Elite Traffic Pro 2

Welcome to my Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 Review.

Whether you are part of this discussion or not, you have to decide which traffic is the best for you.

Igor Kheifets has created his newest training course to teach you "lead blanks".

In case you wonder: "Lead WHAT?", no worries. 

I'll explain that.

Also, I will explain how exactly this Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 works, how to get a discount when you want to join, and also, some alternatives.

Shall we start?

Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 Overview

I don't know if you agree on this with me, but online marketing is a world that attracts a lot of scammers using over-promising, exaggerating, and unreal, claims.

One of the reasons could be that those "scam artists" can hide more efficiently behind computer screen, like in daylight. 

So, therefore when Igor says he found " a secret driving traffic", I was skeptical.

But after further research, something changed my mind.

Read further to find out if the product is worth joining.

For now, some quick facts:

URL: https://listbuildinglifestyle.com
Founder: Igor Kheifets
Product Type:
Affiliate Marketing/Email Marketing, Lead Generation
Price: $997
Overall Rating: 8/10
Recommended: YES and NO

What is Elite Traffic Pro 2.0?

Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 is a training course showing you strategies on how to drive high-targeted traffic to your affiliate offers.

Igor will show you how to do that using "lead blanks" and CPA affiliate networks.

Important to know before even starting is, that the strategies shown inside Elite Traffic pro 2.0 are paid traffic options.

So, you need to be prepared to invest in the traffic.

If you prefer to use SEO (Free Traffic) then Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 will be not for you.

On the other hand, the program below will teach you how to drive FREE traffic to your pages.

Who is Igor Kheifets and Can You Trust Him?

Apart from Elite Traffic Pro 2.0, Igor Kheifets has created other programs that helped people be successful in affiliate marketing.

His 301k challenge, and also Elite Traffic Pro are teaching solo ads.

Solo ads are not the best-paid traffic option, as you really don't know if the prospects visiting your offer are really "hot" enough.

 In other words: if they are interested in your offer.

So, it might cost you quite a lot, if your campaign is unsuccessful.

On the other hand if managed properly, you 

So, Igor has earned super affiliate status, meaning he should be earning more than 1.5 million dollars in commissions, not just in sales.

Elite Traffic Pro 2

Before Igor became successful he was living in Israel and he was trying to earn money with ClickBank. Now lives in Canada and does also speak at affiliate conferences. 

Considering his relatively long past in the business, and his present results, you can consider him a 100% legit guy.

How Does Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 Work?

The way, how exactly Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 works might seem a bit overwhelming at first, but it really isn't. Once you will understand the principles. 

I'll try to explain them as simple as possible. 

Firstly, you'll start with watching the webinar on his sales page. Here you will be explained the exact ways how you will be driving traffic to your offers.

Igor explains the "secret strategy" he uses and compares it to the standard way that most of the affiliates are using.

The most significant difference is that he uses the "value tribe page".

Elite Traffic Pro 2

You might saw also another name for it, for instance, bridge page, or squeeze page.

In addition to this, there might be another new word to you: CPA affiliate network. I am explaining this later on, for now, CPA networks are lead banks where you will find affiliates who will work for you and promote your offers. 

Ultimate target is to have people signed up for your email list.

This strategy is called lead generation.

When done right, the leads those affiliates will capture for you will give you their email address, in order to further marketing.

Furthermore, inside Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 you will be shown how to find profitable offers in your niche, how to create landing pages, and how to create compelling emails.

Also, there is additional training on how to protect yourself against fraud, so you will get visits from real people and not bot traffic. 

Inside Elite Traffic Pro 2.0

The training inside Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 is actually video training of approximately 240 minutes, called modules.

Elite Traffic Pro 2

Is it long enough?

I think Igor is pretty straightforward, so there is definitely high value in those almost 4 hours.

