these topics, but not for full training on two of them.  

is the super affiliate system a scam

is the super affiliate system a scam
RONNIE SANDLIN (Does this guy look like someone you would trust that he is not SCAM?


Module 5 – Presell Pages 

Presell Pages are important for a later stage of your business (if you used organic SEO in the early days of your website).

They can also work as bridge pages to make the move from the Facebook ad for instance to your offer as smooth as possible. 

But again, there is just missing the in-depth info you would need, or expect. 

Module 6 – Product/Niche Selection 

Differing from what I was taught did John Crestani’s approach of niche or product selection. 

Honestly, I think this is the first thing one should do. {Not the last one}

In addition to this, you will be shown just Clickbank (quite a bad reputation among affiliates) as a source of programs you can promote or his SAS. 

What do I like about SAS? 

Expert teaching you

If you like John Crestani’s approach or not, one thing you have to admit without a doubt. 

He is an expert in affiliate marketing. 

In contrast to his haters, who might claim his programs are not worthy of a penny, like a guy below.

John Crestani is definitely successful in his affiliate marketing journey, so you can be sure that you will get knowledge from a man who knows what he is talking about.

Easy to follow training

In addition to his expertise, his training course is as well easy to follow. 

He is using the videos as the main educational tool and I think that works perfectly in terms of actionable steps. 

There is as well Q&A held once a week(not sure if you have lifetime access, but I am guessing so). So if some lesson is unclear to you, you are able to ask that during this session. 


Along with the two previous subjects, I want to emphasize the relevancy of the course. 

In case you dug into digital, or affiliate marketing, you might know how important these elements are. Especially Ads and Social Marketing. 

So, John is putting his effort to bring you closer to the newest era of affiliate marketing. And I like that. 

What I don’t like about SAS? 

Paid Traffic Training

Let me be straight here. 

I am not 100% against the paid traffic ( I think at some stage it can be really helpful to your business).

But teaching that to beginners??

That is something I am not sure about is the right approach…

is the super affiliate system a scam

You want to know how to rank organically before, you can acquire any paid methods for driving visitors to your website. 

Otherwise, you are just paying, and paying and paying without knowing what you are doing, right?

Again, not against it, but you should first learn organic( FREE) traffic, before switching to PAID. I hope that makes sense to you.

Some (important) details are missing in each module

Undoubtedly, it is hard to create a course or training, where you include everything on the topic. 

That’s probably impossible. 

Firstly, the business is changing very quickly, so in time you would create something, the next month it could exist already a newer option, you haven’t heard before. 

Secondly, I can imagine that the creator of the course, also didn’t want to overwhelm with too much information (especially when he claims, SAS is best for beginners) 

Missed parts are for instance, Bing Ads( cheaper, better converting, and with less competition than Google Ads). 

Also, the Google Ads and Copywriting are just asking for a more in-depth approach from the creator. 


I can imagine that 1k is affordable for many people in western civilization, plus I think that education is something you shouldn’t safe on. 

The problem, here is that the VALUE you get from the TRAINING does not equal the COSTS of the training. 

So simple it is. 

Whatever perception you choose and whatever piece of the world you live in, 1k for this content is just too much. 

Is the Super Affiliate System a Scam?

The SAS is not a SCAM, but it has some signs that are not creating the best amount of TRUST. 

Some would describe it even as PYRAMIDE SCHEME, which is not true, in the same time you can spot similar tactics as The Six Figure Mentors were doing. 

If you ask me, I am personally not a fan of showing big expensive cars and beautiful women inside of one’s websites (John Crestani and Brian Pfeiffer). 

{But that’s just my personal preference, so maybe yours is different}

I am also not a fan of a paid or fake interview (The one below was sponsored by John Crestani as you can see at 5:25) to support this ”guru” spirit.

Last verdict on SAS

Finally, if I would evaluate (my main intention) SAS, I have to say, it is a decent program providing you RELEVANT nad ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE about PAID TRAFFIC SOURCE FOR YOR AFFILIATE MARKETING BUSINESS. 

Which is in my eyes, a bit overpriced and not in-depth as it could or should be. 

In addition to my last sentence, I would like to show you the platform, I am using. It costs me 49$/month (if purchased yearly it is even cheaper). 

