appen review

Hurry Up and read My Appen Review if you want to be working anywhere!

Whatever reason it is you search to work remotely, Appen’s claims seem to be something you might need. Indeed, it shows signs that it could be YOUR another source of online income.

Maybe you want to travel the world(while still working), or you have someone you have to take care of, or you want to create an extra income, because you want to fund your starting business.

Let’s find out in my Appen review if data collection could be the remaining piece of puzzle you need.

Shall we?

Name: Appen
Founder: Mark Brayan (CEO)
Overall Rating: 9 out of 10

What is Appen?

Founded in 1996 in Sydney, Australia, Appen is fast growing data collection company operating around the globe in more than 170 countries, offering jobs in more than 235 languages.

There are some 500k+ individual contractors (you and me) helping to improve search engine searches, online shopping experience, mobile apps and more.

appen review

How does Appen work?

You can sign up with Appen for free.

Just provide them with your personal data like address, language skills set, and your PC equipment.

After you have created your profile, you can browse their jobs and apply the one you fancy the most. Next step is, that someone from Appen will review your application.

If you are fit, that means mostly language and location wise (many tasks require that you live in your country of residence for consecutive 5 years at least) you will be informed about the next step.

In the most cases follows a qualification test with adjusted difficulty.

(Search engine evaluator’s test is obviously more difficult than for instance online mystery shopper)

Finally when you pass the test and sign the individual contractor documents, you are ready to work on your task.

Lastly, you would need one Payoneer account.

if you are creating new account, sign-up as individual and not as company (if you have one). It takes weeks to be approved as company.

appen review

Reminder: After you passed you finished one task, you can browse the jobs and choose another task. You can as well, work simultaneously on several tasks. Although, you need to always pass the qualification test.

(There are some tasks, you can’t work on if you work on similar task for another company.)

Inside Appen

One thing I want to bring up, is that the availability of the job tasks highly depends on your location! So, what your friends sees in Germany, you live in Canada, maybe won’t see.

My friend from China is not entitled to do any tasks. Because his country just doesn’t allow it. Omg, first COVID and now this.

Even though there is APPEN CHINA platform, it doesn’t enjoy much success yet.

Below are some often available tasks within APPEN I participate it on:


Working on improving search queries online. Think of it as if you type “sushi restaurant in Atlanta”, there are tons of results.

You will be shown some websites and you would need to give a hint which one suits the query the best. The similar applies with ads.


helping improving internet


appen review

technical job, need to be fast in order to meet RPH (rate per hour)


My preferred one. You are literally shopping online and reviewing the purchase process of the vendor. You will be shown Facebook ad with particular product and after your purchase you’ll evaluate how it went.

You can keep the purchases.(Or sell it further)


very easy job, comes regularly in the first week of each month


sometimes not enough products to meet the $500 limit (therefore you don’t keep/sell worthy products)

Tasks available often, but I haven’t participate it yet:




Below is an example of annotation task on Appen:

appen review

Why to join?

Remote Jobs

This is number one reason for most of the people joining Appen. Some arguments why you want to work remotely did we discussed in the beginning.

Another ones are bad boss, missing flexibility in working hours, or relocation.

I live in the Netherlands for example, and I am working on projects from the U.S. or Australia.

Appen is regularly searching for contractors in different regions(hence the 170 countries and 250 languages). So, there is high chance you will be picked up.

Various Tasks

Without overdoing, you could easily make full time income on Appen. (In case you are skilled in multiple directions, in reality that is not happening, but yo can be the exception)

The point is, that there are several tasks available.

So, what you can easier find the most suitable for you. Unlike RemoTasks for instance, where you will find just AI tasks, the choices are wider with Appen.

You can refer to earlier passage of the post for detailed examples.

“Easy Money”

In this sense meant, you won’t need EXPERIENCES, or big INVESTMENTS, sometimes even EXTENSIVE KNOWLEDGE.

All what would be sufficient for you to get job within Appen is computer connection and language skills. That would I meant with “easy” money.

I don’t know many please with such a condition, do you?

Red Flags about Appen!

Corporate Work Ethic

Some people really hate the corporate work ethic. In case of Appen, you might encounter some, but not limited to:

  • late answers on your email (not just because of time zone difference)
  • lack of individual approach
  • lack of communication (I was once withdrawn from project without an explanation)

Summing up my Appen Review!

