how to rank on Bing

How to rank on Bing?

I almost hear you saying, what I have to try to rank on Bing? Is it not enough that I just rank on Google?

Well, if you think like this then you might be right, partially!

Let’s start first with some important facts.

If you read my post about how to rank on google, you might already know the important measures you want to check when you write your posts. Ranking on Bing differs slightly, the most critical adjustments I am going to be dealing with in my post.

What is Bing?

how to rank on Bing

Nice first page, isn’t it?

For those, having little or bare knowledge of Bing, let me share with you some important data.

Bing is responsible for more than 30% of traffic in the U.S.

Yahoo is part of Bing as well.

Bing audience:

  • majority living in the U.S.
  • earning over $100 000/year
  • do have children
  • is over 35 years old

That audience characteristics are general, of course, there are exceptions, but I think it is good to point to mention this diversification. It can help create more relevant content by reaching a particular audience.

Why is it not enough to rank in Google?

if you concentrate on Google and follow their manuals to get ranked on Google, you are more than fine. You are go to be building your presence on Google, which is still the number one search engine in terms of searches.

However, if you want to expand your reach, or if you want to discover a new audience Bing is a great option.

The same is valid for advertisement.

If you are searching for options to help monetize your business, you might use ads at some point.

The fact is, that Bing ads are easier to set up, manage and are cheaper than Google ads.

In addition to that, if you imagine the lower presence on Bing, what would that means to the competition?

Most likely, it will be lower, right?

So, if you are in a highly competitive niche, this can be one extra element, why you should rank on Bing.

5 Differences between Bing SEO and Google SEO

Social Media Presence

This can be due to the fact that Bing is a new search engine compared to Google, but they do put much more emphasis on your social presence.

Bing is checking much more your Social Presence activity. That means more social activity by your posts.

Comments, shares etc. are exactly that sort of activity, you want to have.

how to rank on Bing

But you shouldn’t forget also recommendations. When someone buys your product or uses your service they might leave a review on Facebook for instance. This review is boosting your Bing rankings.

If you try to rank in Google, it should be your second nature already to share your posts on diverse social media platforms. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or YouTube being the biggest players.

If you wonder how to rank on Bing, be sure that you spend enough time engaging with your audience on social platforms.


Usage of media, like videos and pictures, is definitely important for Google rankings as well, but Bing put even more attention to it.

When you insert pictures, be sure their resolution is a maximum of 1200x 628 PX, otherwise you are risking your website being too slow (site speed has also a negative effect on your rankings)

For you is crucial to know, that Bing is crawling websites’ media side much more than Google. Therefore, you want to make sure that your pictures, videos, and so on, are of great quality.

Please don’t forget to write ALT TEXT, on every media element you add to your website.

Page Authority

Bing tends to rank higher older domains. While this is something you can’t control purely (guessing the new website owners want to get ranked as much as the experienced lads), what you can take care of is, that your content is of HIGH QUALITY.

That way you are going to show Bing that you are an “authority” in the given niche and you can still gain page authority, rather than according to its age.


While Google is more comprehensive and intuitive when it comes to keywords, Bing still focuses on word-by-word meaning.

So, you want to make sure the spelling is correct, the word makes sense, and that it posses enough monthly search. (If you are not sure how many searches each word has, you should use keyword research tool)

Additionally, you should be extra cautious when it comes to meta description, meta (SEO) title, and post or page title.

Bing is for some reason very sensitive and pays more attention to meta description than Google.

There are cases that websites from the first page on Google, were anywhere around the first page of Bing just due to the lacking meta description.


Google is focused on backlink quality, and Bing on the other hand on link quantity.

That said, it doesn’t mean, that you are go to be creating backlinks like crazy( I don’t recommend any shady tactics to increase the number of your links)

It means as the more correctly created backlinks your website has, as higher it will rank on Bing.

Do you want to mess up with the quality of your content?


Can you support the creation of the backlinks?


There are several ways that can help you achieve that:

  • Think for instance on social media. As you go to increase your social media presence and simultaneously providing value to your audience, there is a high chance people will link to your website and share your content.
  • Include the link of your website in every bio on every social media channel you are present
  • Another great way is to approach an expert, whose suggestion or tip you can mention on your blog. What about an interview with such an expert? Even better. You might think, someone who is successful and is earning a lot of money would not care about you…but you might be surprised how many entrepreneurs still go to their roots and know how hard is when you are starting out.
    Try it, and you might find someone who is going to gladly participate.
    Just remember this please, and when you are going to be rocking, help folks if they are going to approach you as an expert to help them.

How to rank on Bing?

Those are the important facts to remember when you think about how to rank on Bing:

  • Yahoo is part of the Bing, if you rank on Bing, you rank automatically on Yahoo too
  • when you optimize for Google, you optimize in many ways for Bing as well
  • with the extra work you put on Bing, you gain wider expansion => new audience
  • use Bing places if you are a local business
  • use high-quality media with ALT TEXT description 
  • increase your social media presence => natural link building 

how to rank on Bing

Bing rankings can just help you 

As you can see, there are a couple of differences between ranking on Google and how to rank on Bing.

