Name: Roamler app
Wiggert de Haan and Martijn Nijhuis
Training and support: 90/100
Earning Potential: 90/100
Price: FREE

 What is Roamler?

On this Wikipedia page, you will find a definition, that Roamler is a Dutch information technology company that specializes in crowd-sourced solutions for business.

Specializing in different fields, such as retail, health care, and technologies, the area where you can earn money as a “Roamler” is mostly in retail.

In practice, it is an APP where you can earn some extra cash by completing simple tasks, helping business owners with their market research.

You will be doing it by mystery shopping or related tasks. Most of them are easy and fun to be accomplished.

The Roamler is available now in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Turkey, and Chile. So if you are living in one of those countries, you can start earning today!


For so far I know, there are no upcoming launches, but with the fast growth of the company (launched in 2011 in the Netherlands only), it is just question of time, when also other markets will be included.

 How can you make money with Roamler?

As written above, you will be helping retailers with merchandising, by mystery shopping, and afterward with filling surveys and taking pictures, to document your visit.

In between, you will get tasks, more of informative nature, where the platform is going to aks you different questions about your background, your experience so far or it will give you some additional training on how to improve.

For those, mostly unpaid tasks, you will be getting so-called XP’s. If you are using American Express flying blue program, for instance, you might know, that the XP’s represent some kind of level measurement. That means, as more of them you will get, as higher your level will be.

At this time, there are 9 levels at Roamler. The advantages of having a higher level status:

  • more paid tasks available
  • option to accept multiple tasks at the same time

The procedure, on how you can make money with Roamler, is pretty easy.

After filling your profile, despite some saying is long, in my case, it took me around 10 minutes. Make sure though, that you are living in one of the countries mentioned earlier.

After the successful creation of your profile, you will be walked through the first basic training for a better understanding of how to complete your task. Then you are ready to accept first paid, as well as unpaid (boosting your XP) tasks.


First, you are starting at LEVEL 1,  a training level that will teach you the basics of Roamler. You will have 3 available tasks. One of them is a paid task! You will need to earn 500XP to get to level 2. By successfully completing 2 or 3 of the tasks, you will proceed to level 2, where more paid tasks are available.

 For who is Roamler APP?

For inhabitants of the above-mentioned countries. If you are not living in one of them, you are unlucky and you can;t join the program.

Then you suppose to be flexible enough to accept the tasks. As they are listed early in the morning, it is highly possible, that if your day job finishes let’s say 4 pm, there would be no paid task for your available.

Therefore Roamler app is working via an independent work agreement.

The groups of people  who are a perfect fit:

  • Students
  • Part-time workers
  • Only in the night working full-time workers
  • Stay at home parents
  • Freelancers searching for side gig


1. Tasks

The nature of tasks is rather easy than complicated. If you get efficient, you can make around with several shops and you are still good to go for your day job, or school or watching out on your kid.

All that you need is your smartphone and the ability to take good pictures. Roamler works well on Android as well as on iOS.

2. Time flexible

There are some concerns about time, I am writing later about, but in the first instance, you can choose the time when you want to work and that is great!

When the task is available, but you can not make it due to other things you planned. Or not planned, but you just don’t want to wake up ;-), you can just skip it. No angry boss, will shout at you, to take it and finish it, right?

3.Affiliate Earnings

I love Affiliate Marketing, in fact, I am an affiliate marketer on my own. If you want to know more about the best program, you can check it here.


Roamler offers anyone on level 3 the option to earn recurring commission.

When you invite someone into the program, you will earn instantly €2 and 2% of recruit earnings from the amount your friend  earns

The down part is that you have just limited options to invite people. By level 3 you have one invitation, on level 4 you get two more invitations, level 5 three more, and so on.

4. Training and support

I think Roamler has pretty in-depth training, meaning is not complicated at the same time. Their customer service is as well on a high level, this comes probably due to their Dutch origin -;)

But seriously, for the “small task” app, they supporting activities are a very good quality! 


You will be paid instantly through your PayPal after your task is reviewed by one of the Roamler team members.


1. Competition at high peak hours

You might think it is nothing. But imagine you live in a rather smaller city, with not so many supermarkets and there are already some “hungry roamlers” in your area. Coincidentally, they all have a similar working schedule like you.


In this case, it can be easy, that you will end up empty-handed.

2.Seasonal Job

As there are great times when retailers are going to be in need of plenty of Roamlers, like Christmas i.e., there will be times, when the demand is going to be lower and people will buy or eat outside less. Especially in those smaller cities.

Here you can think also on the question of duration. I don’t want to be a false prophet, but can you think on some money-making app based on completing small tasks, that lasted here over 10 years? Or over 20 years?

3.Limited earnings

If you aim high, and you really want to make money online, this side earnings, are not going to be sufficient for you.

In case you are self-employed or you are aspiring to become one, you might think about some profits when working for yourself. One of the biggest advantages of being self-employed is to define your earnings according to yourself, and not according to some tables or graphs.

4. Limited working time

Why that limits still? Right? -;)

Seriously, if your intention is to make money with Roamler, you have to bear in mind, that you have to physically visit the shops or restaurants. And as most of the retailers (highest number of paid tasks provided) have their openings hours in the daytime, mostly between 8 am- 8 pm, you are unlucky if you are working during those times.

(I know not many people work 12 hours, but maybe you commute to/from the day job, you want to make groceries, or cook, or spend time with your close one)

If you are a night owl, you won’t get many possibilities to earn with the app.

Would I recommend the Roamler app?

The APP is definitely not a SCAM.

That’s the number one important point to mention.

If you are searching for some side gigs, and you are time flexible,( and you are not claustrophobic ;-), and you are living in one of the listed countries, then this is a great option for you to earn some extra cash.

