Funnel Mates

Did you come across Funnel Mates?

It is the newest "must-have" software from Cindy Donovan.

Maybe you saw some reviews like this from a guy in his bedroom, trying to sound casual and not like a salesperson.

But what you can expect? Is the software any good?

If you would rely on the sales page from Cindy, you would think you can create converting sales funnel in 27 seconds.

But you are clever enough to already sense something sneaky is happening here. 

Let me show you what to expect, once you join.

Shall we start?

Founder: Cindy Donovan 
Product Type:
 Email and Affiliate Marketing Program
Price:$47 up to $997 one time +funnel costs inside 
Overall Rating: 2/10
Recommended: NO 

What is The Funnel Mates?

Funnel Mates is DFY(Done -For You) Funnel building software.

Funnel Mates

It comes with a membership area, where you will have access to different products, training, and bonuses.

For Who is The Funnel Mates Best For?

Funnel Mates is basically for everyone who is interested in List Building and doesn't want to craft everything themselves.

Because Funnel Mates comes as DFY.  

In other words: it comes with Email Swipes, Landing Pages, and Lead Magnets.

Therefore, it is saving a ton of time.

Who is The Funnel Mates Creator?

Cindy Donovan is a known marketer in the online world.

In fact a I wrote a comprehensive review of her, so you can jump there and read all about her, if you like. 

What you might find interesting is that she started more than 10+ years ago, during her cancer treatment in hospital. She was on her way to finish her studies when the sudden turn in her life caused by cancer, happened.

She has a blog where she is sharing some resources about digital marketing.
Also, she earned a couple of prices within ClickBank and JVZoo marketplaces.

Enough reasons to call her an experienced and legit marketer.

On the other hand, things you will not like to hear are that her products are in general all the same. Sometimes, I think all she does, is to create new t-shirt and make sales video. 

Low quality, with bombastic sales pages, and rather than providing value with each product, she is promoting and cross selling her products or products marketers show knows.

Have a look at Covert Commissions, for instance.

The product does the same as Funnel Mates.

Of course, the sales page is different, the member's area is different and the design of the product is different.

But the functions and the usage are ALMOST IDENTICAL.
Moreover, she is specialised in DFY products, and with that said, have in mind that those products come with some significant risks.

The biggest risk is THAT YOU ARE NOT BEING THE OWNER OF THE BUSINESS, BUT CINDY. So, it is safe to say, her strategies, are not the BEST ONES.

Anyway, I am discussing this in detail further in my review, so there you can find out more about it. Now, let's find out more about Funnel Mates.

How Does The Funnel Mates Work?

Cindy made it really easy for you.

So, when setting up and using Funnel Mates, there are just 3 STEPS in the process.

1. Connect Your Affiliate Marketplaces ID. ClickBank, JVZoo, Warrior+

This is pretty obvious. In order to get commissions from your sales, you need to connect your account to marketplaces.

If you don't have an account in any of the marketplaces above, there is a tutorial video inside Funnel Mates on how to do it.

2. Select one from the DFY, funnel templates.

You see, Cindy claims you can choose out of 100's niches, but the templates you will be offered to start with are those from the money-making niches.

Moreover, those templates often consist of giveaways from Cindy's business associates.

So, this is the first red flag for me. Why does she want you to promote hers or her's associates' programs? Moreover, those products are really not the best quality.

Funnel Mates

The good news is, that you can create also a funnel from scratch. But, as there is no training on that inside the Funnel Mates, you'd need to figure this out by yourself, elsewhere.

Also, if you go in the way of creating your own funnels, you can start from scratch but use some templates. For instance, you could create webinar leads funnels, social lead funnels, or video leads funnels.

Funnel Mates

3. Start Promoting Those Funnels.

Cindy Offers you TrafficToolkit. Unfortunately, those are just links or banners. So, it is safe to say, that if you don't know how to drive traffic, your offers will be not seen.

Unless you have already a big followers list.

This is another big red flag for me.

Funnel Mates

Inside Funnel Mates


1. DFY Landing Pages

2. Email Software System With Unlimited Subscribers List and With pre-written email swipes

That's it! 

Really, you this is what you will get inside the Funnel Mates.

You see, all other features have really not any significant value.

You might be disappointed, but it is true.

Take the training section, it looks more like a FAQ section.