In a nutshell, if you are going to write your content, I don’t want you to be thinking about: am I writing for Google or Bing right now?

Because as you move forward these techniques will become NATURAL to you.

Besides that, you can plan to rank on Google, but end up ranking high on Bing. Is that bad just because it was not your intention?

Of course not.

In fact, you can run your business purely on Bing and be still super successful. If you decided to.

But in general, my advice is to focus on your SEO in one package, don’t divide the different search engines, but rather try to comprehend with both of them, and in the end, you’ll see where you will rank higher.

P.S. For me personally it is a bit easier to rank on Bing than to rank on Google.

Below you can see my ranking on a particular post on the domain, approximately six months old.

how to rank on Bing

I hope this post on how to rank on Bing was helpful to you.

I would kindly ask you to share it with your friends or colleagues you think might need it.

Thank you.

Your friend,


About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. this is different and good. You bring a lot of good information & the thing about this information keeps you reading till the end & makes you feel like you want to know more & more. I like the way you bring these types of topics to help people.

    Keep the good work


    1. Hey Venche. Thank you very, very much for your nice words. It makes me feel great, knowing that the content of my post is captivating enough and you like to read it. Hopefully, you could find there as well some helpful information for you and your website. let me know please if I can help you with something particular. Cheers

  2. This is very useful info for me. I have mainly focused on ranking on Google, but I also want to rank with my websites on Bing. I will definitely be following your advice.
    I find the difference of focus on keywords between Google and Bing interesting. It makes me want to adapt the keywords in my new articles a little, to ensure that they can rank on both Google and Bing.

    1. I am very happy Christine that I could help you out with my post. That is my intention. I would be happy if my tips are going to help you to achieve the rankings you aim for. Please let me know if you have any concerns, I would be more than happy to help you out. Cheers

  3. Hi, wow great article. Now I understand more about my site. My website ranks on the first page of Bing and Yahoo. And this for a lot of my posts. But only just one post ranks the first page of Google.

    My post has about 1200 words on each. Do you think that it can be because I don’t have enough words?
    Thank you for sharing this good information

    1. Hi Lyne. The fact that you rank on Bing and Yahoo is great by itself. For that, you should be happy. The reasons why you don’t rank on Google yet could be various. For instance, competition is one of them. To rank on Google, you have to “fight” with more websites and keywords which are the same or almost the same, remember that Bing is more focused on word-by-word, but Google not. In reality, Google can rank under one particular keyword, posts also with a different keyword, while on Bing it won’t happen probably. My advice, in general, would be, stay patient and optimize in general, the success on google will come. For particular tips for Google, you can reach out also on this post. I hope this helped you and please send me a message anytime you’d like.

  4. This opened a new perspective—a great way to get some extra traffic and pass the competition. I’ll certainly be looking into it.

    I’ve been mainly focused on getting Google traffic, but this post changes everything for me.

    Loved your post btw. Keep it up!


    1. Thank you Gorjan, Happy I could open for you a new way of seeing things. Many people try to focus on Google(that is not bad, right when they own the majority of the market) but Bing is offering an extra place for people. Particularly in specific niches like Education or Technologies the numbers(at least in the U.S.) are that there are more people on Bing like on Google. If you see it from the perspective of competition, and you are in one of these niches, Bing might be even better for you. Cheers

  5. Hey,

    This is such an important article because I believe we should be trying to rank on bing aswell as google. I love your tips and I am going to put them into action. I will share this article with a few friends who are also trying build their websites and get their SEO right too.

    I will let you know how I am going with your recommendations and if I have any burning questions or issues then I will get on touch. If that is OK with you?

    Thank you for sharing and keep up the great work.

    All the best,


    1. Hi Tom. Please, feel free to come to my website or to me personally any time you have some burning questions. I want to be here for you and people like you, who need help. Because, we all know that the internet is huge and oftentimes confusing advice coming from every side, so it is not easy to know what to do. I would definitely suggest trying to rank for both search engines, as there are really plenty of pros ranking on Bing would bring your website. Among few ads and competition. Cheers

  6. I used to always disregard Bing as search engine however you have listed some key points and have made me intrigued… As per your study do you think there is a higher conversion rate on Bing as compared to Google,( I mean CTRs)?

    I have not given a serious thought on Bing ads but now I am rethinking my marketing strategy – Thanks for sharing!

    1. Great question. And yes, you were guessing it right. As the competition on Bing is lower the conversion rate should be better. And indeed the CTR regarding Bing Ads is 2,83% while Google ads are enjoying 1,91%. So even from this perspective, it is definitely worth it to understand how to rank on Bing and optimize for this search engine as well. I hope this helped you with your question, cheers.

  7. Thank You Admin for your helpful article. Along this time I was confused for my site result in each browsers because my site eppears not same between Google and Bing search.

    Good luck

    1. You welcome Chintya! I am super happy my blog post help you define the differences. It might be confusing at first, but once you dive a bit deeper, it can get more clear. It is generally harder to rank on Google, because of the higher competition. On the other side, if your target audience hang out on Bing, you can reach out to them easier. I hope this helped. Let me know, if I can be helpful with something else. Cheers

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