how to earn money online without any investment

Almost every single person wants to earn more money while doing less. If you belong to that group, internet is the way that can help you achieve that.

Therefore, in my post I am going to show you the 10 ways on How to Earn money Online without any Investment.

Some of them are recommended and some less, but after reading this post, you should be ready to choose the right one for you.

There is barely something so reward able as passive ONLINE income.

Yet, many people have troubles to find the right vehicle.

Let me show you the way. Shall we start?

Not Recommended Ways to Earn Money Online

Disclaimer: As the owner of, I have searched and found special deals for products, tools, and services mentioned in the post you are reading. When you click my affiliate links on this page to make a purchase, I may get a small commission.

Firstly, start with the ways that ARE NOT RECOMMENDED.

Nowadays, sadly enough, there are ways that are not working out. Owners of such methods are earning money mostly through “buying” people on that shiny object idea.

I don’t want to deal with the SCAMS so much in my blog post.

Rather, I am going to mention few methods that might look glamorous, profitable and easy-to-do at first sight, but in reality deliver LOW INCOMES and cost PLENTY OF TIME.

Playing Online Games

In recent, very popular way of earning money online, yet tricky one.

The creators of such games are profiting from the concept that most favourite online games are using. Games such a Candy Crush for instance.

Once you will create account on any of the thousands available platforms, you will have to spend a lot of time learning/playing the game for ridiculously low reward.

At some point, some games will “offer” you specific upgrades in return you pay for them with real $$$.

In fact, until now, I haven’t found a single game worth of playing that is bringing regular and significant cash.

how to earn money online without any investment
how to earn money online without any investment

Reward Sites

They work on easy principle:

Earning money while surfing a web.

While it looks like a super easy way to earn money by doing the same things you do anyway( almost every human being is surfing, shoping or watching videos online)

Indeed good option, only when the rewards would be higher.

Take for instance one of the most popular rewards sites, Swagbucks.

(Additionally, more and more apps, work same way as Swagbucks)

To earn 1000 SB that equals $1, you have to watch some 6000 videos. Yes, there are other activities that you use on daily basis, like search engine for instance.

I am just afraid that the time spend and reward received is not worth using the site.

Survey Sites

The problem when earning money by filing surveys is not different from in the methods mentioned earlier.

You are going to spend long hours behind the computer to receive small reward. In addition, oftentimes it will be just in form of points and not real money.

Further on, you won’t be accepted to participate on every survey.

In fact, cases when 20 minutes spent on filling the personal info, and be dropped shortly before the payout, are not rare.

Recommended Ways on How to Earn Money Online Without any Investment

The list of recommended ways how to earn money online without any investment is luckily longer than the not recommended one.

Even though, I did my best to cover all of them, it is quite impossible, so bare in my mind, there are other options.

Actually, if you know some, and those are not being mentioned in my blog post, share them in comment are below.

I want to put in your attention also the fact, that some of these recommended options are working better when making small investment. However, this investment is purely on education or higher your chance to make them more profitable for you.

In fact, you can do start any of the options below, without ANY INVESTMENT.

Affiliate Marketing

Not owning the product, no need of customer service, and therefore not obligation to deal with returns are just a few advantages that make Affiliate Marketing, the best way to earn money online.

Moreover, you don’t need:

  • sales pages
  • marketing campaign
  • big budget

Instead, you will:

  • work whenever and wherever you want
  • work without a boss
  • selling products/services you like


Skill, many times described as odd, even by actual copywriters.

But if you enjoy writing, this option could fulfil your wildest dreams.

The truth is, that some best paid copywriters are earning millions.

If you want to get started with Copywriting, but you have no experience, I recommend you starting with these two books:

When you want to move step forward and you understand that in order to get valuable knowledge, there are some step-by-step course in various types of Copywriting strategies.

Covering the most important stuff like portfolio creation and creation of your first space ad. Some great courses are:

YouTube Marketing

This “crazy web” doesn’t need a long introduction.

Since 2005, it has grown to the biggest video platform on the web.

Digital Marketers found its extra value too.

Not only the number of users are growing massively, but also the number of monetisation ways are growing rapidly.

You can drive extra traffic from YouTube to your affiliate offers, but you can also monetise your channel members.