Funnel Mates

Obviously, there is no one who will answer your queries, rather than some customer service who works for Cindy and covers support for about every single product she created.

As she has a lot of products, and she is not operating worldwide, don't expect an answer quick answer.

Additionally, there is a STORE. You will be able to purchase other people's funnels.

Shouldn't they be included?


When you buy from Cindy, you have to be prepared for BS anyway.

The drag&drop; editor inside Funnel Mates is not particularly great.

However, should you go for this software, you can use it for editing the pre-made templates.

The Funnel Mates Costs

There are 4 different memberships inside the Funnel Mates.

It might be that you will see a slightly different offer, as the product creator is changing it time-to-time. So, if you are thinking of buying it, always double-check the present price.

These 4 memberships are valid at the time of this writing.

Funnel Mates

With every membership, there is a "free trial".

It is not really a trial, because you have to first pay for it, but as ClickBank guarantees you get your money back within the 30 days period, you can breathe easily.

What is There to Like About the Funnel Mates?

Money-Back Guarantee

The 30 Days Money-Back guarantee doesn't come from Cindy self, but from the ClickBank.

Every product that is sold via ClickBank Marketplace, HAS TO OFFER 30 Days Money Back Guarantee.

Option to Connect to Custom Domain

This is pretty unheard-of that DFY product creators' services allow you to connect your custom domain to their software.

However, there is a small catch in that is in the Email Management part, but about that later on.

What You Will Most Likely Hate About The Funnel Mates?

Done For You

DFY seems in the first instance as a big-time server. Sadly, in the reality, it brings a lot of negatives.

Firstly, you won't learn any Email Marketing skills, as all will be pre-made.

Secondly, it will be hard to stand out, because there will be more people using the very same landing pages and emails. You can edit them, they say, but why would you then buy DFY in the first instance, when you need to edit them anyway?

Lastly, you are not the owner of your business, but the product creator is. When you will use your custom domain, you are the owner of that domain, but you still be drained. Let me explain in the following paragraph.

Cindy Donovan Might Steal Your List

You see, Cindy Donovan gives it a glamorous look. She is offering you Email Software included in Funnel Mates. You can say, that with the DFY email swipes, landing pages, and so on, it is like winning a lottery.

Only, it can't be further from the truth.

Simply, because by collecting emails with this email software, Cindy will have access to your email subscribers.

Not only, she will offer them another crappy product of hers or her associates, but she might even offer them...basically whatever she wants.

If my suspicion is really correct, you are basically working for Cindy and she should be paying you and not the other way around.

Funnel Mates

Over Promising

Cindy's strategy is to create a new product with an amazing frequency.

She creates a new product every 1 year.

The problem is, however, the quality.

You see, every product she creates comes with long sales pages screaming superlatives, how you need the software and what amazing results you can get, only to find out it is not true.

Why the heck does she need to create a new product every year?

Oftentimes an almost identical product she once created.

Example of Such a Product: Traffic Ivy

Doesn't Work For Every Niche

Another issue is related to DFY. It is the limitation of templates.

Yeah, I know that Cindy screams that there are 100's of niches inside Funnel mates, but she can't really cover all of them.


Just within SPORT, there are 100 other niches. 

Additionally, emails are a much bigger issue than landing pages.

Some templates just do not fit certain niches. If you are not experienced in email marketing, you will hardly make those emails convert for you. 

The Funnel Mates Alternatives

Undoubtedly, you have to create funnels! 

(In case you want to be successful as an internet marketer. That is what you want, otherwise you want read this Funnel Mates review, right?)  

Either you or your email marketer will be using funnel-building software.

Funnel Mates comes as an option but is by far not the best one.

Therefore, I want to show you some more converting, more functional, and reputable alternatives.

(No worries, it won't be all about ClickFunnels.)

In fact, when it comes to funnel building, I think the best software is

Funnel Mates

You can start for FREE and update just when you see the system is working.

Unlike Funnel Mates, where you need to pay first and then get your "free trial".

I think has the potential to outperform ClickFunnels in the period of 1 year. It is cheaper, and yet it offers the same value inside. If you are interested you can check my detailed review.

Furthermore, I would like to bring Thrive Themes to your attention. Even so, this is not a funnel builder, but rather a theme builder, it has functions that convert like crazy.

