is filthy rich writer a scam

Ever wondered how it would be to earn your money with writing?

Even better, did you ever wonder how it would be to earn money with writing while traveling the world? Then Nicki Krawczyk and her website can be the solution for you.

More importantly, she and her team are going to give you tips, tools and courses on how to become Copywriter, landing high paid jobs without cold calling strangers.

But watch out.

As you and I both know, we are living in the era of digital scams.

Therefore, you have to be very cautious when you enter this world.

Anyway, with my Filthy Rich Writer Review, you will get overview not only if the program is scam or legit, but as well what it includes, what are the costs and who is behind this project actually.

Shall we start?

Name: Filthy Rich Writer
Founder: Nicky Krawczyk
Earning Potential: 10/10
:free to join, CCA course costs $497, or 3x$184
: 9/10

What is Filthy Rich Writer

Filthy Rich Writer is an online resource for new and aspiring copywriters, dedicated to providing tips, tools and training helping people create the careers of their dreams.

The website serves as kind of hub spot for copywriters.

Turning point of the website being blog, podcasts, store (with their books) and training course.

is filthy rich writer a scam

About the author?

Nicki Krawczyk is EXPERIENCED COPYWRITER, with more than 15 years of experience.

Working for several big brands such as Reebok, Tripadvisor, Adidas or Marshals among others.

is filthy rich writer a scam

On her about page, she is mentioning that she and her team (whenever I’ll use THEY, you’ll know I mean THEM) are not doing get-rich-quick schemes and they don’t do empty promises.

I like that.

She also shares her own portfolio, so you can get idea what she’s done.

As a proof of her credibility, you can find out that she is earning 6 figures regularly.

Why you want to dig in to the world of Filthy Rich Writer?

Let’s be honest.

People want to become copywriters out of very small, yet specific reasons.

Which one is describing you?

  • Do You Want to earn your money with writing?
  • Do you Want to Enjoy the Freedom, that working online offers?
  • Do you Hate Your Boss/Job)or both) and are you dreaming about your own business?
  • Do You Want to travel the world without quitting your job?

Chances are high that you already know that Copywriting is the vehicle that can bring you to your desired destination. Then Niki Krawczyk and her team might be the solution for you.

It could as well be, that you just search for the options “how to get there”.

What is Inside Filthy Rich Writer?

Contrary to its name (it might sound gimmicky and scummy to some), the website provides valuable tips and tools to helping you become high wanted and successful copywriter.

Next to blog posts, the highest value lies in the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy (CCA) training course, which I will write about more in the coming lines.

CCA consists out from 6 modules. Those are covering the copy writing fundamentals and tactics, types of copy, as well as building your business part.

(This one is pretty cool, but more later)

This training course covers more than 20 hours of training and will teach you among other things how to write copy for print and interactive media.

You will be practicing how to write:

  • email sequences
  • social posts/ads
  • banners
  • sales letters
is filthy rich writer a scam

When you sign up for CCA, you will get as well access to Private Facebook Community, Monthly Coaching Calls.

Additionally, you will be granted 15 course bonuses, where some of them are high value.

For example, how to price your services, how to create your portfolio and how to land first clients.

is filthy rich writer a scam


In-Depth Training

Yes, that’s correct. With CCA training you are getting pretty deep look what successful copy writing career may look like.

Not to forget, that this training is also helping you in creating such a career.

Some extraordinary elements you’ll find inside: how to find clients and how to create your portfolio even before you land your first paid client.

This is pain point for almost every starting copywriter. How do you get paid clients, when you have no experience and work to show? Well, CCA will help you exactly there.


I know what you might think.

Is he crazy, saying $497 is great price and year ago I’d say the same probably, but let me put it to another perspective.

Would you pay almost 500 bucks for life changing program? Would you pay that amount if you would get chance to increase your current income 200%, or 300%?

On top of that, you can pay this price in 3 installments what is even more affordable.

Honestly, whoever is thinking to get results and make money online on longer terms, will not find cheaper WORKING SOLUTION.

You don’t want to listen to people who will tell you that on YouTube and on Google you’ll find plenty of FREE stuff of the same quality. If that would be truth, won’t everybody become copywriter making 6 figures?

Real Success Stories

If you ever purchased an average ClickBank product, you might have seen fake testimonials already.

CCA and Filthy Rich Writer, have tons of testimonials from real people. They provide not just their success story (everyone could make up one right? ), but they will also show yo some of their work as a proof.

I think that’s pretty convincing, that the course works.


Training Course is not for Everyone

I have to two things. Firstly, when you will hover around the CCA or FRW websites, you’ll get the feeling there are just women sharing their stories.

You won’t be mistaken. The course and the success stories are created with women in the mind. With this I don’t want to say that if you are boy or man, you will be rejected.

Just the tone of the course and website is more suited for women.

Secondly, copy writing itself is not for everyone. You have to know English and you have to love writing (or at least be enthusiastic about it).

Is Filthy Rich Writer a Scam?

One definite NO!

Despite the name can evoke some get-rich-quick scam scheme, Nicky Krawczyk and her course are 100% LEGIT.

is filthy rich writer a scam

If you dream about be well-paid as writer and you would like to persuade copy writing career, this course will provide you with in-depth knowledge.

I like that the course is suited for beginners, and learn by doing approach. So it is not just theory, rather practice.

You can finish the training in own pace.

They suggest 15 min per day would be enough, (while that I doubt, it is definitely huge plus, that you can choose your own pace and you are not forced by deadlines).

After you finish the course you should be able to distinguish writing for print media and for interactive media.

Additionally, you should be skilled in writing different type of copy such as email sequences, banners or social media posts or ads.

Who I would recommend the course to?

  • writing lovers/enthousiasts
  • working online seekers
  • passive income seekers
About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Hi Julius, Never heard of this product but I’ve been reading about copywriting more and more.

    The fact is I think that it teaches to write in a way that can definitely translate to success.

    The price to be honest is high but I guess it depends how much the training benefits people. The reviews seem legit so yes who knows could be worth a go.

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