Unlike this "guru" program Where You Done Much Shorter: John Crestani's Super Affiliate

Below are the modules:

  • Introduction 
  • Traffic Generation vs Building Audience
  • Audience Building Explained
  • What Value Bribe to Giveaway to attract targeted leads
  • How to get someone else to create your Value Giveaway For Pennies on The Dollar
  • How to Sign up With an Email Autoresponder to Deliver Your Value Bribe
  • How to Create Bribe Giveaway With Lead Pages 
  • How to Find The Perfect Lead Bank For You
  • How To Vet Lead Bank
  • How Contact Lead Banks
  • How to Create Tracking Link With Email Opt in Tracking
  • How to Set Up Tech-Stack Firewall  
  • How to Verify Lead Email Addresses in Real Time
  • How to Run Depp Email Verification 
  • How to Automate All Lead in Real Time
  • How to get Ultimate Fraud Protection 
  • How to Spot Bot Traffic
  • Outro

What else you can expect when you buy Elite Traffic Pro 2.0?

  • Private Calls With Igor held on Every Monday
  • 30 day Modules 
  • Bonuses Including his 301K Challenge (solo ads training)
Elite Traffic Pro 2

What is CPA Affiliate?

If you are new to affiliate marketing, CPA Affiliate might be new to you.

So, let me explain that to you.

 CPA (cost-per-action) is a compensation strategy that allows the brands (you in this case) to pay their partners (affiliates) FOR CERTAIN ACTION.

In our case the certain action will be a lead signing up and leaving the email address for you, so you can market them later on.

When you will search for someone who does CPA for you, you can set up your own rate and search for affiliates that would fit your budget.

Does it make sense?

I hope it does.

Inside Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 you will learn how to find those affiliates on two CPA networks.

Offervault.com and Cashnetwork.com.

As you might start guessing already, CPA affiliates will help you capture the lead for your email marketing campaigns.

This way, you will have a "blank lead" to market for any affiliate offer you choose. In fact,, that isn't much of a secret.

What is The Best Traffic?

People will constantly discuss what is the best way to drive traffic to your website.

Even so, every strategy has its PROS and FLAWS, users will defend the strategy that is bringing them results.

Obviously, if someone earns a lot of money using solo ads, and you'd asked him what way he recommends, what would be his answer?

Solo ads!

So, therefore it highly depends, on what are your experiences.

Truth is, that the majority of people prefer SEO. 

I think it makes complete sense.

Not only, SEO traffic is the most affordable, it cost $0, but it is also the most sustainable one. Simply because, when you write a blog post ranking on first Google page, it will highly stay there for long. 

What Are Some Other People's Reviews?

I like the fact, that while I was doing my own research about Elite Traffic pro 2.0, I found in the majority POSITIVE REVIEWS about the program and about the creator.

Undoubtedly, it is a great sign, when you hear characteristics like Igor is transparent, caring, and providing value.

Another honest and caring product creator: Taking Action Online

This is really a deal breaker. 

In today's world of fake gurus, push-a-button affiliates, and generally scammers, it is like a fresh wind to meet Igor.

What Did I Like About Elite Traffic Pro 2.0?

Legit Owner

Igor is definitely a legit guy and this is definitely not a rule of thumb.

Quite contrary to him, the majority of the people promoting affiliate training courses are not honest, almost scammers.

He created also other products or training and is a proven successful online marketer.

CPA is A Legit Way to Drive Traffic

Not only CPA, but also other methods Igor will teach you in his program are legit, and if done properly, are also profitable.

Lead generation, email marketing, and affiliate marketing are really great ways for people to earn money online.

In fact, when you will master those, you will have a vehicle helping you to get effectively reach your dreams. 

What I Don't Like About Elite Traffic Pro 2.0?

Requires (High) Monthly Investment

Even though everything that Igor teaches is legit, it might be quite expensive.

Especially, if you are a beginner starting your online business as "hustle" next to your full-time job.

I like that he warns about these monthly investments upfront, so it won't come as surprise to you later on.

However, I can imagine that if you intend to start your online business part-time first, $300 a month extra can be a huge investment. Additionally, it is an investment that has no positive ROI guarantee. 

Not Suitable For Beginners

Previously, I mentioned that already, but this program is not suitable for beginners. Again, it is nice of Igor that he mentions that. 

From the webinar, or sales page, you might get the feeling it is all easy-peasy, but it's not.

Any traffic method that requires regular investment is risky.

When you are just starting out, regardless of your teacher, you will lose some money.

If you are OK with it, don't consider this a big flaw. On the other side, if you don't feel comfortable spending money for traffic, you want to look elsewhere.