The best thing about Thrive Themes is, that they have so many VALUABLE TRAINING VIDEO ON BASICALLY EVERY SINGLE TOPIC when it comes to internet marketing.

You can integrate it with every email software, so no one will have access to your subscriber list (unless you will allow it for your email marketer for instance).

Additionally, it comes with 12 mind-blowing plugins, that make it for you not only easier but also more fun.

The video tutorials are pumped with information, so you won't struggle. If yes, the quick and responsive support is ready to help you efficiently.

Do I Recommend The Funnel Mates?

In case, you are searching for valuable, efficient, good-quality, and funnel-building software, then I WILL NOT RECOMMEND FUNNEL MATES.

Of course, if you want, you can see it inside Funnel mates, play around, and see self what the system has to offer. In case you will like what you see, then go ahead, you're not risking anything (thanks to the 30 days money-back guarantee).

But said that, in my opinion, it would be waste of time.

This time, could be spent on something more valuable within your business.

You see, it would be better to invest a little more cash to get software that actually delivers.

Do you agree?

I offered you some alternatives, so you have more opportunities to choose from. I hope you go for the one that best suits you. 

How Do I Earn Money Online?

Once you master email marketing, you can be making sales quite easily.

But what to sell without sounding like a salesperson.

You know the famous saying that people like to buy, but they don't like to be sold?

Funnel Mates

So, with this in mind, you need to sell people something they want to buy, but at the same time, it can't be too obvious you want to sell.

So how you will achieve that?

Simply, you will PROVIDE VALUE.

Even so, it might sound super obvious, not everyone earning money online is doing it.

Do you think Cindy cares about her students?

Listen to this interview, if you think she does. I think Cindy express her interests on Funnel Mates sales page very clearly.

Funnel Mates


When you will provide value, and you really would care about what people want, you can be selling anything.

From office supplies worth $1 to online courses, costing $20 000.

You will do it by writing high-value content and then recommending a product.

This method is called affiliate marketing and it is the best way to earn money online for beginners.

You don't need huge capital, you will not create a product, but most importantly, you will not be a salesperson.

I started with no experience in the digital world whatsoever, without $$$ extra to spend on expensive courses, tools, or software and within 2 years created a passive online income. See my story.

If you would like to see the training that helped me to achieve it, check it below.




  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Email Software Integrated


  • DFY
  • Owner is in Charge of Your Email List
  • Doesn't Work For Every Niche
  • Low Quality
About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Hey Julius,

    thanks for the review. This looks like another regurgitated Internet Marketing scheme that offers little to no value, and only really benefits Cindy. It’s great to see that you are revealing the facts about these types of programs to help others avoid the same issues, many others do!


    1. Hey John. You are welcome -;)
      Cindy produces new products every year, just to earn more money, but she really does not care about the value. Many of her products are more or less the same, just with different designs, sales pages, etc. There is no way NEWBIES would benefit from that.
      I am a member of this platform, and that is on the other hand providing real value. The step-by-step training, tools and community, and live classes are extraordinary and unique. In my eyes, it is the best place to start learning how to earn money online. Happy for your stopping by. Cheers

  2. Cindy is a serial product creator, and I don’t believe she will spend time maintaining and updating the training content for each product she launches every couple of months. From my internet marketing experience, I can tell that making one funnel within 27 seconds is scammy, so I became skeptical.
    After reading your review, the DFY funnel, missing traffic training, and the low quality make me want to avoid Funnel Mates. Your recommendation seems nice and profitable, and I would take a closer look soon. 🙂

    1. Hi Matt. You started Harsch mentioning Cindy is a serial killer -;)But seriously, the updates of the training are basically non-existing. The entire scheme she operates her business is to create low-quality products with shiny sales pages. Year, after year. Safe to say, that this is not any of VALUE to people who will buy the product. Apart from Cindy’s self and affiliates who will sell this cheap crap, the product will not be profitable. So, I suggest people search for real opportunities to check this platform, as there the knowledge obtained is much more relevant. Literally, you will become an expert in several areas of online marketing, within a couple of months. From there you can scale it in any direction. Building own business, working for clients, or having it as a “side hustle”. Most impoartnatly, you will actually LEARN it, rather than faking it with DFY Crap. For me, no-brainer. Thanks for stopping by.

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