I have access to the 24/7 community (including CEO), updated in-depth training (FREE TRAFFIC INCLUDED), and super cheap domain costs. 

I hope you enjoyed my Super Affiliate System review and if you have any questions, please do level them below and I will get back to you. 






  • Expert teaching you
  • Relevant
  • Easy to follow training


  • Price
  • Just Paid Traffic Options
  • Missing (Important)Details
About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Hey,

    Having read your review, and seeing what is in the website, I am not sure whether it is a scam or not. I have tried similar things to this and eventually I found out that it absolutely was a scam. They were the same price of $997 too, so that again tells me something.

    This is just from my personal experiences, and from what you’re saying it may well not be a scam. I agree that showing off the flashy cars and the women is off putting. A lot of people who take up affiliate marketing are not in it for the cars and women.

    Thank you for sharing an excellent review and keep up the great work.

    All the best,


    1. Hey Tom. Thanks for your comment. The Super System Affiliate is close to being a SCAM, but according to its definition, it is not. (Because you really get some knowledge from the program. About the price, you are right. Many programs (scams or legit) using this price. What makes it also more questionable. What I think, is that the value inside of the program is just not worth the almost 1k price tag.

  2. Paying $997 for an online training course is quite expensive, in my opinion, not to mention that you still need lots of capital for paid ads, which might cost you hundreds or thousands before your first commissions.

    When it comes to traffic, I am more like an SEO person. Doing good SEO for your website will bring you quality & free traffic that lasts a long time, although it might take some time to see positive results. In this case, your recommendation will be a good start.


    1. Hey Matt, thank you for your comment. Not everyone is willing or able to pay thousands of $ for advertising. Issue number two is that the training on those paid subjects is incomplete in my eyes. Just consider the 25 minutes on Copywriting!!!
      I can find FREE info of MUCH HIGHER VALUE elsewhere on the net. I think the program is just not worth the money. On the other side, Wealthy Affiliate you are taught first SEO (free) tactics with additional attention to paid solutions. And you can always choose which one to go with, that’s a much more suitable approach in my eyes.

  3. Thanks so much for this in-depth review Julius.
    Any program with paid ads for beginners is really stretching it because the investment cost you need to make ito be successful can itself run into thousands! Plus the $997 cost of the program is quite exhorbitant based on the value to be derived from it as you have discussed. I also find the photos of the “incredible hulk” with womend and the other guy with a cap as providing lnothing to the credibility of the program

    I totally agree with you that it makes sense to learn how to drive traffic to your site organically by creating good content first. Even if you are initially successful in driving content to your site, if they do not find good content, rest assured people will not return.

    This review will certainly help lots of people understand what they want to get into before they dive in.


    1. Hi Ceci. Thanks a lot for sharing your opinion with us. Many people starting out online, are on a budget, so not everyone can spend thousands of $ in the first months. Plus, as you said, even if you would achieve high traffic to your website, there is no guarantee people will stay longer or come back ( two things you want as a site owner). These things can guarantee you just high-quality content. There is great training learning how to write great content and I love it.

  4. Hi Julius, Great review I first heard about John Crestani in 2019 I think it was before I ever began doing what I’m doing now. Aside from one of my friends who I spoke to about giving affiliate marketing a try, I think it was John Crestani and Franklin Hatchett’s videos on Youtube that persuaded me to actually get started. I think both of these guys are very knowledgeable and I can see the appeal from both the SAS and Savage Affiliates courses. However, yes big investment and the point you make about the last 3 modules I have read this elsewhere. Maybe John will correct this with a future product. As for your points about Clickbank and Paid Ads for beginners. I would say I think Clickbank does have a few good products you will come across – I’d say the best advice is to see what other affiliate vendors you can join but for beginners, it can be difficult to be accepted Also, Paid Ads for beginners I think it is just a different route you can go down. If you have the money and the right training I think it can still work but see your point being that inexperienced it could definitely be a very big problem.

    1. Hi Alex. Thank you for your comment. I think that John Crestani has definitely knowledge in Affiliate Marketing. Not just the results speak of his success, you just proved that there are people who could learn from his courses, that’s great. I just think that there are also better (in terms of price and value) options. So, far WA has been unbeatable to me.

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