For that group of people, I would recommend it. In fact, this is one of the best apps, offering earning option.


On the other side, if you are searching for sustainable, long term incomes online, I have a better option for you.

On this platform, you will get among others:

  • Knowledge on How to start an online business from scratch
  • From people who are 15 years in an online business industry
  • Access to great like-minded people sharing knowledge or the newest “tips & tricks” in the industry
  • 2 Websites that you will fully own with your FREE membership
  • Weekly FREE webinars, access to the CEO of the company, and more
  • Extra bonus: if you will use this link, you will get my personal mentorship during your time with the platform, together with my ebook included

This was it for this time. I hope I could provide you with some value within my review post, and that I answered the question if you can make money with Roamler.

If you liked the post, please share it using the buttons below the article.

In case you have any comments, or questions, please leave them also below and I would be more than happy to get back to you.

Your friend 





  • Flexibility
  • Everyday Tasks
  • Affiliate Earnings
  • Training Support
  • Quick Payment


  • Competition
  • Task, Time and Location Limitations
About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. The app sounds quite interesting and I was intrigued.  I know there are many types of app which will pay a small commission for doing some easy tasks and Roamler seems to be one of these.  I´m sure for a lot of people it would be some extra money and for others it might brighten their day to be out doing something. 

    I think what makes the Roamler app something I would try is that you have to visit places, so it´s not just filling out online surveys.  I imagine that could get boring very quickly.  As long as the app pays for the paid tasks and doesn´t give too many unpaid tasks then I think it could work.  And if you can go through different levels then it´s obviously worth it to try and get to the next level.

    1. Thank you Stephan for your comment. The app is working very well in terms of payments. They are on time( straight away as you finish the task), and they are as well reasonable. I found the other app paying too low. However, those CONS, I mentioned are still making it less interesting. I appreciate that you shared your opinion and I wish you the best success with your online journey. Cheers.

  2. This is an interesting concept that I was not aware of Julius so thanks for sharing.

    It is interesting that they have been around for 9 years now but haven’t really expanded their global footprint – into the U.S or Asia for instance where I would image that people in those countries would take to something like this. Do you have a feel for when they will be expanding further?

    Its also good to see that you yourself have joined the program i.e. a review being done by someone with first hand knowledge is always a good thing. What’s your take on how long the training will take all up? The target audience being those with time on their hands is a little limiting so I’d be interested in getting your thoughts on what sort of time commitment v earning potential you can extract out of this.

    Thanks – Jason.

    1. Hi Jason. So happy with your comment. Thank you. So far as I know, they are not planning to expand outside of the countries I mentioned. I don’t know why, as the markets you mentioned offer definitely place for growth. So for people living in the U.S, still no option. It can be done in the future though. If it will, I will make an update to my review. -;) The time/earnings relation, I would describe around 5 EUR/HOUR. It also depends on the location( more supermarkets in the area with walking distance would earn you more). In overall great side gig. Do you live in the U.S? I hope this info could answer your question. If you would like to know more, please hit me with the message. All the best. Cheers.

  3. Awesome review on Roamler. There are so much earning tips out there that it is sometimes difficult to filter the good out of the bad. Yo do a great job laying out the best features of this app. This is a great app for anyone, especially college age youth to take advantage of. I do love the fact that you don’t just earn through mystery shopping but they have a wide variety of tasks for you to complete. I also like that they are flexible on time. Great tips! Thanks for sharing,

    1. Hi Christine. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment. I know it can be hard to find the right app when it comes to surveys, mystery shopping, or online games. Their problem is often low pay and the time for they are going to last. As we cannot predict that. This app is so far paying ok and seems to be good with customers. Anyway it is completely just as side income, no full-time job at all. On the other hand, Wealthy Affiliate can provide this option to the people, who are driven, patient and can work hard enough. All the best to you. Cheers.

  4. hello there. amazing review you have here it really dragged my attention as i was glancing through it i just could not ignore   it i really think that that this article is going to help a lot of people as it is going to help me also i really think that this Roamler is going to be good although in i have not tried it but i have a positive feeling about it thanks for sharing this with the public 

  5. Hi Julius,
    to be honest, this is maybe the first review on a get-paid-for-survey type app or site that left me with a positive feeling, and even wanting me to try it. I don’t think I would use it to make some descent money, but it could be fun to be a mystery buyer and be paid something for it. Anyway, I think it would better suit students, as you say, or even older people who are pensioners, have a lot of time and are still well enough to go around.
    Anyway, it seems that it could boost a little bit anyone’s budget who is willing to do some extra work.
    Thanks for sharing, it’s good to know about it.

    1. Hi Minaher and thank you for leaving your comment. I am glad you got excited about it. It is completely true, when you are busy with your day job and therefore have no time extra it can be hard. Next to students or pensioners, it can be interesting to all entrepreneurs, looking for a side gig. The country where you live does matter too. As they are not everywhere. I am happy I could help get you to know new things -;) Cheers.

  6. Whatever the cons you have put forth, there are already two things that make this one stand out and will also help one to be able to take a look into doing this. First and foremost, it is free and they pay. No matter how small, I will be able to make some extra cash for doing some little tasks so yes I am definitely for this Roamler company.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Payton. Hopefully, it could help you to get some insights and I will be happy if you can earn some extra cash with the app. You can share with us later on, how your experience will be, people over here will appreciate it. All the best. 

  7. Wow, thanks for writing such a beautiful article about Roamler. I have not been privileged to see or know about it before now and I feel really happy getting to know about it finally. Some of these businesses don’t really have a good idea about running one and this has beat a lot of them because it has an app that makes room for easy access by everyone who is willing to put any effort into it. 

    1. I am happy Bella, I could provide you with this information. I hope it was useful and it can help you to earn some extra cash. Best regards. 

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