Content Profitz Review

Welcome To my Content Profitz Review. 

I am really happy you made it to this review because there is nothing worse than making a purchase without checking what the program is about. 

I think we all agree on that. 

When I was making some research on the Content Profitz app, I was surprised by so many reviews created already considering that the app was released less than a month ago. 

Many of the reviews being positive, I decided to do my own research. To check if those reviews were honest or just another sales-pitching advertisement. 

Below is what I have collected. I hope you will like it. In that case please use the buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word. Thanks in advance. 

Now, enjoy the reading! 

Name: Content Profitz 
: Victory Akpos
Earning Potential
: 3/10
: $16-$400+
: 1/10

 What is it?

Cloud-based DFY app, that builds automated profit sites. 

DFY- means done for you 

Content Profitz Review

For who is the Content Profitz? 

Anyone who is aspiring to earn money online or anyone who already know something about: 

  • Blogging
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Email Marketing 
  • Social Marketing
  • E-Commerce

How you can use Content Profitz? 

The process of using the app is pretty straightforward. 

You can read the step-by-step process with images below, or if you don’t like to read you can watch a video explaining how the Content Profitz works over here. –link video youtube

After you sign in, you will get an option to choose the keyword that you want your post will contain. 

Additionally, you will set up some basic settings like how many posts each campaign would have, how often you want to post, and so on. 

There are some advanced settings regarding tags, content spinner, or image settings. 

Lastly, you want to add affiliate links to the post. You must choose the network itself as Content Profitz doesn’t come with its own Affiliate Program. 

Then you should be just waiting for the sales. 

Content Profitz Review
This is the STEP 1
Content Profitz Review
Within the STEP 2 you can schedule your time settings of your campaigns…
Content Profitz Review
During the STEP 3 you are encouraged to find affiliate links matching your keywords and starting collecting your sales

Is it really so easy, like 1,2,3 and go? 

Can you really be earning money just after some clicks? 

Read further! 

I am going to reveal that to you!


What did I like about it?

Money-Back Guarantee

Content Profitz Review

I think we all would agree that anything that comes with a money-back guarantee is easier to be purchased. 

Especially, in an online world nowadays. 

Please note, that the money-back guarantee is valid for the Front End price. I am not sure about the Up-Sells. The guarantee is for a period of 30 days. 

What didn’t I like about the app?


Unfortunately, this technique is used by many online marketers nowadays. 

I am not saying that it is particularly bad. 

I think if you offer a great quality product or service, people will come by themselves to ask for more. (They will gladly pay more, right? If they see value) 

What I don’t like, is that marketers are using this technique often only as a hook to make a sale, and even worse they do not mention that in the first place!!!

They will even lie to you about it. That’s just not ethical in my opinion. 

Content Profitz Review

 False Income Statements

However great the program can be, this is another “feature” that will discourage people from entering the program.

Why would you lie about incomes if the product is so great? 

The only explanation to me is: 

The program is not so great then, right?

Content Profitz Review

Or do you know any other reason…?

These incomes are real and might be even from the creator, but not from using this program.

Done For You

When something is Done For You, you would think it is super easy to use, right? 

Probably you are right. 

But did you think about the control? 

Who has the higher control over the content, traffic, sales, and incomes out of this website? You or the creator? 

In case you don’t know the answer, I’ll help you…It is the creator, and not you. 

Pretty bad, isn’t it?

How could you be sure he will not take over your site or close the website and move it to one of his, so you won’t suspect he cheated on you? He can use other “sneaky” tactics to just send you out of the game. 

I mean Amazon, Google, and Facebook are changing their rules including commission height. 

If such reputable websites are doing it, then some “unknown” marketer, can do it as well…

There is no such a thing as an instant free traffic

You see, I am in the online marketing world for more than a year now, and trust me when I say, I saw many BS statements…

This one is one of them. 

First of all, Google will not rank your posts because your domain is missing authority. 

Read more about how Google ranks your website over here. 

Secondly, even if you manage the rankings to appear so miraculously quickly, people will not find you organically (FREE TRAFFIC) after 3 days. (Unless you post on a domain with big followers numbers, then it is again not your domain, but someone’s else)

Missing training 

You see, Victory Apkos wanted to make earning money online look super easy. I understand him, he wants to make as many sales as possible…

….but is this the right approach? 

There is no online business that will make you instant money. 

In fact, you would need hours, days, weeks, months, and in some cases even years of hard work to be able to build a money-making machine. 

You need time and persistence to build trust.  

Don’t believe me? 

Then believe this guy, who is there where you all want to be at some point. 

You also need training that is going to teach you important skills you have to MASTER. 

Unfortunately, you are not going to find the training over here. 

Do I recommend it?

If you read my Content Profitz Review completely, you might see that I am not a big fan of it and you could spot some red flags already.

That is right. If you are serious about earning money online on long term, sustainable basis, you should look elsewhere. 

On the other side, even though the things I did mention about the app are in majority negative and insufficient, I think you can try it. 

There are 30 days money-back guarantee in the end. 

So, in that case, you can make objections and create your own opinion WITHOUT BIG RISK.  

What can you take out from my Content Profitz Review?

At the beginning of my post, I mentioned that they are already many positive reviews of this product and that within my post I want to find out if they are really legit and honest. 

No doubt, that many of them are just sales pitching. 

Clearly, those findings can increase your worries and hesitation if an online business is something legit and worth trying. 

I can assure you, that there are ethical, legit, and sustainable profit leveraging programs that can help you build the life you deserve. 

Read further and you will find out more!

How to earn money online? 

You see, there are tons of opportunities how to earn money online.

I am sure you heard about many of them. 

Terms like:

  • E-commerce
  • Dropshipping
  • Amazon Associates
  • Affiliate Marketing 
  • Email or Social Marketing…

I am the biggest fan of Affiliate Marketing. There are some reasons why I think it is the best business model for someone aspiring to earn money online. 

Why do you want to earn money online? 

Maybe you want to have finally the location freedom  (we all hope the lockdown will be loosen up everywhere in the world though) to work wherever you want, be that coffee place around the corner, beach restaurant, or caravan somewhere on an island 10 thousand miles away from your home.

Maybe you want to take a day off when your kid is sick or on the other side celebrating a birthday. You are big enough to ask your BOSS for permission to be around your kid’s important days, right? 

Whatever it is, you are seeking out and you don’t get it in your daily job, Affiliate Marketing can help you achieve it. 

I have been there, trust me. All the unhappy hours fulfilling other people’s dreams…

Now, I am a business owner and I cannot be happier. 

Check my road here, or sign up here if you want to check by yourself the program that allowed me to get closer to my dreams. 

I hope you found value you in my Content Profitz Review, if yes I would appreciate if you would spread the word by sharing it. 

Thanks in advance, 

Your friend, 


Content Profitz Review





  • Money Back Guarantee


  • Up-Sells
  • False Income Statements
  • No Training
  • False Promisses
  • DFY
About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Hi Julius,

    The steps make it so easy to build an affiliate marketing site, but I know things won’t happen as it claims on the sales page. Otherwise, we should be all doing Content Profitz today, right?

    Those expensive upgrades(upsells) are huge red flags because I believe that Victory didn’t mention them beforehand, which is a common marketing strategy to lure more people into spending more money…Therefore, I will try your recommendation first.

    Thanks for sharing today,

    1. Thank you Matt for stopping and leaving your comment. The unethical tactics and low quality of product are the reasons one you should look elsewhere. Wealthy Affiliate on the other hand is providing great community, training, and up-to-date updates that are helping over 2 million people worldwide for the past 15 years. I think that speaks for itself, right? Cheers.

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