Even I did refer earlier to “easy” money, you and I both know, there is not such a thing as “easy” money.

We need to earn them.

However, it can be done much easier as majority think. Especially, when searching for remote work.

Appen is providing that option for the extra online income source you might wish.

If your country’s location allows it and if you are just tiny but handy with PC and internet you really should Appen give a try.

It’s easy to use, offers flexibility with reasonable pay rates.

Honestly, there is pretty low risk joining the company.

About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Hi Julius,

    I was lucky to join Appen in 2019 as a part-time social media evaluator. It was fun but time-consuming. I remembered I was doing it after my full-time job, and the paid is not bad. Unfortunately, after two months, they terminated my part-time employment due to the lack of demands in my region. I still had fun doing this.

    Due to the pandemic, I logged into my Appen account to see what they are offering in 2021. And, they did have many opportunities in my country. I guess I am lucky to have opportunities to work part-time with Appen. I just saw that they provide the vacancy of Mystery Shopper, so this is my next try.

    Thanks for sharing today. I love Appen.

    1. Hi Matt. That’s great to hear that it worked out for you. Yes, the available jobs highly depend on the location. Sometimes you are lucky , sometimes less. Mystery Shopper online can be nice way to earn extra money. Here you can see what it leveraged to me. Cheers.

  2. Hi Julius, Never heard of Appen I would be curious to check them out I think. I am usually way too busy to take this time out but I definitely like the sound of it. Do they pay much or not really? My nephew uses a website to earn money called Usertesting I wonder if this is easier to earn from or not. Also, would say this is better than online surveys?

    1. Hi Alex. This website is definitely going to bring you higher pay check like any online survey site. The actual amount depends highly on the task you are going to do. For instance transcribers are paid for transcribing hour. That can be less profitable if you are beginner. But such an online mystery shopper, without experience you can come to some $300-500 for 10 hours a week work. I hope that brought you a bit an idea. You can also register and check them over here.

  3. Hi Julius, I have been looking into different side hustles recently and Appen is one I've seen come up quite a lot. I see many apply for the search engine evaluator position. One person I was talking to said they had to spend roughly 4 hours a day and 5 days a week within this role.

    I think it sounds good if you have that kind of time to commit but if it is a side hustle and you are already doing something else such as blogging I do think this can be a bit much. However, I am curious about the other tasks you have mentioned such as a mystery shopper, TRANSCRIBER/ANNOTATOR, DATA COLLECTOR(VIDEO), LINGUIST. Are these less time consuming than the search engine evaluator role? I mean I have an Appen account but have not started using it to find work yet.

    Ideally, what I am looking for is ideas for work that can help bloggers with new websites to tide them over till they start earning from their blog posts.

    1. Hey there, Alex. So excited about that you know about the as well. Indeed, the search engine evaluator is time consuming and it it in my eyes too technical. That’s why I didn’t continue with it. What is bringing the most, in relation time/financial reward is the MYSTERY SHOPPER project called AMUR. If you live in one of the countries they are currently searching for the shoppers, you can earn up to $500 for 10 hours a month.

    1. Hi Hamdi. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment. Appen did acquire/buy Figure Eight, which was back then in 2019 best-in-class machine learning software platform. This means that Appen became even stronger -;)What it does is it helps to make the training more comprehensive, with data annotation for instance. You can read more info about the Figure Eight move here.
      In case, you want to earn money using Appen, you can do that by typing and then creating an account when clicking on join the crowd. You need an email address and that’s it. After your account will be approved (takes maybe 1-2 business days maximum), you will get access to the job database. Depending on your location you will see different job opportunities. Regardless of your location, there are plenty of options. For instance, SEO evaluator, ads evaluator, and transcriber. You will also get some tasks in machine learning. I was doing half year project as an online mystery shopper (I am afraid this project stopped already) and was able to earn up to $500 monthly with 8 hours of work per month. So, even though the tasks are not that difficult in general, and you can earn some nice side income, be aware that the projects are irregular. Therefore, you can’t really rely on this income alone. I hoep this helped you get an idea. If you still have questions, please let me know. Cheers

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