Less interesting, still profitable ways are sponsored videos or YouTube ads.

I hate that my videos are interrupted with YouTube ads, so I don’t want to be one of those “annoying” persons.

(If you don’t mind that, it can earn you some good money).


Even though this option is become less popular because of the increased competition that is decreasing your revenue, it is can be still profitable way to earn your money online.

Sites like Upwork, Entrepreneur, or Fiverr, are hub spot for freelancers and people offering “gigs”.

Several skills are wanted on those and similar sites. To name few of them:

  • graphic/web design
  • content marketing
  • copywriter

One important thing to remember, freelancing and copywriting are both functions that require you to actually keep “working”.

On the other side Affiliate Marketing for instance is earning you passive income. That can be very important and decision influencing factor for you.

Create an Own Product

Sounds harder as it is in reality.

The conditions are similar as in affiliate marketing, YouTube, or social marketing.

Find audience, product/service they need and you are expert in, the way how to sell it and collect your $$$.

how to earn money online without any investment

One step, in between though.

Find someone who will manufacture this product for you. In this book, you’ll find resources (and guide) to help you start.

Search Engine Evaluator

If you don’t know what SE Evaluator does, hereby short explanation:

As SE Evaluator you’ll be working on improving search queries online.

Think of it as if you type query “sushi restaurant in Atlanta”, there are tons of results.

You will be shown some websites and you would need to give a hint which one suits the query the best. Based on website accuracy.

Appen is legit company, where you will find besides SE Evaluator tasks other profitable options on how to earn money online without any investment.

Some are transcriber, or translator.

Recommended Ways to Earn Money Online (with Risk/Investment)

Some ways of earning money are legit and valid, but do require your investment prior joining it.

I decided to dedicate them extra space in my blog post.

Mostly because they are profitable and can generate you passive income with low time investment.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that any investing option is bringing risk. As well as, I am not attorney or financial advisory and all the information provided below is based on personal experience only. Therefore, the information contains below, is not an investment advice.

Peer-to-Peer Loans

You will lend your money to someone living in other part of the world.

Mostly to people who are building their house and instead of standard mortgage from bank, they choose this alternative. Also, you may borrow your money to people with existing properties in need of bridge, development, or business loan.

The waiting times both for borrower and investor are lower.

In addition to this, the interest rates are higher for you as an investor.

how to earn money online without any investment

Estate Guru is enjoying great reviews.Their offer is very clear and the joining/withdrawal fees are one of the lowest.


Strategy that receives quite contrary reactions.

You’ll find doubters, who think that it is too risky or even scummy.

On the other side, I know stories, where people where able to buy a house in Amsterdam with the money from Bitcoin!!

how to earn money online without any investment

I guess as in every business opportunity, there is risk involved. Bitcoin is receiving such a polar reaction because it is new and many people still don’t know how it works.

I guess only time will say if this strategy is working. But you don’t want to wait too long either. The value of it is growing what makes it harder for interested investors to make profit. I started recently and so far have made $200 within 2 months using this app.

P.S. When you join through the link above, you and I, we both will get $25 bonus.

Your Turn

If you did make it to the end of my blog post, I want to thank you.

In the same time, I hope you’ve got deeper overview and inspiration when searching for ways on how to earn money online without any investment.

At the beginning of my post I mentioned, there are plenty SCAMMERS out there today.

You really want to be cautious when seeing any “shiny” object online.

If you are visiting my website regularly, you know that I’ve collected plenty of product reviews.

Many of them legit, profitable and valuable.

Unfortunately, as well as many scams.

Now it is your turn, to choose the way that is suiting you the best.

Honestly, I can hardly think about better way to earn passive income, as doing it online.

If you like this post, please share the word.

About the Author

Julius is an Online Marketing enthusiast helping people with creating financial freedom. Thanks to Affiliate Marketing it never has been easier. In his free time is Julius spending his time on the soccer field, in the airplane, with a great book, or with his friends.

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  1. Hi Julius, Thank you so much for putting these together, it is really helpful as I am starting my journey to financial freedom. I am going to check the affiliate marketing options. Thank you!

    1. Happy to hear from you Helene. Check my website for regular updates. Also browse my older posts, as I am busy with that topic quick a lot, ha-ha. If you have any questions now, I am always available to give you some hint.

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