Do I recommend Elite Traffic Pro 2.0?

Unlike similar affiliate marketing training programs, Igor's Elite Traffic pro 2.0 is 100% legit.

It will teach you a good deal of valuable knowledge about affiliate marketing.

Among others, how to create a landing page, value tribe, and how to find suitable CPA offers.

Also, what I like personally is that Igor puts extra attention on security.

Therefore, when applying what he will teach you, you can protect your money, with deselecting the bot traffic.

When you are a bit experienced affiliate marketer, and you are OK to pay for traffic, I think you should get Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 a try.

Indeed, it is a better option than Facebook or Google ads.

Not only, because getting your ad approved (Facebook) is harder and harder, but also, because this strategy allows you to pay just for leads that are interested in your offers, unlike Google ads, where you pay for every click.

On the other hand, if you are not comfortable spending money on traffic or if you are just beginning your affiliate journey, I won't recommend joining Elite Traffic Pro 2.0.

What is a "Free Traffic" Alternative?

I hope you are not yet tired from the word traffic.

But in fact, this is almost THE MOST IMPORTANT part of any online business.

So, you might want to pay great attention to it and choose properly which way to go.

There are plenty of paid options (solo ads, Facebook, Google or YouTube ads, CPA, CPC, PPC). There, are so many of them, that your head won't even believe it.

Elite Traffic Pro 2

In case you don't have the budget, there is also a FREE (organic) way of driving traffic to your website.

It works simply.

You'd built your authority with valuable content and rank on Google or Bing. 

That way people will find your offer when they type in a specific keyword.

The best part?

It is completely free.

Btw, do you want to hear one funny fact? 

When you will type the name of this product, so the Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 into Google, the first page consists of 2 websites from the guys, who used the same training program as me. So, I hope we can agree on this, that this strategy still works.

What is the program then? 

It is a Wealthy Affiliate.

Even so, there are other platforms teaching SEO, Wealthy Affiliate is the best.

It has the biggest student base (2.5 million growing), regularly updated training (52 live classes additionally), and all tools you will ever need to get you started (domain marketplace, web hosting, keyword research tool, etc.)

I really don't want to make a big sales pitch for Wealthy Affiliate, so I would just invite you to have a look by yourself and try the 7 DAYS FREE TRIAL, to get the perfect picture. You can do it by clicking below.

Also, if you will join the platform through one of my links, I will become your mentor and you will receive my free e-book on how to start your first affiliate marketing business.

I hope you found my Elite Traffic pro 2.0 valuable.

To sum up my post, one last thing from me: if you want to go with paid traffic, you should give try Elite Traffic pro 2.0 and if you want to go further with FREE traffic, then definitely have a look at Wealthy Affiliate.

Either way, I wish you the best of luck and feel free to reach out, if you have a question.





  • Legit Owner
  • Legit Way of Earning Money


  • Expensive
  • Not Beginners Friendly
About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Hi Julius and thank you for this detailed review on Elite Traffic
    I have never heard of them. To be honest, ever since, just like you, I have joined Wealthy Affiliate, I do not feel the need to look around for any other platforms for advice or support. I have it all in one place at WA.
    At the same time, as with many beginner bloggers like me, aiming for free organic traffic can be overwhelming and demotivating. The reason for that is that for a blog to grow and start earning income it takes a lot of time, work and perseverance.
    It sounds a bit like Elite Traffic is for people who want quick results and fast money. I cannot blame them, the alternative is not as exciting 🙂
    All the best, Tatiana

    1. Hi Tatiana. Thanks a lot for your comment. I am happy, you found your way with Wealthy Affiliate. The community is extraordinary and it is one of the reasons, I gave it a try( so happy I did). I completely agree with you that writing a blog and relying on organic traffic can be time-consuming. Also, it takes a longer time to be successful than with paid traffic. But, once you get rolling with FREE traffic (blogging, social marketing, YouTube, etc) your business is like a snowball. Only getting better and better. At the same time, not everyone feels comfortable spending $4000 yearly on traffic and this traffic also isn’t a guarantee of success. But yeah, I can completely understand, they rush, it is always better to get to desired destination as fast as possible. Cheers

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